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Ayatollahgondola 05-31-2011 07:16 AM

Chelene Nightingale's Nazism Surfaces On Facebook Page
Well, here's a familiar theme. Chelene ferreting out those who show the slightest wavering in their adherence to the Nightingale doctrines. I don't know this poor soul who dared question her majesty, but I predict a summary execution by electronic means, and then a quick coverup with short public humiliation


Chelene Nightingale
If you "like" this page then make sure you are a strict constitutionally-minded person or someone who wants to learn more about liberty. I have no time for those willing to just let our freedom and liberty be trampled upon in the name of unconstitutional laws or personal opinion. The Constitution is NOT a living, breathing document up for "change".

Chelene Nightingale I no longer will tolerate those who want to give our liberty away so easily. I am not out here defending liberty so that people can argue for communist laws. I am not concerned about losing "fans". The Founding Fathers had little support. I would rather only have 12 fans of liberty than thousands who only want some liberty but will give up their rights so easily in the name of unconstitutional laws.
10 hours ago · 4 people.

Lawrence Gant So wait a second here!!! You are preaching about the constitution, but you are deleting the posts of people who are disagreeing with you!!! "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." Thomas Jefferson.......Right Chelene??!!!
10 hours ago


Lawrence Gant I am absolutely appauld at you and your conduct Chelene. I am not going to "unlike" your page. I am going to stay put and call you on your BS everytime you do stupid things like this!! Allow people to have the FREEDOM to disagree with you Chelene!!
10 hours ago

Jeanfromfillmore 05-31-2011 12:15 PM

Chelene sure has a big head these days. I really find the "I don't have time for....bla, bla, bla" very amusing. She speaks as though her time is so valuable. If it's so valuable that 'she doesn't have time' then she should get a job and have someone pay for her valuable time, then pay back the money she borrowed. What an ego! Chelene, your time isn't worth squat until you pay your debts, and if it's so valuable why aren't you getting paid for it?

LAPhil 05-31-2011 12:44 PM

Whoever this Lawrence Gant is, I like his attitude. He actually has the courage to stand up to Chelene, which seems totally appropriate in light of her actions. This is really hard for me to say, as I used to consider her one of my best friends, but she has either lost her mind or she's always been nuts and I just couldn't see it before.

The Waco Kid 05-31-2011 05:33 PM

Chelene has always had a big head but a very tiny brain. She paints herself in a corner every time, people like her always do that. She is a sociopath but not very good at keeping her lies in order.

The Waco Kid 05-31-2011 06:00 PM

I kept thinking the voice on this video sounded familiar..... now I know why. Good stuff Sam.

LAPhil 05-31-2011 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by The Waco Kid (Post 16462)

I kept thinking the voice on this video sounded familiar..... now I know why. Good stuff Sam.

Yes, that pretty much says it all.

Ayatollahgondola 06-01-2011 06:45 AM

Nightingale is still a duplicitous, hypocrite. But it seems she has really slipped back into the McCarthyism mode. Having lost the election, she no longer needs the votes of those she previously tolerated.


Chelene Nightingale
Thank you Barbara. It is people like Lawrence who claim to want liberty yet are the very ones who degrade those fighting for liberty as he proves here. And by the way Lawrence, those on this page do not want to waste time debating those who so easily will give up tyranny...we are too busy fighting for freedom so you can "abuse" free speech. I have the freedom to protect myself and to protect the Constitution. Not everyone who has "liked" this page are liberty defenders some are trolls monitoring and trying to cause divide. By the way Lawrence people do not care about your "free speech" games. We see right through it.


Chelene Nightingale James, I really am wondering about you these days. The OATH KEEPERS organized a march on Memorial Day. I will be sharing your comments with both Stewart Rhodes and Sheriff Mack to show just how much more work they need to do in order to stop tyranny amongst their own ranks. By the way Richard Mack is against the banning of any gun even if pink.
7 hours ago

Ayatollahgondola 06-04-2011 09:00 AM

The backlash continues:

In response to Chelene's posting of a "dance at Santa Monica Pier" related to that Jefferson memorial fiasco. Check the last entry


7 people like this..

