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Ayatollahgondola 04-15-2010 07:07 AM

Teaching the "white privilidge" Premise
I don't like the race issue to be a driving force here, or even a focus, but propaganda is propaganda, and it must be addressed:


Wise pointed out, as an example, that the majority of CEOs of top companies are white men, who he then criticized for losing billions of dollars over the last few years.

"It would take half a millennium for black and brown folk to steal that much damn money!" Wise joked before adding, "But we're more afraid of a black guy crossing the street in a hoodie than we are of rich white men driving around in their Lexuses."

Twoller 04-15-2010 08:37 AM

Corrupt minorities milking white guilt for whatever crumbs they can scratch up is hardly news and nothing to worry about. I think with the Obamination presidency, this milking has pretty much peaked. It really has no other place to go and all they have left is the need to get people's attention.

Don't give it to them.

If you want to worry about something, there are plenty of people out there who still believe that there are rational claims to something like racial superiority and advocate national and foreign policies based on these.

Ayatollahgondola 04-15-2010 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 7943)
Corrupt minorities milking white guilt for whatever crumbs they can scratch up is hardly news and nothing to worry about. I think with the Obamination presidency, this milking has pretty much peaked. It really has no other place to go and all they have left is the need to get people's attention.

Don't give it to them.

If you want to worry about something, there are plenty of people out there who still believe that there are rational claims to something like racial superiority and advocate national and foreign policies based on these.

Crumbs? These programs are going national, and just look at the attendees....700. What do you think will come out of educating kids to be biased against whites? This program has hardly peaked; It's just getting started

Twoller 04-15-2010 12:38 PM

If you want to make something out of this kind of crap, you just make the problem worse. What they need is your attention, if nobody gets outraged, then they have failed in a basic objective.

If you insist on getting excited about stuff like this when there is so little going on, it is easy to imagine you have an interest in it as well. It is another fake debate propped up by participants on either side of the drama who both have an interest. It's sort of like the Drug War. Criminals have an interest in it and so do the police. The two need each and they know it and either one typically skips to the other side occasionally to pick up a little money and power from a different angle.

Racism has a history of being a real problem and we still have enough racists to worry about the problem. Are CEO's behind racism? No, that's not where the problem has its roots. So what if the majority of CEO's are white? That doesn't have anything to do with racism. Would a racist argue that it does? Of course, they would say that it is evidence of racial superiority, but that doesn't qualify as evidence at all. But the racists are in total agreement with these folks who say that it is racism that makes all the CEO's white. See? They work together to keep everyone off balance and in order to influence people they need your attention.

Don't give it to them. Keep your eyes on the real problem, but only if you are actually concerned about the real problem.

Jeanfromfillmore 04-15-2010 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 7946)
If you want to make something out of this kind of crap, you just make the problem worse. What they need is your attention, if nobody gets outraged, then they have failed in a basic objective.

If you insist on getting excited about stuff like this when there is so little going on, it is easy to imagine you have an interest in it as well. It is another fake debate propped up by participants on either side of the drama who both have an interest. It's sort of like the Drug War. Criminals have an interest in it and so do the police. The two need each and they know it and either one typically skips to the other side occasionally to pick up a little money and power from a different angle.

Racism has a history of being a real problem and we still have enough racists to worry about the problem. Are CEO's behind racism? No, that's not where the problem has its roots. So what if the majority of CEO's are white? That doesn't have anything to do with racism. Would a racist argue that it does? Of course, they would say that it is evidence of racial superiority, but that doesn't qualify as evidence at all. But the racists are in total agreement with these folks who say that it is racism that makes all the CEO's white. See? They work together to keep everyone off balance and in order to influence people they need your attention.

Don't give it to them. Keep your eyes on the real problem, but only if you are actually concerned about the real problem.

Your whole comment is, well wrong. Letting the commenters off by just ignoring such racist crap is not going to make it go away. They need to be called out and exposed. Have you spent time in a college or university class lately. It's not anything like school of 30 years ago. They are pounding the students to hate this country and hate Whites. And this sort of statements that all CEOs are White just perpetuates that anti White agenda. They need to be called on the double standard of their racism.

Twoller 04-15-2010 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 7950)
Your whole comment is, well wrong. Letting the commenters off by just ignoring such racist crap is not going to make it go away. They need to be called out and exposed. Have you spent time in a college or university class lately. It's not anything like school of 30 years ago. They are pounding the students to hate this country and hate Whites. And this sort of statements that all CEOs are White just perpetuates that anti White agenda. They need to be called on the double standard of their racism.

