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Ayatollahgondola 02-15-2011 07:01 PM

At The State Capitol
I've been worming my way into the action little by little at the capitol, and today it was through a committee meeting. This one was only slightly connected to our agenda, but it was an issue that near and dear to my life these days, and it gave me a chance to get involved and heard. Consider it practice.
This particular meeting was chaired by one of our arch-enemies, Gil Cedillo of One-Bill-Gil fame. Gotta say that as long as he's not prostelythizing for illegals, he actually makes some sense, so it at least gives some answers as to why he keeps getting elected. It was a two hour tour, with a bunch of stuffed shirts trying to tell other stuffed shirts...and blouses...why they are millions over budget, projected to be billions over budget soon, and two years late on delivering what it was supposed to. The legislative analyst spoke at length, and still got drilled on something that she didn't provide, which was what would happen if the whole deal was scrapped. Several legislators sit on this committee, including my own, who bailed before the end anyway.
This accused boondoggle is the court case management system that is already somewhat functioning up here in guineapig land (sac), but is being resisted in counties like LA which has their own good buddy contract. Don't know how much their system costs now, because they are not required to report to the audit committee; that pesky separation of powers thing....

Anyway; I spoke after the show was mostly over, and believe it or not, I was quite impressed with Cedillo's adherance to the schedule in allowing those of us our allotted time slot. He kept reminding people, mostly auditors, judges, and, administrators, that everyone was going to get their turn. I only had a short run, so I had to trim my little speech by over half, and do it on the spur of the moment. They do videotape these things, but I'm not sure it's accessible. If it is, I'll bore you with the link a little later. But this is another way in which we will get heard. I live close enough to make quite a pest of ourselves at these meetings, and we will let them know the wishes of each and every Save Our State'r over the course of this legislative session.

Jeanfromfillmore 02-15-2011 07:25 PM

You da man AG!!!

Ayatollahgondola 02-16-2011 04:56 AM

Don't watch this!

It'll just piss you off. It's a video recording of the California legislature doing absolutely nothing for you. In the face of the disasters that loom, this particular session was primarily gobbled up by one legislator honoring a friend of his that worked all his life in the public service. don't get me wrong; I'm sure the guy deserved to be noticed. We all do. But with all that they should be doing, right now, and right here, is not the best placement for this. The session was largely a tribute to his friend, and then that tribute used as the basis for adjournment. They haven't a clue as to why we don't believe in them, and what they do anymore. They don't get what they are supposed to be doing up there. It becomes more of a "club" or something....sheesh!

Ayatollahgondola 02-20-2011 12:05 PM

Socialists unite to battle cuts or redevelopment funds
Socialists unite to battle cuts or redevelopment funds during budget slashing hearings. They had a permit for 50 or so, but ended up having 300 overall. They want your money to subsidize their housing. Bussed in they were..

Jeanfromfillmore 02-20-2011 01:59 PM

Redevelopment money is basically welfare for developers, and we're talking billions. Gov. Brown wants to dissolve all the Redevelopment Agencies throughout Calif, (just about every town has one) and divert those funds to social services such as to the poor, medical etc. This is a big deal, because much of the redevelopment money in the coffers of each city has already been earmarked for different developments. Many are half way started. Some city planners and developers think that if the money has already been earmarked, that the State can't take it back, but that may not be the case. At this point no one knows what Brown's intentions are, because it hasn't been spelled out completely.

Basically, redevelopment money is a slush fund for developers to ask for in return for building X amount of affordable housing. But it became that that so called "affordable housing" was not in anyway affordable. Some two/three bedroom condos at the height of the market were selling for over $4 hundred thousand.

We are talking millions of your tax dollars going to builders, who in turn were using illegal aliens to build those homes. Oh, how our government funneled our tax dollars to that underground economy!!! But when the money got short, things became very apparent.

The original purpose of Redevelopment money was to address blight, or aging neighborhoods and to fix up those neighborhoods. It was not meant for new construction, except to help with affordable housing. That was the hurdle builders needed to address to get at the funds. But the builders found ways around that and the city councils went along with them.

Ayatollahgondola 03-12-2011 10:09 PM

Two permits; same agenda

Both on the 15th, which is going to be a big day for committee hearings


Permit#: 2011-0149 Status: Approved
Organization: Assemblymember Gilbert Cedillo
Activity: Press Conference / Rally support Activity Items: Podium / Microphone
for legislation.
Location: North Steps Participants 150
Setup Time: 10:00 AM Start 11:00 AM End 1 :00 PM
Contact: Autumn Ogden

Permit#: 2011-0158 Status: Approved
Organization: Labor Council for Latin American Advancement
Activity:Rally in support of working people. Activity Items: Portable stage, banners, speakers. All
banners and signs greater than 30" need
prior approval.
Location: South Steps Participants 2000
Setup Time: 3 :00 PM Start 5 :00 PM End 7 :30 PM
Contact: E. Paramo Hernandez

maggieb60 03-13-2011 12:12 PM

What unions really Want
Teachers give a standing ovation for this speech, i guess they agree Nea is the teachers union I believe

ilbegone 03-13-2011 08:22 PM

I believe a lot more car sales lots and shopping malls were built with "redevelopment" funds than rebuilding blighted neighborhoods or building "affordable housing".

In practical usage, it's just another crony packed scam ripping off the taxpayer.