Vance Martin The pier is getting old, I hope it can take the stress.
12 hours ago.

Richard Wheeler I'd take a pole and go at 8. You don't need a license to fish from a public pier.
12 hours ago · 1 person.

Vance Martin You might catch's too far for me, I'm in Sac and I'm not coming down there for any reason...lived there in the late 70s.
11 hours ago.

Richard Wheeler Vince has an incredibly handsome, distinguished profile pic.
11 hours ago.

Vance Martin back at ya Rich.
10 hours ago.

Frank Bornstein take me off your friend list please. I don't know you!
about an hour ago.

Eagle1 06-04-2011 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 16440)
Whoever this Lawrence Gant is, I like his attitude. He actually has the courage to stand up to Chelene, which seems totally appropriate in light of her actions. This is really hard for me to say, as I used to consider her one of my best friends, but she has either lost her mind or she's always been nuts and I just couldn't see it before.

LAPhil don't feel like the lone stranger. I liked her very much also but probably spent more time than many with her as I used to pick her up and take her to rallies with me and such. After awhile I started noticing an aspect to her personality that she had managed to keep hidden though not entirely successfully. She was manipulative, bent on domination, willing to lie when it suited her agenda, humiliate others, and subjugate others to her whims which at times were made known in an imperial manner that made it clear that she was "it" and everybody else was nothing more than dirt beneath her feet. I was appalled when I came to grips with the reality of who she is versus who she promotes herself to be. She has some good qualities that are completely offset by her megalomaniac needs. I quietly separated myself from her after a number of embarrassing situations. This woman is a prime example of why we are in trouble in the USA. She is one of many whose personalities occupy public office. People like her, regardless of what comes out of their mouths, are the problem.

Eagle1 06-04-2011 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by The Waco Kid (Post 16460)
Chelene has always had a big head but a very tiny brain. She paints herself in a corner every time, people like her always do that. She is a sociopath but not very good at keeping her lies in order.

You have said this in a way that fits my perceptions of this woman to a tee.
I believe all of it to be absolutely true.

LAPhil 06-04-2011 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 16508)
LAPhil don't feel like the lone stranger. I liked her very much also but probably spent more time than many with her as I used to pick her up and take her to rallies with me and such. After awhile I started noticing an aspect to her personality that she had managed to keep hidden though not entirely successfully. She was manipulative, bent on domination, willing to lie when it suited her agenda, humiliate others, and subjugate others to her whims which at times were made known in an imperial manner that made it clear that she was "it" and everybody else was nothing more than dirt beneath her feet. I was appalled when I came to grips with the reality of who she is versus who she promotes herself to be. She has some good qualities that are completely offset by her megalomaniac needs. I quietly separated myself from her after a number of embarrassing situations. This woman is a prime example of why we are in trouble in the USA. She is one of many whose personalities occupy public office. People like her, regardless of what comes out of their mouths, are the problem.

Interesting that you used the word "megalomaniac", because that's a word I also thought of which could describe her. While I'm getting it all out here, there's another thing about her that always bothered me, and that is that she never took the time to analyze any of the ideas or things she claimed to believe. If she had she would have realized how nonsensical most of them were, e.g., all of her various conspiracy theories. I can't remember if you were there or not, Frank, but we had an event in Garden Grove a couple of years ago which featured William Gheen from Alipac, and Chelene made a speech before he was introduced. In it, she listed various remedies for the problems we face regarding illegal immigration, and the last one she mentioned was "secede". She didn't go into detail as to who would secede from whom, which is a pretty important detail (did she mean have California secede from the Union? Have the rest of us secede from California?) I sent her an e-mail about this, and guess what-she couldn't even come close to giving me an answer!

Eagle1 06-05-2011 07:59 AM

LAPhil Chelene probably couldn't give you an answer because as you said she does not analyze a lot of what she says or does. She operates on instinct.
Part of her obvious problem is that she has to be number one. To that end she sacrifices everyone and everything.

Her need to be in the spotlight with people adoring her, hanging on to her every word is obvious. She needs an adoring group of followers who never question her authority or word. That makes her pathetically weak.