You are seriously out of touch with the universities. I wonder if you have ever attended a university. Universities are always and always have been a source of foment and intellectual confrontation. This is the way it must be. It's mostly because universities are filled with young and impressionable adults who are itching to show they are special, different and to get attention. We hope that universities will give us the chance to spot the brightest with the most potential. Meanwhile, some of them go on to become college professors, which is a worthy position that follows closely on the passions of university students. What we see here is a natural consequence.

The best way of confronting bad information in universities is with good information, it is not to give them your attention, especially if you yourself are as weak on the subject as they are. If you don't like the universities teaching evolution and want an equal audience for creation theory, you are not going to get an audience unless they are as intellectually weak as you are. But if you are, then it's not going to attract the attention of the rest of us who know better than both you or your intellectual opponents in some soft headed university.

Thirty years ago was the eighties, but even further back in the sixties it was even worse. But some of the confrontation was justified in the sixties and did a lot to advance universities to standards that everyone could agree to. Free speech on campus, more opportunities for women in faculty, minority studies. These are all good things, subject to corruption and misapplication like anything that goes on in any institution.

The best way to confront problems in any institution of higher learning is to not stoop to the level of people doing the damage. Always assume a higher tone and stick to the subject which presumes to be addressed. Universities function by being places of intellectual discipline and insisting on it is always the best way to confront things like we see in the above article. And this is all at Sacramento State University, not exactly an intellectual center by anyone's standards.

Jeanfromfillmore 04-15-2010 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 7951)
You are seriously out of touch with the universities. I wonder if you have ever attended a university. Universities are always and always have been a source of foment and intellectual confrontation. This is the way it must be. It's mostly because universities are filled with young and impressionable adults who are itching to show they are special, different and to get attention. We hope that universities will give us the chance to spot the brightest with the most potential. Meanwhile, some of them go on to become college professors, which is a worthy position that follows closely on the passions of university students. What we see here is a natural consequence.

The best way of confronting bad information in universities is with good information, it is not to give them your attention, especially if you yourself are as weak on the subject as they are. If you don't like the universities teaching evolution and want an equal audience for creation theory, you are not going to get an audience unless they are as intellectually weak as you are. But if you are, then it's not going to attract the attention of the rest of us who know better than both you or your intellectual opponents in some soft headed university.

Thirty years ago was the eighties, but even further back in the sixties it was even worse. But some of the confrontation was justified in the sixties and did a lot to advance universities to standards that everyone could agree to. Free speech on campus, more opportunities for women in faculty, minority studies. These are all good things, subject to corruption and misapplication like anything that goes on in any institution.

The best way to confront problems in any institution of higher learning is to not stoop to the level of people doing the damage. Always assume a higher tone and stick to the subject which presumes to be addressed. Universities function by being places of intellectual discipline and insisting on it is always the best way to confront things like we see in the above article. And this is all at Sacramento State University, not exactly an intellectual center by anyone's standards.

You're full of $HIT.

PochoPatriot 04-15-2010 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 7953)
You're full of $HIT.


ilbegone 04-15-2010 05:50 PM

They say that whites are afraid to talk about race.

But, stepping between the landmines, it needs to be done.

What is the difference between the real Movimiento Estudial Chicano de Aztlan and the hypothetical Skinhead Student Movement for an Aryan American Homeland?

Absolutely nothing. Yet the first is encouraged by "educators" and various goverment employees and explained away as "cultural pride", while the second would be universally condemned as being racist - but a white skinhead race "club" in university couldn't be any more racist than the race obsessed university "club" MECHA.

During the Chicano walkouts in 1968, the 50% graduation rate of Latinos in the schools targeted by walkouts was blamed on the white school board. Forty years later, with those of the Chicano walk out mentality largely dictating the curriculum, the graduation rate for Latinos in those same schools is roughly the the same - about 50%.

So, over the last year or so the spin has been that, in spite of all the dollars thrown at education, white middle class Americans are unwilling to spend money to educate minorities.

Lately, the spin has turned to the half truth that "immigrant" parents don't realize they can confront the education system concerning their children's education.

It's total bullshit. It's obvious who the real racists are, and they need to be brought to task for their racism.

Twoller 04-15-2010 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 7977)
They say that whites are afraid to talk about race.

But, stepping between the landmines, it needs to be done.

What is the difference between the real Movimiento Estudial Chicano de Aztlan and the hypothetical Skinhead Student Movement for an Aryan American Homeland?

Absolutely nothing. Yet the first is encouraged by "educators" and various goverment employees and explained away as "cultural pride", while the second would be universally condemned as being racist - but a white skinhead race "club" in university couldn't be any more racist than the race obsessed university "club" MECHA.


Sure, what is the real difference? None. Please try to understand. At one time white racism was very respectable on campus. At one time, white racism had intellectual respectability. Right, it's all skinheads now, but not too long ago it was guys in tweed. Really. It was white racism then, now it's non-white racism. Can't you see? It's the same people whipping up the same people on either side of the race boundary. But it's crap and shouldn't stand the light of day on a good university.

