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Ayatollahgondola 05-31-2011 07:16 AM

Chelene Nightingale's Nazism Surfaces On Facebook Page
Well, here's a familiar theme. Chelene ferreting out those who show the slightest wavering in their adherence to the Nightingale doctrines. I don't know this poor soul who dared question her majesty, but I predict a summary execution by electronic means, and then a quick coverup with short public humiliation


Chelene Nightingale
If you "like" this page then make sure you are a strict constitutionally-minded person or someone who wants to learn more about liberty. I have no time for those willing to just let our freedom and liberty be trampled upon in the name of unconstitutional laws or personal opinion. The Constitution is NOT a living, breathing document up for "change".

Chelene Nightingale I no longer will tolerate those who want to give our liberty away so easily. I am not out here defending liberty so that people can argue for communist laws. I am not concerned about losing "fans". The Founding Fathers had little support. I would rather only have 12 fans of liberty than thousands who only want some liberty but will give up their rights so easily in the name of unconstitutional laws.
10 hours ago · 4 people.

Lawrence Gant So wait a second here!!! You are preaching about the constitution, but you are deleting the posts of people who are disagreeing with you!!! "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." Thomas Jefferson.......Right Chelene??!!!
10 hours ago


Lawrence Gant I am absolutely appauld at you and your conduct Chelene. I am not going to "unlike" your page. I am going to stay put and call you on your BS everytime you do stupid things like this!! Allow people to have the FREEDOM to disagree with you Chelene!!
10 hours ago

Jeanfromfillmore 05-31-2011 12:15 PM

Chelene sure has a big head these days. I really find the "I don't have time for....bla, bla, bla" very amusing. She speaks as though her time is so valuable. If it's so valuable that 'she doesn't have time' then she should get a job and have someone pay for her valuable time, then pay back the money she borrowed. What an ego! Chelene, your time isn't worth squat until you pay your debts, and if it's so valuable why aren't you getting paid for it?

LAPhil 05-31-2011 12:44 PM

Whoever this Lawrence Gant is, I like his attitude. He actually has the courage to stand up to Chelene, which seems totally appropriate in light of her actions. This is really hard for me to say, as I used to consider her one of my best friends, but she has either lost her mind or she's always been nuts and I just couldn't see it before.

The Waco Kid 05-31-2011 05:33 PM

Chelene has always had a big head but a very tiny brain. She paints herself in a corner every time, people like her always do that. She is a sociopath but not very good at keeping her lies in order.

The Waco Kid 05-31-2011 06:00 PM

I kept thinking the voice on this video sounded familiar..... now I know why. Good stuff Sam.

LAPhil 05-31-2011 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by The Waco Kid (Post 16462)

I kept thinking the voice on this video sounded familiar..... now I know why. Good stuff Sam.

Yes, that pretty much says it all.

Ayatollahgondola 06-01-2011 06:45 AM

Nightingale is still a duplicitous, hypocrite. But it seems she has really slipped back into the McCarthyism mode. Having lost the election, she no longer needs the votes of those she previously tolerated.


Chelene Nightingale
Thank you Barbara. It is people like Lawrence who claim to want liberty yet are the very ones who degrade those fighting for liberty as he proves here. And by the way Lawrence, those on this page do not want to waste time debating those who so easily will give up tyranny...we are too busy fighting for freedom so you can "abuse" free speech. I have the freedom to protect myself and to protect the Constitution. Not everyone who has "liked" this page are liberty defenders some are trolls monitoring and trying to cause divide. By the way Lawrence people do not care about your "free speech" games. We see right through it.


Chelene Nightingale James, I really am wondering about you these days. The OATH KEEPERS organized a march on Memorial Day. I will be sharing your comments with both Stewart Rhodes and Sheriff Mack to show just how much more work they need to do in order to stop tyranny amongst their own ranks. By the way Richard Mack is against the banning of any gun even if pink.
7 hours ago

Ayatollahgondola 06-04-2011 09:00 AM

The backlash continues:

In response to Chelene's posting of a "dance at Santa Monica Pier" related to that Jefferson memorial fiasco. Check the last entry


7 people like this..

Vance Martin The pier is getting old, I hope it can take the stress.
12 hours ago.

Richard Wheeler I'd take a pole and go at 8. You don't need a license to fish from a public pier.
12 hours ago · 1 person.

Vance Martin You might catch's too far for me, I'm in Sac and I'm not coming down there for any reason...lived there in the late 70s.
11 hours ago.

Richard Wheeler Vince has an incredibly handsome, distinguished profile pic.
11 hours ago.

Vance Martin back at ya Rich.
10 hours ago.

Frank Bornstein take me off your friend list please. I don't know you!
about an hour ago.

Eagle1 06-04-2011 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 16440)
Whoever this Lawrence Gant is, I like his attitude. He actually has the courage to stand up to Chelene, which seems totally appropriate in light of her actions. This is really hard for me to say, as I used to consider her one of my best friends, but she has either lost her mind or she's always been nuts and I just couldn't see it before.

LAPhil don't feel like the lone stranger. I liked her very much also but probably spent more time than many with her as I used to pick her up and take her to rallies with me and such. After awhile I started noticing an aspect to her personality that she had managed to keep hidden though not entirely successfully. She was manipulative, bent on domination, willing to lie when it suited her agenda, humiliate others, and subjugate others to her whims which at times were made known in an imperial manner that made it clear that she was "it" and everybody else was nothing more than dirt beneath her feet. I was appalled when I came to grips with the reality of who she is versus who she promotes herself to be. She has some good qualities that are completely offset by her megalomaniac needs. I quietly separated myself from her after a number of embarrassing situations. This woman is a prime example of why we are in trouble in the USA. She is one of many whose personalities occupy public office. People like her, regardless of what comes out of their mouths, are the problem.

Eagle1 06-04-2011 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by The Waco Kid (Post 16460)
Chelene has always had a big head but a very tiny brain. She paints herself in a corner every time, people like her always do that. She is a sociopath but not very good at keeping her lies in order.

You have said this in a way that fits my perceptions of this woman to a tee.
I believe all of it to be absolutely true.

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