Ayatollahgondola 03-30-2011 06:02 PM

Went to the state capitol today...via Bicycle :eek:

Distributed our position paper 123 to the committee members, and the authors office actually treated me best; very welcoming:)

Next, I sat in on a labor and employment committee hearing, then commented on two pieces of legislation.
1) minimum wage increase
2) Labor contractor bill

In both instances, I took a nuetral position, but added our concerns about day laborers and the undeground economy. and how this legislation, or any legislation is not addressing that.
There will probably be video tomorrow:cool:

Also met the man who partnered up with us during the student march in march. He gave me the chip with the videos, and I struggling to convert them because we don't have the program. I'm sure I'll manage something though. Maybe video tonight

Bike ride today, and I'm under-performing these days. I don't know how many miles it is each way, but it's quite well over 10. No parking ticket troubles though.
1 big drawback is you cannot pull the sign trailer with the bike:(

Rim05 03-31-2011 05:01 AM


1 big drawback is you cannot pull the sign trailer with the bike
As active as you are and as busy as you are, you will probably figure out a way to pull the trailer. :)

Ayatollahgondola 03-31-2011 08:06 AM

OK, so here's the video for the two hearings we attended yesterday:

We commented at about the 33 minute mark on one bill
then at 1:07 on the farm labor contractor bill

Jeanfromfillmore 04-01-2011 12:23 AM

Thank you so much AG for both posting this State Meeting and for representing SOS. You certainly got the message across, and that you made them very uncomfortable by confronting them with the fact that they're not giving the "underground economy" any attention except to protect the illegals working on farms. Great job!!!!

Ayatollahgondola 04-22-2011 10:02 PM

There's quite a bit of permit activity for events at the state capitol this month and next. Our arch-enemies will be there doing at least two gigs, and so will the gimme-bennies folks. You can go to the link below for the entire weekly list, and I've added a few niblets here for a sample:


Start Date: 4/26/2011 End Date: 4/27/2011
Permit#: 2011-0228 Status: Approved
Organization: Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE)
Activity:Walk to the Capitol on 4/26. Meet Activity Items: Banner ***Banner must be approved prior
on the South steps for lobby day. to your event***No demonstration inside
Meet on 4/27 at the South steps the capitol is allowed.***
for a picture in the morning an
before noon.
Location: South Steps Participants 200
Setup Time: 10:00 AM Start 10:00 AM End 12:00 PM
Contact: Mayra Rohas


Permit#: 2011-0254 Status: Approved
Organization: Griselda's Catering / Tex-Mex
Activity: Lunch for Latina Action Day Activity Items: lunch boxes
Location: North Steps Participants 100
Setup Time: 11:30 AM Start 11:45 AM End 1 :30 PM
Contact: Sophia Lavelle


Permit#: 2011-0217 Status: Approved
Organization: Paul Apffel, Delegate to California Democratic Party Convention
Activity:A small reception for delegates Activity Items: Four tables with tableclothes, dishes,
who are supportive of sustainable napkins, organic bread, cheese, fruit and
food and agriculture in California, juice.
and in particular, organic food.
Location: Old Rose Garden Participants 50
Setup Time: 2 :00 PM Start 3 :00 PM End 7 :00 PM
Contact: Paul Apffel


Start Date: 5/1/2011 End Date: 5/1/2011
Permit#: 2011-0040 Status: Approved
Organization: Union Civica Primero De Mayo
Activity:Gathering and rally, may include Activity Items: Banners, PA System, Canopies, Drinking
walk around the Capitol on the Water.
Location: North Steps Participants 200
Setup Time: 9 :00 AM Start 11:00 AM End 3 :00 PM
Contact: E. Paramo Hernandez


Permit#: 2011-0227 Status: Approved
Organization: Low-income Families' Empowerment through Education
Activity:An action regarding the budget Activity Items: Signs, banners, flyers ***All banners
cuts and changes to the need to be approved prior to the
CalWORKs program. Low-income event.***No access is granted into the
parents and their children will be building for demonstrations***
handing out information on this
issue, and holding posters and
Location: North Steps Participants 30
Setup Time: 9 :30 AM Start 10:00 AM End 12:00 PM
Contact: Catt Olazabal

ilbegone 04-22-2011 10:38 PM

Karaoke event?


Activity:Gathering and rally, may include Activity Items: Banners, PA System, Canopies, Drinking

Ayatollahgondola 04-22-2011 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 15719)
Karaoke event?

Ha!...You're gonna love that guys website. He's a local boob up this way.

ilbegone 04-22-2011 11:23 PM

The typical rant:


¡ Un golpe a uno de nosotros, es un golpe para todos?


¡Una lesión para uno, es una lesión para todos!
Then this gem:


Enemigo número uno de los mexicanos migrantes

Arnold Schwarzenegger
I busted my guts laughing - Schwarzenegger is enemy number one to the "undocumented" according to this clown.

Ayatollahgondola 04-22-2011 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 15725)
The typical rant:

Then this gem:

I busted my guts laughing - Schwarzenegger is enemy number one to the "undocumented" according to this clown.

It gets better too. they have "attack of the teachers", and there's also some video of the sobriety checkpoints where poor downtrodden latina mothers are being deprived of their cars, while white people drive right on through with no problems :rolleyes:

Bear Flag Republican 04-23-2011 08:32 AM

Why did we not oppose the "international domestic workers appreciation" ?
how about domestic worker employment. I am not the only person I know whose studies have been waylain due to the economy combined with preferentialism for foreign students. This state is alienating an entire generation. Give domestic jobs to desperate Americans, not internatonal workers.