Chelene is not a "leader" and is incapable of being a representative.

As for those who present her before the public as a solution and alternative to our corrupt politicians, they are doing a disservice to our nation and its people.

LAPhil 06-05-2011 08:10 AM

Is she still claiming to be the governor of the "Republic of California"?

Ayatollahgondola 06-05-2011 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 16522)
Is she still claiming to be the governor of the "Republic of California"?

Ha! What you'll find is that those people are some of the most non-comittal people ever, as far as dedicated patriots go. There is a group, but who is in it, and where it is remains a total secret. supporters claim Nightingale is their governor, but notice chelene is rather quiet about the whole affair(very unusual for her), except for a little hint here and there. This way they all have plausible deniability when things go south. Chelene can claim she dropped out eons ago if things go bad, and assume the throne if there's good publicity to be had. Save for a few obnoxious muderers, most of these folks are not willing to go to the mat for any cause. They're just looking for an easy way out of fighting for their rights like the rest of us do.

Eagle1 06-05-2011 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 16522)
Is she still claiming to be the governor of the "Republic of California"?

I don't know the answer to that one LAPhil, but I learned that she was asked to take that title by the people who were then / are promoting a parallel government.

Chelene indulged them. What she thinks of any of it is a mystery to me.

I am unable to make a simple call to her because she will claim harassment.
She has done so on a number of occasions. I have never, ever harassed her.

I made a few polite calls in order to try to get my money back and for that, with the help of Jeff Schwilk, she claimed to be a victim being harassed by me .

My dealings with her are based on filing court papers which she tries to evade. It has been very costly for me and quite an introduction as to how her mind works.

I cannot even begin to fathom the workings of the mentality of someone who is loaned money when they needed it most, does not pay it back, has endless excuses for not paying back, does not comply with the court's decisions, and who proceeds to tell everyone that her benefactor is a traitor with an anti-American agenda bent on destroying her campaign and reputation.

Her campaign was never a factor in any of it for me. She was never going to make it....ever! I had very little time left to file for small claims court before the matter expired and would, by law, not have been accepted by the courts and all would have been lost without recourse. I had a year, approximately, left and as slow as things move in the system and having judged that there was no real intention of paying me back i felt that there was no choice but to file.

I hear through the grapevine that Barbara Coe is still peeved at me and considers me a traitor with an anti-American agenda. Coe has written to me personally and expressed it. I once idolized Barbara Coe, and now, in spite of her many wonderful achievements I have little to no respect for her.

With Barbara the facts got in the way and she decided to support her darling Chelene while throwing me and my family under the bus.

Barbara Coe could have been supportive of Chelene without emailing me such a horrible email with the ending reading, "have a nice life traitor Frank".

I helped Coe's CCIR financially on a numerous occasions and when we had a telephone conversation I reminded her of that and she said "do you want it back?". I politely responded "no". All that means is that I was never to be given just consideration in the problem of regaining my monies.

Barbara Coe's first concern was Chelene Nightingale's run for political office which any idiot could tell would end in failure.

We stand on principle when we speak of defending our country from the illegal alien invasion.

We must also have the morals and ethics to be fair with our fellow human beings.

The end result of having loaned money to Nightingale is that I don't have my money and that I lost a good relationship with Barbara Coe.

In retrospect having seen that I have been treated so badly by Coe I think it was a good thing that she and I are done with one another.

CCIR still remains in my mind as one of the very best organizations and has my support. I have nothing less than admiration for the members of CCIR.

I canceled my membership due to not wanting to be involved with an organization whose leader proclaims me to be a traitor.

I do not think that Coe is evil or unprincipled , she is just having an acute attack of stupidity stubbornly wanting to believe that something and someone is what they are not!

I am amazed at the kind of devastation that Chelene Nightingale has caused with the help of Jeff Schwilk's bullying and Barbara Coe's stupidity.

Well, live and learn!

Rim05 06-05-2011 02:47 PM


Well, live and learn!
Eagle1, that is the main point. I have lived, seen and heard. I have to say I have been dissapointed by a lot and I am so sorry about some people who have let their loyality lead them astray.
I will not name names but I have had some very bad dissapointments.