Rim05 04-16-2010 04:28 AM

I am so tired of race ruling every conversation. Illegal immigration has now changed to RACE. Seems to me we are losing the Illegal immigration because everyone connects it to race. There was a time when I will say the Black populaton was at the bottom or the end of every line of everything. Now they are (in the minds of some) still at those line ends but every Illegal of any color or origin wants to advance to the head of the line. I wonder how anyone believes we can still be the country we once were if we are all always fighting about race.
Black people cannot for get where they were say in 1920 and others want them to be there again. I must say I am against Illegal immigration by anyone and I do not place one race over nor below any other.

The Tea Party is beginning to appear to be more racist than I thought at first. I know a lot of you Tea Party people and I do not think of you as racists but you will have to distance your selves from those who have infiltrated you the same as the skin heads tried to do with the old SOS, we rejected them, all of us did.

Don 04-16-2010 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 8000)
I am so tired of race ruling every conversation. Illegal immigration has now changed to RACE. Seems to me we are losing the Illegal immigration because everyone connects it to race. There was a time when I will say the Black populaton was at the bottom or the end of every line of everything. Now they are (in the minds of some) still at those line ends but every Illegal of any color or origin wants to advance to the head of the line. I wonder how anyone believes we can still be the country we once were if we are all always fighting about race.
Black people cannot for get where they were say in 1920 and others want them to be there again. I must say I am against Illegal immigration by anyone and I do not place one race over nor below any other.

The Tea Party is beginning to appear to be more racist than I thought at first. I know a lot of you Tea Party people and I do not think of you as racists but you will have to distance your selves from those who have infiltrated you the same as the skin heads tried to do with the old SOS, we rejected them, all of us did.

Race rules conversations because a race war of ultimate extermination has been waged against white people for more than half a century. The teaching of anti-white hatred in public schools is an integral part of this ongoing war. The blacks and browns understand that this is a race war. They openly say it. The only people who deny it, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, are brow beaten, whites who are more afraid of being called "racists" than they are of being exterminated.

White children in minority controlled public schools are subject daily to racially motivated hate speech and physical violence. A white mother and business owner was interviewed and related that her decision to leave California was based, in part, on the fact that Mexicans at her daughter's public high school would not allow her white daughter to use the rest rooms. The girl had to come home during the school day to use the bathroom at home. I know people who personally experienced this kind of treatment from "minorities" in forcibly integrated public schools in the 1960's. That's why whites withdrew their children from rcially integrated schools in the South and why whites fled racially integrated inner cities in that era. It was because they didn't want their children to be beaten, attacked, denigrated and denied something as basic as access to school restrooms. Given the number of Mexicans I see urinating in public I understand why using rest rooms is not a big deal for them, but fore most whites using indoor plumbing is the norm. This is the tip of the ice berg.

Where is the outcry concerning brown and black racially motivated violence against white children? There is none. Whites are second class citizens and their children deserve to be hated, dispossessed and ultimately killed. Anyone who speaks up for white children will be denounced as a "racist." Black and Hispanic murderers can be defended, but their white victims are slienced by the gag rule that denounces any white affimation of equality as "racism." You cannot criticize non-white criminals and you can't defend white crime victims.

If non-white exterminationists will stand idley by while blacks and browns brutalize innocent white children, what the Hell do you think they have planned for you?

Ayatollahgondola 04-16-2010 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 8009)
Race rules conversations because a race war of ultimate extermination has been waged against white people for more than half a century. The teaching of anti-white hatred in public schools is an integral part of this ongoing war. The blacks and browns understand that this is a race war. They openly say it. The only people who deny it, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, are brow beaten, whites who are more afraid of being called "racists" than they are of being exterminated.

White children in minority controlled public schools are subject daily to racially motivated hate speech and physical violence. A white mother and business owner was interviewed and related that her decision to leave California was based, in part, on the fact that Mexicans at her daughter's public high school would not allow her white daughter to use the rest rooms. The girl had to come home during the school day to use the bathroom at home. I know people who personally experienced this kind of treatment from "minorities" in forcibly integrated public schools in the 1960's. That's why whites withdrew their children from rcially integrated schools in the South and why whites fled racially integrated inner cities in that era. It was because they didn't want their children to be beaten, attacked, denigrated and denied something as basic as access to school restrooms. Given the number of Mexicans I see urinating in public I understand why using rest rooms is not a big deal for them, but fore most whites using indoor plumbing is the norm. This is the tip of the ice berg.