Ayatollahgondola 05-10-2011 09:47 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Today I rode the bike to the state capitol to attend the meeting on the select committee on Bi-national relations with Mexico. This was in a small, older room on the bottom floor, and when I got there, most of the seats were already full of people chattering away in spanish. Thankfully the entire meeting was conducted in english. This meeting was basically for the benefit of business. People from both sides of the border who are seeking ways to increase business between California and Mexico. Border security came up as a topic, but mostly relevant to the time it takes to travel between the two bieng a burden on trade. I believe I heard someone make a comparison to traveling between two states only taking moments, and traveling to the US from mexico could take hours. Heaven forbid that we should have border security.
There was also talk about the safety in mexico right now, and there were reassurances that people who lived there feel safe. Most of the dialogue was related to how grand a trade partner mexico is for California, and how can the state help to make things even better. These meetings, although 2 hours long and not very high profile, give a glimpse of how our southern neighbor makes inroads into our state. They passed out two handouts, a 1 page, and a several page one that listed facts and figures. I'll upload these later or tomorrow. In the interim, we need to use the information we have gleaned from this meeting and others after it to build strategies that work towards making our voices heard by the business community, since politicians are tone deaf to native-speak. There were politicians there of course, mostly of the mexican heritage persuasion. I gave my usual commentary at the end; unprepared and less than enthusiastic, I came off a little like a babbling bufoon. But I would have felt worse had I abandoned the opportunity.
I leave you with this tonight though. These people want to open new trade routes at airports, border crossings, and shipyards to bring more foreign goods to sell in this state. They never mentioned the problems of drug trafficking, illegal entry, or crime that is the main reason we have a border that slows them down. Their interest is in money

Update: Added the first handout from the meeting. Check out the statisics they are touting

Jeanfromfillmore 05-11-2011 06:18 AM

Upon reading that document remember the cry from the illegals "They are only here to feed their families". Then look at how Mexico brags about how strong it is financially. Who's getting lied to? Mexico has a lower unemployment rate than the US and its been that way for years.

ilbegone 05-11-2011 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 16080)
Mexico has a lower unemployment rate than the US and its been that way for years.

There is lots of work in Mexico, however there is very little financial reward for labor - shit wages.


There was also talk about the safety in mexico right now, and there were reassurances that people who lived there feel safe.
This is unmitigated bullshit. I've talked to enough Mexicans about governmental corruption and criminal shakedowns for money. Cartels force ranchers off their property to grow pot, lots of people disappear without a trace.


They never mentioned the problems of drug trafficking, illegal entry, or crime that is the main reason we have a border that slows them down. Their interest is in money

Ayatollahgondola 05-11-2011 07:22 PM

Cal channel has the video of the committee meeting up for view. My commentary doesn't come up until the end at about 1:47.

Jeanfromfillmore 05-11-2011 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 16086)
There is lots of work in Mexico, however there is very little financial reward for labor - shit wages.

This is unmitigated bullshit. I've talked to enough Mexicans about governmental corruption and criminal shakedowns for money. Cartels force ranchers off their property to grow pot, lots of people disappear without a trace.


This is some information most people don't know. This is the buying power of the citizens of both Mexico and the US for 2008 and 2009. These are the last years I could find the stats. You'll notice Mexico's personal buying power was better in 2009 than the US. As for their paying "shit wages" that is not necessarily the real facts when you see the stats. What is happening is the lowest of Mexico's labor force is being force to the US, but most in Mexico are being paid much better.

Purchasing Power per pop

2008 Mexico $12,400 US $13,780

2009 Mexico $13,900 US $13,820

ilbegone 05-12-2011 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 16089)
This is some information most people don't know. This is the buying power of the citizens of both Mexico and the US for 2008 and 2009. These are the last years I could find the stats. You'll notice Mexico's personal buying power was better in 2009 than the US. As for their paying "shit wages" that is not necessarily the real facts when you see the stats. What is happening is the lowest of Mexico's labor force is being force to the US, but most in Mexico are being paid much better.

Purchasing Power per pop

2008 Mexico $12,400 US $13,780

2009 Mexico $13,900 US $13,820

I'm not sure what you are talking about.

This is what I've heard:

There's lots of work in Mexico, but there's no money... Some of those coming here have a very good life on the ranch, but there's no money. Those who do have money are extorted by various means, quite a few who have disappeared seem to have resisted extortion demands.

I read an article in the Press Enterprise a week or so ago I almost posted here, it's not a propaganda piece for American consumption. It was headlined something like Mexicans are the hardest working people in the world.

According to the article, the number of hours Mexican nationals work in Mexico to make the barest of living standards exceeds that of even the Japanese. A Mexican government official who was interviewed for the piece said that it demonstrated the failure of the Mexican nation towards its citizens.

There is no such thing as welfare in Mexico, if you don't work, you don't eat.

I've read about the failure of subsistence farming - in part due to government subsidized imported American corn, population overflow from the pueblos to the cities, the trash pickers of Mexico City. You can see that those who come here definitely know how to stretch a nickle.

It seems to me that people in Mexico are far more inclined to be concerned about the price of tortillas than following the stock market.