Bottom line is Politicians are garbage.

Eagle1 06-05-2011 05:32 PM

You are correct Rim05. Your years on this mortal sphere have not been wasted. I will still be learning lessons till the day that whatever power governs creation calls me back or just decrees that my time is done.

LAPhil 06-05-2011 05:58 PM

This is all very perplexing to me. When I joined SOS back in 2005 it seemed as though we were all pretty much united within ourselves and our various "sister" organizations, and there was no infighting to speak of, at least not as far as I could tell. Now I see all these bitter feuds going on everywhere, and it seems a wonder we get anywhere at all in this movement. It's kind of like Pogo in the old comic strip who once said "We have met the enemy and they is us".

The Waco Kid 06-05-2011 06:38 PM

Phil I believe the first time I saw you was at a rally was on Dec 10 2005 and that was Nightinhell's first time with SOS. Very shortly thereafter things changed and the infighting really took off, I tried to stop some of the petty stuff on the board when I was a moderator but all that got me was grief and labeled as a trouble maker, or "old acid tongue" to use the term of one of the less enlightened souls on this board. There was one thing I never told anyone, Chelene had been involved with a very good friend of Joe's who was real cock hound, apparently they had been intimately involved at one time and that is why she was given the reins to SOS even though I had been there since the beginning supporting SOS financially and with my time. For the life of me I cannot remember this guys screen name, but I do know his real first name was Chris and he is a writer for which publication I do not know.

It is what it is, a mess. Something good that has taken several wrong turns due to poor management on the part of the founder Joseph Turner, who is a puzzle too, I don't for once second think he is a nut job like Nightinhell but I think he bores easily and wants to move on the next thing, that is how SOS ended up under the direction of a sociopath.

Sad but ya gotta move on. At least now SOS is in good hands but even so the damage has been done and the organization has been branded as an ineffective, infighting group full of nutjobs. It isn't anymore but it is difficult to overcome the past.


Ayatollahgondola 06-05-2011 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 16532)
This is all very perplexing to me. When I joined SOS back in 2005 it seemed as though we were all pretty much united within ourselves and our various "sister" organizations, and there was no infighting to speak of, at least not as far as I could tell. Now I see all these bitter feuds going on everywhere, and it seems a wonder we get anywhere at all in this movement. It's kind of like Pogo in the old comic strip who once said "We have met the enemy and they is us".

No; There was fighting from the start. Joe started in with Andy Ramirez of Friends Of The Border Patrol. then came fights between the chase factions of border watch groups. SOS had infighting all along. It shouldn't be a big deal that people bicker and feud within the movement. If you see something you don't like, it's best to speak up. Certainly there will be someone that doesn't like others to speak up. When people are silenced, it gives rise to hitlerian attitudes.

The Waco Kid 06-05-2011 06:51 PM

Yeah I remember that too AG

Eagle1 06-05-2011 07:52 PM

I wonder why Jeff Schwilk jumps to Chelene's defense whenever she whispers in his ear? 06-05-2011 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 16536)
I wonder why Jeff Schwilk jumps to Chelene's defense whenever she whispers in his ear?

Because they're two peas in a pod. They occupy very similar positions. Schwilk defending Nightingale, is a stone's throw away from defending himself. A lot of the criticisms that can be made about Chelene, could just as easily be laid at Schwilk's feet.

Think about what they have in common.

A. Both at mid-life without a great deal of opportunity to better themselves or their prospects in life.
B. Both have enjoyed a degree of success and recognition in the anti-illegal immigration movement.
C. Both largely unsuccessful in other endeavors prior to '05. Before age 40, Chelene accumulated a small string of acting and modeling credits to put on her resume. Jeff had an entirely unremarkable military career, and essentially retired just before age 40.
D. Both have limited prospects of receiving the notoriety/recognition/cred enjoyed by Jim Gilchrist.
E. Both are possessed of very average intelligence and not a great deal of formal education. Unless they select their surroundings/compatriots very carefully, both are rarely the smartest person in the room ... or even the second smartest (that's problematic when you have your heart set on being in charge).
F. Both committed major blunders while entrusted with leading organizations. Chelene disintegrated/alienated the bulk of Save Our State's membership, while Jeff turned himself into a search engine joke and racked up a string of lawsuit judgments.
G. Both know well the pressure of financial distress.
H. Both are big-time conspiracy theory devotees (not a little, a LOT).
I. Both have major personality/emotional failings/weaknesses. Schwilk has a smoking temper that gets him in trouble, and Chelene becomes very uncomfortable when she is receiving insufficient attention and praise.