Where is the outcry concerning brown and black racially motivated violence against white children? There is none. Whites are second class citizens and their children deserve to be hated, dispossessed and ultimately killed. Anyone who speaks up for white children will be denounced as a "racist." Black and Hispanic murderers can be defended, but their white victims are slienced by the gag rule that denounces any white affimation of equality as "racism." You cannot criticize non-white criminals and you can't defend white crime victims.

If non-white exterminationists will stand idley by while blacks and browns brutalize innocent white children, what the Hell do you think they have planned for you?

Don, I think you are clearly Mr Wise's antitheseis. The way I see it is that there's people like him on one side, and you on the other side. Then there are a big majority that don't subscribe to either one of you. Both Wise's and your agendas are encouraging more polarization as opposed to ending the problem. Both of you have facts and evidence that support your agenda, and some are not in dispute. Where I believe you are failing is your response. the vast majority of people do not want a racially pointed war. You are not going to win over the minds of people to your side by trying to convince them that the only way to protect themselves is to pack up by virtue of their race and prepare for the inevitable epic battle. Even were it true, people will not see it because they don't want something like that come to pass. Packing up by race is a primal urge, and if the mindset that you subscribe to about mexicans and blacks being so acclimated towards that, why would whites be any better than them if they succumbed to it? That's a rhetorical question by the way
Mr Wise's propaganda should be addressed in a rational manner that the people who attended his event would be at least receptive to. It is my sincere belief that you would be booed off the stage within minutes using your strategy

Star 04-16-2010 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 7977)
They say that whites are afraid to talk about race.

Remember-- what Holder said-- *whites lacked the C word*, now that's INSULTING...!?

But, stepping between the landmines, it needs to be done.

No-- Holder IS a bully, and enjoys playing the race card--- the race card *shuts up* the white person whom has been trained to be intimidated by it...!!

What is the difference between the real Movimiento Estudial Chicano de Aztlan and the hypothetical Skinhead Student Movement for an Aryan American Homeland?

Absolutely nothing. Yet the first is encouraged by "educators" and various goverment employees and explained away as "cultural pride", while the second would be universally condemned as being racist - but a white skinhead race "club" in university couldn't be any more racist than the race obsessed university "club" MECHA.


During the Chicano walkouts in 1968, the 50% graduation rate of Latinos in the schools targeted by walkouts was blamed on the white school board. Forty years later, with those of the Chicano walk out mentality largely dictating the curriculum, the graduation rate for Latinos in those same schools is roughly the the same - about 50%.

So, over the last year or so the spin has been that, in spite of all the dollars thrown at education, white middle class Americans are unwilling to spend money to educate minorities.

Lately, the spin has turned to the half truth that "immigrant" parents don't realize they can confront the education system concerning their children's education.

It's total bullshit. It's obvious who the real racists are, and they need to be brought to task for their racism.

Where IS our courage...??

Twoller 04-16-2010 12:45 PM

The idea that one race is targeting another is a classic racist mythology. Blacks have believed it and whites have believed it. Hispanics are too busy warding off the problem of immigration to foment some fairytale about being targeted for racial extermination. And, they are too busy breeding like insects to worry about it. It would be an empty accusation.

Rim05 04-16-2010 05:35 PM

This is for Don and Star!
No matter how you feel and how much you think you are right, you must realize the US (and many other countries) have always been ruled by the white race. That has changed a great deal in the last 50 years and I think it is a good thing. No one should have to fear another race. I have no idea and no knowledge about any white children suffering the things that Don always reports about so I will just pass on that. I wonder if you two ever reread your posts, if you do you should be ashamed of your selves.

I thought this forum was an Illegal Immigration forum, guess I am wrong again. I am glad I can log out and go out in my garden and look at something beautiful.

Star 04-16-2010 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 8023)
This is for Don and Star!
No matter how you feel and how much you think you are right, you must realize the US (and many other countries) have always been ruled by the white race. That has changed a great deal in the last 50 years and I think it is a good thing. No one should have to fear another race. I have no idea and no knowledge about any white children suffering the things that Don always reports about so I will just pass on that. I wonder if you two ever reread your posts, if you do you should be ashamed of your selves.

I thought this forum was an Illegal Immigration forum, guess I am wrong again. I am glad I can log out and go out in my garden and look at something beautiful.

Why R U responding to me---??
I was giving my thumbs up to Ilbegone and explaining WHY I ABSOLUTELY AGREE W/HIS ANALYSIS. I suggest you READ more carefully!!

This can't be denied... try it and you'll be a fool... SHAME ON YOU...!!

Originally Posted by ilbegone
What is the difference between the real
Movimiento Estudial Chicano de Aztlan and the hypothetical Skinhead Student Movement for an Aryan American Homeland?
Absolutely nothing. Yet the first is encouraged by "educators" and various government employees and explained away as "cultural pride", while the second would be universally condemned as being racist - but a white skinhead race "club" in a university couldn't/IS NOT any more racist than the race obsessed university "club" MECHA.