I've seen fences at tumble down farm housing in the San Joaquin made out of a fantastic array of materials woven into a tight structure, from sticks to pieces of old table and maybe the occasional scrap bumper. I've even seen a clothes wash basin / scrubbing board made out of stone in the back yard of Mexican Nationals living in San Bernardino.

You can't tell me that the majority of those who have nearly emptied whole pueblos in Mexico to come here do so because they have the same buying power in Mexico as Americans do in America with resultant equal living standards.

Jeanfromfillmore 05-12-2011 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 16096)
I'm not sure what you are talking about.

This is what I've heard:

There's lots of work in Mexico, but there's no money... Some of those coming here have a very good life on the ranch, but there's no money. Those who do have money are extorted by various means, quite a few who have disappeared seem to have resisted extortion demands.

I read an article in the Press Enterprise a week or so ago I almost posted here, it's not a propaganda piece for American consumption. It was headlined something like Mexicans are the hardest working people in the world.

According to the article, the number of hours Mexican nationals work in Mexico to make the barest of living standards exceeds that of even the Japanese. A Mexican government official who was interviewed for the piece said that it demonstrated the failure of the Mexican nation towards its citizens.

There is no such thing as welfare in Mexico, if you don't work, you don't eat.

I've read about the failure of subsistence farming - in part due to government subsidized imported American corn, population overflow from the pueblos to the cities, the trash pickers of Mexico City. You can see that those who come here definitely know how to stretch a nickle.

It seems to me that people in Mexico are far more inclined to be concerned about the price of tortillas than following the stock market.

I've seen fences at tumble down farm housing in the San Joaquin made out of a fantastic array of materials woven into a tight structure, from sticks to pieces of old table and maybe the occasional scrap bumper. I've even seen a clothes wash basin / scrubbing board made out of stone in the back yard of Mexican Nationals living in San Bernardino.

You can't tell me that the majority of those who have nearly emptied whole pueblos in Mexico to come here do so because they have the same buying power in Mexico as Americans do in America with resultant equal living standards.

What you're comparing is the lowest rung, that is what is sent here from Mexico, not the average Mexican. As you know, 10% of Mexico is now here and it's not their average citizen. When you compare the average Mexican with the average American there is only a small difference in their buying power. Numbers don't lie. What you and most here in the US have been exposed to over the years is the lowest end of Mexico.

Mexico has Gucci, Prada and all the other high end stores just like Beverly Hills. But exposing just how wealthy Mexico is does not make for good propaganda.

I've seen people here in the US, in the outskirts of Bakersfield and Fresno that live in conditions about equal to those that we see in the commercials asking for donations for the poor in other countries. We have some very, very poor here. I was in what they called a "home" were the floor was made of broken plywood and the broken windows were covered with scraps of wood. But you don't see those places on the news, not unless they're in Mexico.

Mexico is the third richest country in the Americas, but all we're fed is that it is such a poor country, "they're so poor" crap. Those figures I gave are true, and the average Mexican in Mexico is not that bad off. Especially when you consider that Mexico has pushed much of its poor onto our soil. How much better would the average US citizen be if we were able to ship 10% of our country's poorest of poor off to another country. It would sure leave a lot of extra dollars in most of our pockets.

Take the time to look up just how "poor" Mexico really isn't. The other countries south of the US that are doing somewhat well are Chili and Argentina. There may be more, but I didn't have the time to look at all of them.

ilbegone 05-13-2011 04:05 AM

What is coming here is indeed the lowest class; the most ignorant, the least able to make it in Mexico - I've said that all along, and , for several reasons, Mexico is pushing it's poor into the United States, but there's not much of a middle class in Mexico. The developing Middle class was decimated by the oil bust of 1981 and the subsequent devaluation of the peso.

If you took wealthy Mexicans the likes of Carlos Slim and divided their combined wealth with the total population of Mexico you might have a decent per capita indication of wealth. but that's a false assumption, and just because there isn't general, widespread starvation doesn't mean there is a lot of money swirling around among the general population.

If there can be a favorable comparison made concerning "buying power" in a nation of extremely cheap labor (minimum wage $11.00 or so a day), it is only due to remittances from America and whatever money trickles down from the drug trade.

Ayatollahgondola 05-25-2011 07:35 PM

Stopped by the state capitol today. There were two events going on, but one was mainly the in-home services people screaming for mercy in regards to benefit cuts. Lots of people in wheelchairs, and some spanish chanting. I went inside and visited Tim donnely's office to make a request. I was treated ok in there today. the halls of the lower floor were awash in school kids. Hundreds of them. Don't know what that was about, however I'm sure it was a lobbying trip in addition to a field trip. I might mention the in-home people got rained on pretty good.
I couldn't stay long there because I had planned to attend a county supervisors meeting to protest a bit in regards to an appointment they were making to the fair housing advisory board. I actually made a difference in there today, but it is likely to be short lived. I'll update you on that one when it reconvenes on the 7th

Jeanfromfillmore 07-10-2011 04:20 PM

These are stories that in part tell what the media has not been telling the public. As you can read through this thread, I brought out that Mexico is doing very well financially and their GDP and unemployment has been better than ours for some years now. But the media hasn't reported that until now, figuring it would be harder to sell the "they just come here to feed their families" crap. Now that the cats out of the bag, they're trying to sell us "we need them" crap.

Let's face it, we've been lied to, manipulated and deceived for years.

Holding the line on illegal immigration
Lack of funding for Secure Communities equipment is troubling, but there are other ways to help stem the flow.

