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PochoPatriot 11-02-2010 09:06 PM

This Is IT! Going to Leave California ASAP!
The land of fruits and nuts re-elected Moonbeam. It's time to abandon California to the Libtards and illegals. We'll be looking to get out of California as soon as possible. Maybe New Mexico?

Twoller 11-02-2010 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 12986)
The land of fruits and nuts re-elected Moonbeam. It's time to abandon California to the Libtards and illegals. We'll be looking to get out of California as soon as possible. Maybe New Mexico?

If you can just pack up and go whenever you want, why didn't you leave a long time ago? A lot of people have neither the money nor the leisure to relocate on the foibles of who wins an election.

This is going to be interesting. Brown was elected by a bunch of people who were not even born yet the last time he was governor. They are going to be even more disappointed in Brown then they are in the Obamination. Confounding Brown will be easier than confounding Obama.

Ah-nold's constituency was liberal, but won't admit it. Brown's constituency is conservative, but won't admit it. What they both have in common, nobody will admit.

Notice Proposition 19 was defeated by the same voters.

Anyone who is demoralized by Brown winning this election never had a grip on what was and is going in the first place.

ilbegone 11-03-2010 12:29 AM

I have a clue.

A demented, anti-business legislature: removal of the super majority required to raise taxes; and Moonbeam, the former governor who opposed prop 13 - the proposition which kept old people from losing their houses to the taxman.

It will ultimately be "interesting" only to those who milk the system, that is, until the system crashes.

I suppose it's "interesting" that Boxer and Reid has another term in the senate as well.

wetibbe 11-03-2010 04:50 AM

Election news from New York.
Well, we didn't make out too well.

Andrew Cuomo trounced Carl Paladino badly for Governor.

Both Senators, Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand were re-elected. Gillibrand replaced Hillary Clinton.

All are flaming liberals/Democrats. Perhaps the only thing good is that David Paterson, the blind African American, is gone. Cuomo can't be as bad as he was.

Locally Congressman Eliot Engle was re-elected again. He has a grade report card of F- minus on just about ever issue.

Lamentable we have just too many of the wrong kind of people living here in NY. And that we share with California. Both states also are overrun with illegal aliens and both are running big deficits. Ours is $9 billion.

But I'm not moving. I'll just hunker down and wait it out as usual.


Move to New Mexico ? Isn't Bill Richardson the Governor there ? How could he be better than Moonbeam. 11-03-2010 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 12989)
I have a clue.

A demented, anti-business legislature: removal of the super majority required to raise taxes; and Moonbeam, the former governor who opposed prop 13 - the proposition which kept old people from losing their houses to the taxman.

It will ultimately be "interesting" only to those who milk the system, that is, until the system crashes.

I suppose it's "interesting" that Boxer and Reid has another term in the senate as well.

Yes, Californians have greased the rails to speed up the state's imminent demise.

Quite frankly, given the financial devastation of this state - in terms of what is owed and what industries have been lost (not to mention the taxpayers who had those jobs and left the state), I'm not sure an election could alter the course.

Without a doubt, "Reagan Country" is long gone. It has been replaced by a left-of-center constituency that unfailingly votes for those who hand out freebies and taxpayer funded goodies.

The only question becomes, who will be left to foot the bill for DWP retirement packages, universal pre-school, financial aid for illegal alien college students, etc?

Don 11-03-2010 07:37 AM

Ron Paul has said that nothing substantial will change until the collapse of the dollar and massive civil unrest. People will not confront reality until that happens. I believe he's right.

Study the financial collapse of Argentina a decade ago. A corrupt elite mortgaged the country in much the same way as our elite. The bankers came in and asset stripped the country. Now I hear that Obama's administration is talking about nationalizing 401(K)'s and IRA's. This happened in Argentina. This is the equivalent of a country being foreclosed upon by creditors.

maggieb60 11-03-2010 08:41 AM

Califronia is surely dust
It will soon be broker than ever, Many business will leave , unemployment will rise greatly, They aren't the smartest cookies in the box :)

Kathy63 11-03-2010 01:38 PM

If I could I'd get out. It's more impossible now than it was even a few months ago but anyone with any wisdom and wherewithall should get out now.