Originally Posted by ilbegone
They say that whites are afraid to talk about race.

Remember-- what Holder said-- *whites lacked the C word*, now that's INSULTING...!?

But, stepping between the landmines, it needs to be done.

No-- Holder IS a bully, and enjoys playing the race card--- the race card *shuts up* the white person whom has been trained to be intimidated by it...!!

What is the difference between the real Movimiento Estudial Chicano de Aztlan and the hypothetical Skinhead Student Movement for an Aryan American Homeland?

Absolutely nothing. Yet the first is encouraged by "educators" and various goverment employees and explained away as "cultural pride", while the second would be universally condemned as being racist - but a white skinhead race "club" in university couldn't be any more racist than the race obsessed university "club" MECHA.


During the Chicano walkouts in 1968, the 50% graduation rate of Latinos in the schools targeted by walkouts was blamed on the white school board. Forty years later, with those of the Chicano walk out mentality largely dictating the curriculum, the graduation rate for Latinos in those same schools is roughly the the same - about 50%.

So, over the last year or so the spin has been that, in spite of all the dollars thrown at education, white middle class Americans are unwilling to spend money to educate minorities.

Lately, the spin has turned to the half truth that "immigrant" parents don't realize they can confront the education system concerning their children's education.

It's total bullshit. It's obvious who the real racists are, and they need to be brought to task for their racism.

Where IS our courage...??

Don 04-16-2010 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 8023)
This is for Don and Star!
No matter how you feel and how much you think you are right, you must realize the US (and many other countries) have always been ruled by the white race. That has changed a great deal in the last 50 years and I think it is a good thing. No one should have to fear another race. I have no idea and no knowledge about any white children suffering the things that Don always reports about so I will just pass on that. I wonder if you two ever reread your posts, if you do you should be ashamed of your selves.

I thought this forum was an Illegal Immigration forum, guess I am wrong again. I am glad I can log out and go out in my garden and look at something beautiful.

Yes, you are wrong. If you don't know about the savage attacks on white children, you must be the only one in the US.

Tim Bueller was a high school student in Ventura County who was threatened in 2004 0r 2005 with violence by Mexican "students" because of editorials he wrote in his school paper. The SWAT team was dispatched to his school to provide security. Bueller spoke of this on talk radio and at numerous anti-immigration rallies and events that I attended.

In 2005, a high school student named Josh (I foreget his last name) in Jurupa High School was threatened with violence by Mexicans because he wanted to organize a pro-American ralley off school premises during the lunch hour when students are free to come and go. Josh was suspended by the school administration who ordered him not to hold such a ralley. Of course, the pro-Mexican, boot licking school administration has no logal right to punish a student for off campus activities on his or her own time, but this minor point does not apply to white children. Ultimately a lawsuit was filed on his behalf and the school administraion rescinded his suspension. Josh reported that violence and intimidation against white kids by the on campus chapter of Mecha occurred almost daily at his school and that the administration was terrified of doing anything because of political backlash from the Hispanics. This incident was widely reported on talk radio and in the press and there was a rally held in support of him that I read about on line. I think Jim Gilchrist made a showing, at least that was what I read.

Also in 2005 the Mexi-scum were very active in other public schools with their racial supremacist organizations and were openly flying Mexcian flags. In Orange County public schools, white children, by contrast, were ordered not to display American flags on campus because it would "provoke" the Mexicans. (If a bunch of Japs had complained about American flags in public schools in 1941, they would have been lynched. How far we have sunk.) These events were widely reported in newspapers and on talk radio.

The story of the white high school girl who was denied access to high school restrooms by Mexicans was reported by a woman who was her mother on an internet video to which I previously provided a link on this site.

Terry Anderson is a black anti-immigration activist whose sunday night talk radio show is broacast locally on 870 am KRLA, and is syndicated around the country. Anderson has talked for years about attacks by Mexican youth gangs against black Americans in the schools and the fact that the school administtrations routinely lie about the extent and frequencey of black vs. brown racial gang wars in the high schools. Anderson says he receives a continual stream of emails from black parents about Mexican violence against their children. [The same blacks who voted 90% for Obama who supports bringing in more Mexicans and giving them amnesty!] These events were widely reported in the main stream media and discussed on talk radio. Larry Elder's talk radio show on 790 KABC discussed a specific incident of black vs. brown race riots on a high school campus and interviewed one black student who said: "We should stop fighting each other and unite against the white man." :D

Isn't that cute?

School administrations look the other way concerning Mexican violence beucase of the power of the HIspanic voting block, powerful Hispanic politicians, and powerful Hispanic supremacist organizations such as La Raza, Mecha, etc. IF school administrations defend white or even black students who are victims of Mexican savagry, the Hispanic political machine swings into action and squashes any meaningful effort to control these Mexican thugs. This is an integral part of the Mexican invasion and conquest of what's left of the United States.