The flow of illegal Mexican immigrants into the U.S. has slowed dramatically, a function of improving opportunities for Mexicans at home and increased vigilance in this country.
As we have long said, securing the border between Mexico and the U.S. is an important precursor to immigration reform.
The key going forward will be to hold the line on illegal immigration through a variety of strategies the Obama administration is pursuing, including the full nationwide implementation of Secure Communities, which targets illegal immigrants with serious criminal backgrounds.
To that end, we were troubled to see that 39 percent of Colorado's 64 counties do not have the right digital fingerprint equipment to allow the program to function expeditiously.
A Post story by reporter Nancy Lofholm said the sheriffs' offices, many of them small or rural counties dealing with budget cuts, don't have the financial wherewithal to buy the equipment.
They still can, and we hope would, participate. However, it's clear that having updated digital equipment to transmit fingerprints quickly so they ultimately may be checked against immigration databases is far more efficient than dealing with ink and paper fingerprints.
There had been federal grant money available, but apparently Colorado didn't get all that it asked for, which meant new equipment for all the counties — which costs about $50,000 for each county — didn't make the cut.
The Colorado Bureau of Investigation is pushing to get as much equipment out of the federal money as possible, and we appreciate their efforts. We hope future grant opportunities for equipment funding are more fruitful so Secure Communities can operate optimally.
Other administration strategies, including better border enforcement and continuing to pressure employers who hire illegal immigrants, will help reduce the number of undocumented workers.
However, as a New York Times story last week made clear, conditions in Mexico have contributed substantially to decreased illegal immigration. Fear of border crime due to the illegal drug trade was cited as a negative factor that cut into illegal immigration, but most other factors are positive.
Incomes are rising. Poverty is declining. There are more educational opportunities and family sizes are smaller.

These are important advances for Mexico, and they have the added benefit of stemming illegal immigration to the U.S. However, we are concerned that when the U.S. economy bounces back, the incentive for illegal immigration may be resurrected.
The Obama administration must take advantage of this confluence of circumstances to buckle down and ensure illegal immigration from Mexico remains at a trickle so comprehensive immigration reform can gain momentum with policymakers and the public.

A lull in illegal immigration
The Mexicans are not coming!
Typically, I am not a very good headline writer, but a couple of stories I saw in newspapers last week screamed for that kind of hyperbole. The stories noted several recent studies that suggest Mexican immigrants, especially the ones who enter the country without permission, are increasingly deciding to stay home.
One might expect that kind of news would be welcome among those who want fewer illegal immigrants sneaking into the country, but no. Most of the reader comments on those stories suggested instead that the media was lying to them.
The evidence, however, is hard to ignore.
According to the Pew Hispanic Center, a research organization that focuses on the U.S. Latino population, the number of illegal immigrants living in the country decreased from 12 million in 2007 to 11.5 million in 2010. Much of the decrease was due to a drop in the illegal immigrant population from Mexico, which fell from 7 million in 2007 to 6.5 million last year.
Arrests along the southwest border dropped from 1.6 million in 2000 to 448,000 in 2010, according to immigration authorities.
In recent months, there were stories in newspapers about bored U.S. Border Patrol agents watching the fence rust due to a lack of activity.
The decrease in illegal immigration was predictable.
More job opportunities and higher wages are the dominant reasons illegal immigrants risk their lives to cross the border, according to Wayne Cornelius, the former director of the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at UC San Diego.
Unauthorized immigration increases when the U.S. economy is expanding and decreases when the economy is contracting, Cornelius says.
The U.S. economy has suffered one of its worst recessions in history.
Over the last few years, many illegal immigrants have left the U.S. ---- some voluntarily because of lack of work and others forced out by an expanding law enforcement web ---- never to return. This, along with fewer illegal immigrants coming, has led to the overall reduction in the illegal immigrant population.
There are other factors at work, too.
The population explosion that Mexico experienced and aggravated its long-term economic woes is slowing.
Birth control efforts and government-sponsored campaigns touting the virtues of smaller families also are working. The birth rate in Mexico is about 2 children per woman, down from nearly 7 children per woman in 1970.
In the future, an aging Mexico will need its younger, better-educated workers to stay home and keep the country running.

By now, some readers might be tempted to look outside their windows and see Latino gardners pushing lawn mowers and swinging leaf blowers, and puzzled, asking to themselves, "What reduction?"
Yes, there are still illegal immigrants out there and there is a good chance as long as there are more job opportunities and higher wages available here than in Mexico, some Mexicans will continue to come. But it doesn't have to be illegally if we take the opportunity and repair our broken immigration laws.
Fact check
Last week, I attempted to correct a statement made by Supervisor Bill Horn who said: "In North County, we have several Latino councilmen on every one of those cities."
There's not.
But I said that Vista has one Latino councilman. Vista has two Latino councilmen, Frank Lopez and John Aguilera.
My apologies to Mr. Aguilera.

Read more:

Jeanfromfillmore 07-10-2011 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 16089)
This is some information most people don't know. This is the buying power of the citizens of both Mexico and the US for 2008 and 2009. These are the last years I could find the stats. You'll notice Mexico's personal buying power was better in 2009 than the US. As for their paying "shit wages" that is not necessarily the real facts when you see the stats. What is happening is the lowest of Mexico's labor force is being force to the US, but most in Mexico are being paid much better.