It isn't only who was elected. Certainly Moonbeam is a tragedy, Gavin Newsome a worse tragedy and Kamala Harris (if she finally gets it) a catastrophe. It's the failure to repeal AB32 that will well and surely do this state in.

PochoPatriot 11-03-2010 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by wetibbe (Post 12990)
Move to New Mexico ? Isn't Bill Richardson the Governor there ? How could he be better than Moonbeam.

Not any more. They elected a Latina Republican. Her opponent, err, enemy, was Richardson's Lt. Governor.

PochoPatriot 11-03-2010 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 12987)
If you can just pack up and go whenever you want, why didn't you leave a long time ago? A lot of people have neither the money nor the leisure to relocate on the foibles of who wins an election.

My wife and I have been wanting to get out of California for quite a while (going back to 2002), however, circumstances mitigated against the move. So this is not some whim, or solely based on this election. I have lived in southern California since 1987, and I have seen the utter race to the sewer that the liberals are engaged in. This state is done. It is going to sink, and nothing will change that fact. The question is whether one wants to go down with the ship or get out as soon as possible.

Twoller 11-03-2010 04:48 PM

So what is Fr. Moonbeam going to do in office and what can we do to make his life a living hell when he is trying to do it?

PochoPatriot 11-03-2010 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 13007)
So what is Fr. Moonbeam going to do in office and what can we do to make his life a living hell when he is trying to do it?

Will it matter? 11-03-2010 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 13007)
So what is Fr. Moonbeam going to do in office and what can we do to make his life a living hell when he is trying to do it?

What is he going to do?

Definitely: 1) Go along with whatever the unions want; 2) Rubber stamp the insane budgets the state legislature will produce ... that the Republicans can no longer trim b/c now only a simple maj. is required rather than 2/3; 3) Hand out financial aid to illegal alien college students

Maybe: A) Grant drivers licenses to illegal aliens; B) Spearhead drives to hand over all sorts of taxpayer funded subsidies for "green energy" projects that private industry won't touch b/c of lack of profitability.

Twoller 11-03-2010 08:24 PM

Well, the illegal alien student thing might be easier than it looks.

How exactly does one become an illegal alien college student? If your illegal parents burped you up here, you are an anchor baby and you don't have to act like you are illegal at all. So it isn't anchor babies who are looking forward to college tuition for illegal immigrants.

It sounds like illegal immigrants are actually carting their nits accross the borders with them in some cases. Is this what is happening? Typically, we don't imagine that illegals haul families with them, the image is of people coming alone after paying off organized crime. Or they get pregnant and them come here to burp up anchor babies.

So instead of breaking out the outrage when they starting asking for college tuition, we might be able to confront them a little further up the production line.

There is also the other issue of how an illegal qualifies for college tuition. They must have sufficient educational background to get it. Where are they getting that? And why can't we boot them out of whatever educational system they are using to prepare for college?

wetibbe 11-04-2010 03:18 AM

Just remember, illegal alien college students normally can't legally and legitimately get a job after graduation !! There are cases of them moaning and groaning because no-one would hire them. Some crying two years after graduation and still unemployed.

wetibbe 11-04-2010 03:27 AM

Just remember, illegal alien college students normally can't legally and legitimately get a job after graduation !! There are cases of them moaning and groaning because no-one would hire them. Some crying two years after graduation and still unemployed.

As to Jerry Moonbeam, I read a couple of days ago that he confessed that while Governor last time he did not actually have a plan !!!! He just went drifting along and let things happen. It may be that he is just as clueless now.

I don't think Brown will be giving away the company store now if there isn't any store to give away ! With his deficit and the Government defaulting it could be the medicine that moderates his loose and liberal mentality.

About the only consolation that I can think of is that California is an example of what the other states don't want to be.

How did California and New York get so many of these screwball fruitcakes ? Could it be our liberal educational system ?