The blacks have the NAACP, Al Sharton and the "Rev." Jesse Jackson. The Mexicans have La Raza, Mecha and the Hispanic political machine. Who speaks for white children? NO ONE! Violence against white children by HIspanics is considered to be a form of "social justice". If American soldiers of any age were sent to Iraq without any means of defending themselves the scandal would rock the nation to its foundation and the people responsible would be fired or court martialed. Sending American children into public schools with no protection against violent savages, however, is considered to be perfectly OK.

The foregoing are just a few incidents that have been widely reported over the last five years. I have friends who work in the LAUSD who have told me stories that are consistent with those reported, but I have not relied on these privately related anecdotes in writing this post. I will only say that what is reported in the media appears to be the tip of the ice berg of officially sanctioned Mexican violence against American children in the public schools.

I have talked to some of the kids who have experienced these savages first hand and if you think I'm a racist, you haven't seen anything. One day, this new generation of white kids who have been physically and psychologically tortured by this stuff is going to explode. They've had to sit silently while the multi-culturalist dominated schools openly preach hatred of white people while Mexicans just sit there and smirk and snicker and then, after class is dismissed, stalk and trap them in the bathroom, knock them on the floor, and hold them down and urinate on them. A charming aspect of "Hispanic culture." There is an undeclaraed race war going on and sooner or later it will burst into flames. Too bad. It could have been prevented.

Ayatollahgondola 04-17-2010 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 8027)
There is an undeclaraed race war going on and sooner or later it will burst into flames. Too bad. It could have been prevented.

How would you get involved in preventing it? 04-17-2010 08:01 AM

The best way to confront problems in any institution of higher learning is to not stoop to the level of people doing the damage. Always assume a higher tone and stick to the subject which presumes to be addressed. Universities function by being places of intellectual discipline and insisting on it is always the best way to confront things like we see in the above article.


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 7953)
You're full of $HIT.


Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 7954)

Ah, good. A university caliber debate.

Jeanfromfillmore 04-17-2010 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 8038)
The best way to confront problems in any institution of higher learning is to not stoop to the level of people doing the damage. Always assume a higher tone and stick to the subject which presumes to be addressed. Universities function by being places of intellectual discipline and insisting on it is always the best way to confront things like we see in the above article.

Ah, good. A university caliber debate.

You want to bring it out here? Then just shut up. Keep your crap to yourself.

Kathy63 04-18-2010 07:20 AM

It isn't race. It's tribalisim. Tribalisim is the end result of all multicultural efforts. Tribalisim is about power. There's no getting along in tribal conflicts. It's about raw, naked power over everyone who isn't part of your tribe. 04-18-2010 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 8054)
You want to bring it out here? Then just shut up. Keep your crap to yourself.

You request the nearly impossible of me. How could I possibly top You're full of $hit? You've covered just about all the essential points and potential rejoinders, Jean. What other cogent response to an argument, with which one doesn't agree, could be made?

Look, if nothing else, your writing style seems to have acquired brevity, which is a considerable improvement.

So, in short, no Jean, I'm not going to bring it, because you've already thoughtfully arranged all the considered and persuasive responses an educated person could muster. In fact, I think you should take pride in that particular piece of work and add CSUN Alumnus next to what you posted.

Jeanfromfillmore 04-18-2010 02:10 PM

Look you ass, all you do is go around and film, too much to actually organize anything beyond getting five people. You ride on others coat tails and try to take the glory. You're basically the same as Naui except on the anti illegal side. You aren't welcome at most anti illegal organizations because of your huge ego. When people get close enough to know exactly who you are, they kick you away. There's no question why they don't want to be around you, it just takes being around you to figure that out.

Twoller 04-18-2010 03:07 PM

I think the rest of the folks reading these posts could care less about the individuals posting except what they have to say in print about anything else but other posters.

Could we try to stick to the subject? If you want to comment on opinions, that's one thing, but we should show as much restraint as possible in commenting on other posters as individuals. 04-18-2010 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 8091)
Look you ass, all you do is go around and film, too much to actually organize anything beyond getting five people. You ride on others coat tails and try to take the glory. You're basically the same as Naui except on the anti illegal side. You aren't welcome at most anti illegal organizations because of your huge ego. When people get close enough to know exactly who you are, they kick you away. There's no question why they don't want to be around you, it just takes being around you to figure that out.

See? This is why I won't bring it. You have exhausted every possible substantive argument in favor of your position in this thread, before I even got to the table. Like I said, you want the impossible from me.

You're full of $hit ... I'm going to co-opt that one for some public debate in the near future (I hope I get credit for having come up with it!).