Purchasing Power per pop

2008 Mexico $12,400 US $13,780

2009 Mexico $13,900 US $13,820

This is why Mexico is doing so well. Look up how that country is doing!

Supermanglide 08-03-2011 05:46 PM

Teachers give a standing ovation for this speech, i guess they concur Nea may be the instructors union I believe

Ayatollahgondola 08-10-2011 08:13 PM

Legislature back in session
So it's august and our illustrious failures are back in session at the capitol. Here are a rundown of bills that we might have an interest in that have committee meetings scheduled:


10 a.m. — Room 113
SUBJECT: Invasive Pest Prevention in California
:) :D

HUESO, Chair
1:30 p.m. — 401 B Street
Board Room, 7th Floor
San Diego
SUBJECT: Border Infrastructure and Its Effects on Commerce and the

TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2011—Continued
10 a.m. — State Capitol, Room 4202
SUBJECT: Coho Salmon Informational Hearing

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2011—Continued
9 a.m. — State Capitol, Room 4202

S.B. No. 124 De León. Ammunition.

S.B. No. 183 Correa. Ballots: identifying information.

S.B. No. 202 Hancock. Ballot initiatives: filing fees.

S.B. No. 326 Yee. Court records: public access.

S.B. No. 356 Blakeslee. State parks: local operating agreements.

S.B. No. 369 Evans. Dungeness crab.

S.B. No. 386 Harman. State parks: proposed closures: public notice.

S.B. No. 397 Yee. Online voter registration.

S.B. No. 459 Corbett. Employment: independent contractors.

S.B. No. 460 Price. International trade marketing and promotion.

S.B. No. 490 Hancock. Death penalty

S.B. No. 505 La Malfa. Fish: licenses: trout hatcheries.

S.B. No. 533 Wright. California Global Warming Solutions Act of
2006: State Air Resources Board regulations

S.B. No. 534 Corbett. Victims of sexual assault.

S.B. No. 535 De León. California Communities Healthy Air
Revitalization Trust.

S.B. No. 549 Rubio. Eggs: assessment fees.

S.B. No. 551 DeSaulnier. State property: tidelands transfer: City of

S.B. No. 600 Rubio. Public contracts: school districts: bidding

S.B. No. 610 Wright. Firearms: license to carry concealed firearm.

S.B. No. 641 Calderon. Voter registration.

S.B. No. 647 Committee on Judiciary. Civil law: omnibus bill.

S.B. No. 734 Price. High–Speed Rail Authority: small business
program: bidding preferences.

S.B. No. 757 Lieu. Discrimination.

MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 2011—Continued
KEHOE, Chair
10 a.m. — John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203)

A.B. No. 520 Ammiano. Vehicles: reckless driving: suspension of licenses

A.B. No. 618 Furutani. Court interpreters.

A.B. No. 781 John A. Pérez. Local government: counties: unincorporated

A.B. No. 844 Lara. Student government: students qualifying for exemption
from nonresident tuition: California Community Colleges:
governing board membership

A.B. No. 889 Ammiano. Domestic work employees.

A.B. No. 1088 Eng. State agencies: collection of demographic data.

A.B. No. 1156 Eng. Pupils: bullying.

A.B. No. 1299 Huffman. Marine fisheries: forage species.

A.B. No. 1307 Skinner. State Board of Equalization: administration:

A.B. No. 1313 Lara. Employment: agricultural workers.

10 a.m. to 12 m. — Room 3191
SUBJECT: Presentation on the Costs of the Death Penalty
by Hon. Arthur R. Alarcon and Prof. Paula M.
Mitchell, Esq.

Ayatollahgondola 08-13-2011 08:50 AM

In keeping with Gil Cedillo's "No Illegals Left Behind act", two events at the state capitol this month. I hope to be there for a counter opinion. anyone wanting to join me can contact me in the usual manner
I'm also open to smoke signals, carrier pidgeons, pony express, bike couriers, and putting my one working ear to the train tracks. Do I sound willing enough? :cool:


Start Date: 8/26/2011 End Date: 8/26/2011

Permit#: 2011-0462 Status: Approved
Organization: Office of Assemblymember Gil Cedillo
Activity:Rally to supprot the Dream Act ( Activity Items:
AB 130 and 131.)
Location: West Steps Participants 100
Setup Time: 5 :30 PM Start 6 :00 PM End 7 :00 PM
Contact: Xavier Maltese

Start Date: 8/28/2011 End Date: 8/28/2011

Permit#: 2011-0463 Status: Approved
Organization: Assemblymember Cedillo
Activity:A Rally for the CA Dream Act Activity Items:
Location: West Side Participants 100
Setup Time: 11:30 AM Start 12:00 PM End 2 :00 PM
Contact: Xavier Maltese

Ayatollahgondola 01-03-2012 08:59 PM

I know we all wish they weren't, but the legislature is back in session again. There's lots going on, but as usual, we'll be focusing on the bills and hearings that are relevent to the SOS agenda.

I've been following this supposed crackdown on the underground economy, because I believe we can have some squeeky wheel effect there. I've applied for access, records, and news releases from the major players, and awaiting replies

Meanwhile, We'll be filtering the daily file for obnoxious bills favoring foreigners.

Ayatollahgondola 03-12-2012 10:08 PM

Ran Into Villar Today
Passed By Antonio Villar at the capitol today,

He was coming out with his entourage as I was going in. I didn't have time for a big lecture, so I just yelled for him to go back to mexico. He ignored, but one in his group muttered something to me.