It makes sense to me why he constantly has her back. Besides, he's tailor made for her. Chelene is a physically and, can be, personally attractive woman. She's quite capable of making men feel good about themselves in a very basic way. And her charm doesn't involve having to sleep around or even letting a guy lay a finger on her. She's practiced at being a desired female, and she can turn it on for the right audience. Guys will defend that. It's not an insignificant thing in life.

Rim05 06-06-2011 05:25 AM


or "old acid tongue" to use the term of one of the less enlightened souls on this board
That is one of your unique traits. Your day is not complete unless you can jab at soneone, anyone. I think you have earned the title.
I would say, I am 'less enlightened', because I do not get involved in what I call gossip, now days called 'trash talk'.
Have a good day. :p

LAPhil 06-06-2011 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 16534)
No; There was fighting from the start. Joe started in with Andy Ramirez of Friends Of The Border Patrol. then came fights between the chase factions of border watch groups. SOS had infighting all along. It shouldn't be a big deal that people bicker and feud within the movement. If you see something you don't like, it's best to speak up. Certainly there will be someone that doesn't like others to speak up. When people are silenced, it gives rise to hitlerian attitudes.

I wasn't suggesting that anyone should be silenced. And yes, I do remember there was friction between Andy Ramirez and SOS, but there was none of this estrangement between us and the Minutemen or Alipac or Chelene that exists today. I'm not condemning anyone here, just observing how things have changed over the years, and I think it's unfortunate.

PochoPatriot 06-06-2011 12:22 PM

Sam has some good points here. I can pinpoint the exact time I became a threat to her. It was when MikeinLA and I organized the first American Apperal protest in Hollywood. We had a decent turnout without her as she has on a sabbatical to deal with family issues.
The second protest was also well attended, and Chelene was there. What she saw in me was that I was moving out of her sphere of influence and creating my own. Not that I had any intention of subverting SOS. To the contrary, my desire was to help grow the org and broaden our appeal. Sadly, she viewed me as a threat and I believe that she manipulated members and leaders in SOS to view me as such.
It all came to a head when she went whole hog in supporting Ron Paul. While I thought many of his ideas where important and worthy of discussion, I did not believe that he was the best candidate for the job. I was told on numerous occasions, publicly and privately to cease voicing my concerns. Eventually I was banned. Chelene even claimed she had evidence of a plot between myself and Sam to cause her harm. Needless to say that was not even remotely true. However Chelene is the paranoid type. So I simply ignored this baseless accusation and left the border security movement. My life has been a lot more peaceful since then.

The Waco Kid 06-06-2011 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 16538)
That is one of your unique traits. Your day is not complete unless you can jab at soneone, anyone. I think you have earned the title.
I would say, I am 'less enlightened', because I do not get involved in what I call gossip, now days called 'trash talk'.
Have a good day. :p

I do not know you Rim but apparently you've got your knickers in twist over something. I don't know why you are so upset but I suggest you call in to SOS radio this week and you can actually talk to me in person and perhaps become more enlightened. I have nothing against you and I like I said I don't even know who you are so lighten up, life is to short to sweat the petty stuff. :)

Ayatollahgondola 06-06-2011 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by The Waco Kid (Post 16545)
I do not know you Rim but apparently you've got your knickers in twist over something. I don't know why you are so upset but I suggest you call in to SOS radio this week and you can actually talk to me in person and perhaps become more enlightened. I have nothing against you and I like I said I don't even know who you are so lighten up, life is to short to sweat the petty stuff. :)