Ayatollahgondola 04-18-2010 07:34 PM

And here I thought race would be the touchy subject.
I don't care that people have skirmishes with each other, as i think it's better than letting it fester, but maybe in a thread of its' own. All in favor of moving the off topic posts elsewhere say aye?

Rim05 04-18-2010 08:44 PM


Bri-M 04-18-2010 09:45 PM

Aye, aye !!!

Don 04-19-2010 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 8031)
How would you get involved in preventing it?

Great question.

Unfortunatley there's not much political support for lynching, so that's not a viable option as it once was.

I would like to see a civil rights organization like the ACLU or La Raza or the NAACP organized for the express, sole purpose of providing legal assistance to white victims of racially motivated violence and discrimination by non-white savages. We badly need white racial organizations to protect white children. Please don't tell me it won't work. It works superbly for the blacks, mexicans, jews, etc., all of whom have their own race based organizations. Mexican punks behave the way they do because they're protected by the power of the Mexican political and "civil rights" machine. Public school administrators are paralyzed by fear of this machine if they're not actually part of it themselves.

The filing of lawsuits against school administrations, Mecha, La RAza and the individual perpetrators of these crimes against white children would help turn the tide. It would take the pressure off white children if school administrators and the filthy stinking Mexican punks who torment white children were fearful of paying a price.

I will tell you something: If rank and file white people knew what was being done by these Mexican racist organizations to white children, there would be a real uprising in this country. White anger is simmering below the surface and is ready to erupt. This kind of organization organized "for the children" would provide the spark to light the poweder keg.

I grew up in an all white protestant church singing a hym the words of which were: "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world." Like most dull witted white sheep, I actually believed in those words and stupidly sent my hard earned allowance money to fund missionaires to help them. Well, no more. Time to take off the gloves and play by their rules for a change.

Rim05 04-19-2010 04:03 PM


Unfortunatley there's not much political support for lynching, so that's not a viable option as it once was.
You finally got something right.

Ayatollahgondola 04-19-2010 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 8120)
Great question.

Unfortunatley there's not much political support for lynching, so that's not a viable option as it once was.

I would like to see a civil rights organization like the ACLU or La Raza or the NAACP organized for the express, sole purpose of providing legal assistance to white victims of racially motivated violence and discrimination by non-white savages. We badly need white racial organizations to protect white children. Please don't tell me it won't work. It works superbly for the blacks, mexicans, jews, etc., all of whom have their own race based organizations. Mexican punks behave the way they do because they're protected by the power of the Mexican political and "civil rights" machine. Public school administrators are paralyzed by fear of this machine if they're not actually part of it themselves.

The filing of lawsuits against school administrations, Mecha, La RAza and the individual perpetrators of these crimes against white children would help turn the tide. It would take the pressure off white children if school administrators and the filthy stinking Mexican punks who torment white children were fearful of paying a price.

I will tell you something: If rank and file white people knew what was being done by these Mexican racist organizations to white children, there would be a real uprising in this country. White anger is simmering below the surface and is ready to erupt. This kind of organization organized "for the children" would provide the spark to light the poweder keg.

I grew up in an all white protestant church singing a hym the words of which were: "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world." Like most dull witted white sheep, I actually believed in those words and stupidly sent my hard earned allowance money to fund missionaires to help them. Well, no more. Time to take off the gloves and play by their rules for a change.

The solutions you propose, most of them anyway, are founded in racially specific premise. Why is this not also racism? Well, maybe I should be paying attention to your last line:

Time to take off the gloves and play by their rules for a change.
It's one thing to point it out, and quite another to practice it.
Why would your solution need to be so racially specific? Wouldn't it be best to protect everyone who was a victim of the actions you describe, as opposed to making it all revolve around white people? Seems to me you'd have more support that way.

Don 04-20-2010 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 8123)
You finally got something right.

Why do you hate white people so much that you think their children's cries for mercy should be ignored?

Star 04-20-2010 08:24 AM


Posted by Rim05
This is for Don and Star!
No matter how you feel and how much you think you are right, you must realize the US (and many other countries) have always been ruled by the white race. That has changed a great deal in the last 50 years and I think it is a good thing.

No one should have to fear another race. I have no idea and no knowledge about any white children suffering the things that Don always reports about so I will just pass on that. I wonder if you two ever reread your posts, if you do you should be ashamed of your selves.

I thought this forum was an Illegal Immigration forum, guess I am wrong again. I am glad I can log out and go out in my garden and look at something beautiful.
Rim05, were now a lawless corrupt nation... in the name of bringing what... culture diversity!! Sorry, but Obama IS splitting this nation into tribal warfare. Look at Los Angeles, it's NOW Mexico.