Now, I'm well aware that popular knowledge is that he was born here and is an American citizen. And as such, in the general sense, he isn't an illegal alien who should be sent back. But, in saying this, I was compelled by at least two or more reasons,

1: Villar is more sympathetic to mexico than he is to the US. He defends mexico, lobbies for mexico, sends his constituents money to mexico, protects mexico's illegally present citizens from the feds, and works as hard as he can to turn the formerly American city of Los Angeles into a city of Mexicans. Let's face it; Villar is a mexican in a US citizen's carcass.

2: Villar is a mayor of a city, and is always conducting his city's business in Mexico. He's always down there conspiring with the corrupt mexican government to give them whatever they want, or whatever they can get away with. So seeing him up here meddling in state affairs drove me to tell him to go back to mexico.

OK, so I mentioned someone else muttered something after I told him to go back to mexico.....
That person tracked me down as I was getting directions from the CHP officer who gaurds the governors door. Turns out he was Dan Morain, one of the more liberal democrat writers/editors of the Sacramento Bee. He asked me why I felt that way, and who I was, and where I was from. The latter part was meant to discover where I should "go back to", meaning where my ancestors were from. I didn't endulge him on that one, because Villar and I are worlds apart on that issue. I'm an American, and I protect and promote my fellow Americans. There is no comparison at all. No matter which country they came from, I don't choose it over the US or my fellow countrymen.
It's easy to call into question Villars loyalty. He has exhibited loyalty to mexico more often than most of the illegals he protects. You can't find a single instance of that in my history, so it's not a worthy subject.

anyway, I wanted you all to know in case something were to pop up in the news somewhere about someone telling villar where to go. this Morain guy usually has bigger fish to fry in the news, what with there being lots of liberal tax and spend bills under the dome, and today being one of them, so nothing will probably come of it.

Oh yeah...and villar was putting his two cents in on the committee hearing that took place today on an attempt by Ammiano to poke some holes in prop 13. You can guess which side of that villar would be there to testify on.

Ayatollahgondola 03-14-2012 06:14 AM

Well, Mr Morain did write me up over this. I'm ok with it though. I've been issued a citation for "bigotry". My jury is weighing in here in the commentary section, and thus far I'd say my chances are pretty good for an aquittal, or possibly jury nullification. :)

Patriotic Army Mom 03-14-2012 02:44 PM

Great Job! It's too bad you were alone. They could have written more up. I'm so proud of you.

Rim05 03-14-2012 03:39 PM

I wish I could lose about 10 or 15 years. I sure could give Villar and many others a headache.
Thanks so much for your remark. You should have told Morain he could go with Villar.:)

ilbegone 03-16-2012 06:24 AM


And a guy who had never met nor spoken with Villaraigosa told him to go back to Mexico, as if this proud graduate of Roosevelt High School in Los Angeles and UCLA ever lived south of the border.
And no mention of Villaracista's Mecha rabidity during his UCLA "experience".

The inevitable spin on Davi's commentary:


"Eh, he is a pissant," the man said, proceeding to spew about how an "illegal alien" killed the son of a friend down in L.A., and how it was Villaraigosa's fault. "He is a Mexican. That is what he claims. He is always defending illegal Mexicans and Mexico. … I have no qualms about saying anything to him."

The fellow's name is Davi Rodrigues. From where? "Right here in Sac," he said. "I'm an American. Period."

As Davi Rodrigues, American-Period made clear, Darwinism is a process. We haven't arrived. As for same-sex marriage, the president of the United States should follow the mayor of Los Angeles, stop the silly word games, and use the power of his position to urge that the nation move beyond its history of bigotry and discrimination to a higher realm.
Note this at the end of the article:


Comments on this story have been closed due to hate speech.
I wonder what that hate speech was? Don style commentary, froth mouth Mexica movement rhetoric, or well reasoned commentary concerning illegal entry and its defenders?

Ayatollahgondola 03-16-2012 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 19858)
Note this at the end of the article:

I wonder what that hate speech was? Don style commentary, froth mouth Mexica movement rhetoric, or well reasoned commentary concerning illegal entry and its defenders?

They removed at least 80 comments, much of it supportive of us, and a lot that was related to same sex marriage. I think Mr Morain was trying to tie the two together for purposes of getting the gay supporters to pile on me because he knew there would be little support for the poor mayor. that wasn't working either. Don't know if the gay support wing saw through his scheme, or whether they don't want to be seen as pro-illegal either.

Mr Morain is a terrible manipulator. More people see through his schemes than not. Doesn't stop him of course.

On the geraldo radio show yesterday, he asked whether I went there to "ambush" Villar. I'd just like to say that my chance passing him hardly qualifies for an ambush. The meetings at the capitol often drag on for hours, as did that one. I came in the middle of it. Villars testimony could have been at any point during that meeting, and there's no schedule printed on that. Also, he could have left the building at any of at least 4 public entrances, and several secured, non public ones. Those aren't posted in advance either. It was just pure chance. The only relevant factor on my part is that I spend more time at the state capitol than your average villar hater.