Hey....Some of us enjoy sweating the petty stuff! :p

The Waco Kid 06-06-2011 04:21 PM

AG, you just like to "pet the sweaty stuff". LOL :D

The Waco Kid 06-10-2011 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by The Waco Kid (Post 16545)
I do not know you Rim but apparently you've got your knickers in twist over something. I don't know why you are so upset but I suggest you call in to SOS radio this week and you can actually talk to me in person and perhaps become more enlightened. I have nothing against you and I like I said I don't even know who you are so lighten up, life is to short to sweat the petty stuff. :)

I missed being able to talk to you in person on the SOS online radio broadcast last night. Why didn't you call? If you take advantage of this board shouldn't you contribute in other ways. Call next time, I know everyone would like to hear from you in person plus would appreciate your support in a proactive manner.

So many times people behind the keyboard are not willing to do anything else. Are you that way? If not call in next time, you will have a great time and maybe realize that some of the things you heard through the grapevine are not true. It all comes down to being a keyboard critic or an active supporter. Which are you? I know the answer, do you?

Take care.

PochoPatriot 06-10-2011 09:01 PM

Hi Waco! Rim is a senior citizen and has been very active in this movement. She calls them as she sees them, and that's ok because she has a whole lot of "street cred" with me and others who have been with this board for along time.

So show some class and let drop this petty vendetta.

The Waco Kid 06-10-2011 09:48 PM

What vendetta? I never saw this person on the street yet they claim to know me and make claims that are unfounded. I am just asking for this person to participate on more than just this forum. How is that a vendetta? It isn't. Reality is different from typing on a board, taking part in the weekly broadcast is real, different from just keyboarding and it has genuine humanity.

Maybe if if the person in question would take the time to call in on the weekly talkshoe program they might just find that speaking one on one is very enlightening not to mention a lot of fun. I already said I have nothing against "unsaid" person.

Oh and you should call in too Pocho.
Take care

PochoPatriot 06-14-2011 12:51 PM

Wow! Another Chelene! Off you go to the rubbish heap!

Ayatollahgondola 06-17-2011 08:02 PM

Chelene slips farther into the abyss of paranoia


Vel Conway
Hi Chelene looks like you have some trolls Bet you know who they are...LOL

June 6 at 5:59pm
Chelene Nightingale likes this..


Chelene Nightingale Hi Vel! Oh some of them are not just "trolls", they are agents. I am working with a private investigator now. Interesting information. Apparently I am so "important" that some are being paid to "monitor" me. I will be taking the completed report to local law enforcement, the attorney general, etc...May even post some of the findings publicly.
Tuesday at 8:55pm

Jeanfromfillmore 06-17-2011 11:30 PM

It's like watching someone slide off the edge. She becomes more bizarre by the day. It couldn't be that people dislike her, no, she has to come up with a grander scheme, like, they're being paid to stalk her. Now that is funny.

LAPhil 06-18-2011 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 16680)
Chelene slips farther into the abyss of paranoia

Chelene Nightingale Hi Vel! Oh some of them are not just "trolls", they are agents. I am working with a private investigator now. Interesting information. Apparently I am so "important" that some are being paid to "monitor" me. I will be taking the completed report to local law enforcement, the attorney general, etc...May even post some of the findings publicly.
Tuesday at 8:55pm

Chelene Nightingale likes this..

Where was this from?

Ayatollahgondola 06-18-2011 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 16685)
Where was this from?

chelene's facebook

LAPhil 06-18-2011 09:25 AM

"Agents". That's good. Hey, AG, are you one of those agents? Did someone pay you to get that bankruptcy file? And has anyone noticed that the first two letters of "Agent" are "AG"? Gotta' mean something! :)

Ayatollahgondola 06-18-2011 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 16691)
"Agents". That's good. Hey, AG, are you one of those agents? Did someone pay you to get that bankruptcy file? And has anyone noticed that the first two letters of "Agent" are "AG"? Gotta' mean something! :)

Yes. Report me and see if there's a reward. ask for your money in cash though. I have it on good authority that she's a bit of a credit risk

LAPhil 06-18-2011 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 16692)
Yes. Report me and see if there's a reward. ask for your money in cash though. I have it on good authority that she's a bit of a credit risk

Yes, you have it on real good authority!

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