WARNING, don't travel to Los Angeles, viva La Raza reconquista. It would take several decades to return LA back to being an American city. Thank you, Mayor Viva-La Raza, excellant adherance to the return to mythical Azlan!! Assimilation HAS NEVER been part of the game plan-- it's RECONQUISTA!!

admin 04-20-2010 12:45 PM


Save Our State does not support the practice of racial separatism, racially exclusive agendas, or racially explicit agendas. You are encouraging that here, and we cannot condone it. More and more of your postings seem to revolve around, if not outright center on, racial themes. I understand the primal urge to pack up by race, but there are numerous pitfalls to that strategy. At present, there are far too many biracial people and relationships to count, and many don't care for the injustices that you mentioned either, but your proposal pretty much alienates them. It is our position that your proposal will drive good people away from any attempt to solve the problem because they cannot get behind a strategy that supports further racial division. I can see that you feel rather strongly about your beliefs, and I do have sympathy for you in regards to the injustices you mentioned, but while you are here you must adhere to our rules and support our policies. We cannot let you encourage racially exclusive themes here. We'd like you to consider our way, and we'd like to introduce you to our many associates who hail from some of the countries and races that you have disdain for. they're good people who would support stopping the injustices you mentioned, but doing so without forcing them to align themselves with any racial politics or racially explicit practices. Can you accept that, or not?

ilbegone 04-21-2010 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 7995)
Sure, what is the real difference? None. Please try to understand. At one time white racism was very respectable on campus. At one time, white racism had intellectual respectability. Right, it's all skinheads now, but not too long ago it was guys in tweed. Really. It was white racism then, now it's non-white racism. Can't you see? It's the same people whipping up the same people on either side of the race boundary. But it's crap and shouldn't stand the light of day on a good university.

You either didn't read or comprehend what I said, then said essentially the same thing I did.

The "guys in tweed", which I assume you mean "educators", like to be jerked off by people who tell them what they want to hear concerning their parallel universe interpretation of "social issues", even when they are really being used as clueless bitches and will be kicked to the curb when the agenda is accomplished.

Meilia 04-24-2010 05:06 AM

Noel Ignatiev is ground zero of the "white privilege" movement:

Noel Ignatiev is an American history professor at the Massachusetts College of Art best known for his call to "abolish" the white race, which he defines as "white privilege and race identity." Ignatiev is the co-founder and co-editor of the journal Race Traitor and the New Abolitionist Society. He also has written a book on antebellum northern racism against Irish immigrants, How the Irish Became White. His publisher bills him as one of America's "most controversial" historians. [1]

Ignatiev was raised in Philadelphia, the son of Jewish immigrants from Russia.[2] He attended the University of Pennsylvania but dropped out after three years. He worked in a steel mill in Chicago and in factories manufacturing farm equipment and electrical parts for two decades. Ignatiev was a Marxist activist and helped organize strikes and protests by the predominantly black work force at the steel mill. He was laid off from the steel mill in 1984, a year after he was arrested on charges of throwing a paint bomb at a strike-breaker's car.[2]

More at

He's just another piece of Marxist scum. His ideas have been advocated in several public school systems - here is one:

The Caprice Hollins mentioned in the article is a disciple of Ignatiev. She is half white, half black and has a thing up her behind because her white grandparents didn't accept her mother's marriage to a black man. The father apparently abandoned the family.

More on Ignatiev:
Ignatiev set up Marxist discussion groups in the early 1980s. In 1985, Mr. Ignatiev was accepted to the Harvard Graduate School of Education without an undergraduate degree.

From 1986 until 1992, Ignatiev served as a tutor (academic advisor) for Dunster House at Harvard University. In early 1992, Ignatiev objected to the University's purchase of a toaster oven for the Dunster House dining hall that would be designated for kosher use only. He insisted that cooking utensils with restricted use should be paid for by private funds.

This jerk gets into Harvard without a degree and insists on separation for his group. Now tell me, who has all the privileges?

Ayatollahgondola 04-24-2010 08:03 PM

I found out one of my kids has been getting a dose of this at her school too.

Dawes 05-09-2010 11:08 PM

This was pushed in Elk Grove Unified under Bill Huyett (now a Superintendant in Berkeley), and DR. Odie Douglas (now an Assoc. superintendant in Lodi unified.

Both were fired from EGUSD, and both are just a few pushing the SEED program start by Peggy McIntosh. It is an anti-white (male) program for equity (social justice).

although Lodi Unified is about 12% Black, it has 11 out of 16 administrators that are Black and all socialist progressive friends of Dr. Douglas.

One school was told that the Valedictorian will not be speaking at promotion. There will be an audition for a speaker. The principal is a Dr. Douglas crony who just got a preliminary admin credential.

The local TEA Party needs to address it.

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