Also, Villar is a media and adoration hound, kind of like our old seer-less leader, the cockroach. He likes the spotlight. loves it actually. He wants people to see him and his entourage like a kings procession. Being up here though, he probably didn't expect to run into people who dislike him. He most likely thought it was fertile ground to expose himself to adoring fans, after all, the capitol houses quite a few mexican sympathizers, brown racists, and illegals lovers.

ilbegone 03-17-2012 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 19859)
They removed at least 80 comments, much of it supportive of us, and a lot that was related to same sex marriage. I think Mr Morain was trying to tie the two together for purposes of getting the gay supporters to pile on me because he knew there would be little support for the poor mayor. that wasn't working either. Don't know if the gay support wing saw through his scheme, or whether they don't want to be seen as pro-illegal either.

Mr Morain is a terrible manipulator. More people see through his schemes than not. Doesn't stop him of course.

On the geraldo radio show yesterday, he asked whether I went there to "ambush" Villar. I'd just like to say that my chance passing him hardly qualifies for an ambush. The meetings at the capitol often drag on for hours, as did that one. I came in the middle of it. Villars testimony could have been at any point during that meeting, and there's no schedule printed on that. Also, he could have left the building at any of at least 4 public entrances, and several secured, non public ones. Those aren't posted in advance either. It was just pure chance. The only relevant factor on my part is that I spend more time at the state capitol than your average villar hater.

Also, Villar is a media and adoration hound, kind of like our old seer-less leader, the cockroach. He likes the spotlight. loves it actually. He wants people to see him and his entourage like a kings procession. Being up here though, he probably didn't expect to run into people who dislike him. He most likely thought it was fertile ground to expose himself to adoring fans, after all, the capitol houses quite a few mexican sympathizers, brown racists, and illegals lovers.

I believe there is quite a bit of "rivalry" between northern and southern California which goes back to the Spanish colonial days. I saw what I perceived as a sort of snootieness concerning socal when I worked in a triangle between San Rafael, Livermore, and San Jose. Sometimes people I became friendly with would introduce me to others as being from LA in a way to suggest that I was better than their stereotype of the southern California troglodyte. Besides, I'm as close to being from LA in many ways as a life long inhabitant of Dixon is from San Francisco.

Mayor Antonio Villaracista may have a little support from some northern brown racist sympathizers and some in the northern media, but that's about it. No one else from norcal is going to be impressed by his bullshit, particularly if they have spent any time at all in Mayor Villaracista's City of Los Angeles.

A little more about Mayor Antonio Villaracista from a self described UCLA alumni and apparently anti brown racist website (2004,2005):


(Picture caption) Antonio Villaraigosa (then, Tony Villar) leading a protest to include the Communist organization "Committee to Free Los Tres" on the Steering Committee of the Chicano Studies Center. UCLA campus, May 23, 1974.

Antonio Villaraigosa, a one-time juvenile delinquent still tattooed with the slogan “Born to Raise Hell,” entered the UCLA campus as a transfer student from East Los Angeles Community College in 1972. Known then simply as Tony Villar, he would not successfully graduate by the time he left in 1975.(1) But Villar did leave a wide swath of influence in other, more radical ways.

While on campus, Villar joined the UCLA chapter of Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA), and was part of its leadership by 1974. MEChA had only been founded as a regional movement in 1969, and in many ways, the UCLA chapter, and the radical Chicano student left today, is a direct product of Villar’s work then.

The Bruin ended the story with a final quote from Villar:
“As Chicanos going to University they’re demanding relevant education that they have some input into.”

The term “relevant education” is Orwellian code used by minority political activists to describe their vision of a network of non-academic interests that both feed from, and direct, the university. The ideal network includes, but is not limited to, labor unions, minority racial affiliation groups, and members of the public taking direct action to aggregate political power. Stripping away Villar’s self-justification about ‘relevant education,’ it becomes clear that the fight was a proxy power grab by militant Chicano organizations. Their goal: to turn an academic unit at a proud university into a mere ideological factory to support and undergird a drive for exclusive minority power accumulation.

Villar was ultimately successful in his fight for his vision for a relevant education. On July 19, 1974, the Daily Bruin announced in a brief notice that Professor Alvarez had resigned from his directorship following internal private deliberations with higher administration figures.

Villar’s goals, and the actions which made it possible, are instructive in understanding the man who desires to be the next mayor of Los Angeles. Not only did Villar himself harbor radical ambitions, he proved willing to destroy both an innocent man and a fellow Chicano by turning his staff, his students, and eventually, his employer, against him.

For a youth who displayed such ambition and achieved such lofty goals – removing a UCLA professor who would not, under his directorship, subsume the Chicano Studies Center to the cause of Chicano radicalism – Antonio Villaraigosa has shown surprisingly little interest in talking about his time as a UCLA MEChA leader.

Those who benefit from an unequal system usually have the most interest in preserving that inequality. The rabid beneficiaries of affirmative action like Villaraigosa are prime examples of this maxim.

Unfortunately for Californians, there will be for the foreseeable future, a radical Chicano fox in our university’s hen house. And alumni like Antonio Villaraigosa and Gil Cedillo, who disguise radicalism with suits and smiles, will issue forth into the public, pursuing the MEChA agenda.

An “affirmative action baby”[5] and a radical Chicano, Antonio Villaraigosa has charmed his way into power, and now seeks to become the first Latino mayor of Los Angeles since the 19th century. But will Villaraigosa win if voters understand that the one-time Tony Villar is an unreconstructed MEChista, dedicated to the goals of Aztlan liberation, whose radical past at UCLA informs his thoughts and actions today? We will know soon enough: Election Day is May 17, 2005.

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