Bill O'Reilly asked that same question last night and came up with some pretty good answers for California at least. 11-04-2010 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by wetibbe (Post 13014)
Just remember, illegal alien college students normally can't legally and legitimately get a job after graduation !! There are cases of them moaning and groaning because no-one would hire them. Some crying two years after graduation and still unemployed.

As to Jerry Moonbeam, I read a couple of days ago that he confessed that while Governor last time he did not actually have a plan !!!! He just went drifting along and let things happen. It may be that he is just as clueless now.

I don't think Brown will be giving away the company store now if there isn't any store to give away ! With his deficit and the Government defaulting it could be the medicine that moderates his loose and liberal mentality.

Won't give away the store? The unions just spent millions getting him elected and don't want anything in return? You don't think he's willing to spend CA taxpayer money to make a certain constituency happy - particularly one that gave him lots of votes (Young and Hispanic)?

Do you remember the speech he gave at UCLA less than a week ago wherein he said that financial aid for illegal aliens (The California DREAM Act) in CA is exactly what he'll deliver?

Which Democratic politicians in this state, whom you can name, have stopped spending irresponsibly because we're billions in debt?

Patriotic Army Mom 11-04-2010 07:31 AM

I understand Pocho. Never been a runner, but sometimes it has to happen. I love my country, it's worth fighting for, and it had nothing to do with Prop 19!
How could that be?

Ayatollahgondola 11-04-2010 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 13007)
So what is Fr. Moonbeam going to do in office and what can we do to make his life a living hell when he is trying to do it?

We can fight. Just like we always have. There's no reason to quit, because there's no freedom anywhere unless you fight for it. That's the way it's always been everywhere.
We'll go on the offensive again real soon. We'll let the election hangover pass, and then start building up our forces again. California has some of the best climate and geography. There may be those of us who think they can survive and flourish in less hospitable areas, but I often see them return after a few years or less. If you end up being one of those who feel you can find a better life by leaving, I wish you the best, but it's not for me. I've been all over the country, and save for the climate in Florida and Hawaii, California is my choice. Hawaii is too expensive with limited opportunities, and Florida is too crowded and full of foreigners too

Don 11-04-2010 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 13019)
We can fight. Just like we always have. There's no reason to quit, because there's no freedom anywhere unless you fight for it. That's the way it's always been everywhere.
We'll go on the offensive again real soon. We'll let the election hangover pass, and then start building up our forces again. California has some of the best climate and geography. There may be those of us who think they can survive and flourish in less hospitable areas, but I often see them return after a few years or less. If you end up being one of those who feel you can find a better life by leaving, I wish you the best, but it's not for me. I've been all over the country, and save for the climate in Florida and Hawaii, California is my choice. Hawaii is too expensive with limited opportunities, and Florida is too crowded and full of foreigners too

Well I know many who have left California but none who ever came back. The grass may not be greener in other states, but the cost of living is usually much lower. Nevertheless, I admire your fighting spirit.

I am actually bolstered by the elections, even as I think California is probably doomed. I believe that California will not change until it really crashes and burns. The state will be forced to default and the question will be whether or not the Fed Gov will provide a "bail out." I believe there will be overwhelming opposition to any proposal to "bail out" California, much like the hostility to the proposed New York City bailout under President Gerald Ford so many years ago. There is tremendous hatred of California in other parts of the country, some of which is a bi-product of the growing resistance to illegal immigration. Just look at Arizona! Arizonans are fighting for their country and I don't think they'll volunteer to pay more taxes to bail out a state like California that basically surrendered and ran up the white flag.

I don't know about actual secession, but I do see an increasing Balkanization of the country. The Health Care fiasco and other social programs will become increasingly irrelevant as the dollar collapses and massive French Revolution style civil unrest occurs. Some people are predicting hyperinflation, like in the post-WW1 Weimar Republic.

I guess one issue will be who gets to control the keys to the nuclear weapons? Kind of like the movie Crimson Tide with Gene Hackman and Denzel Washington where a US missile sub is dispatched to launch on mythical, disintegrating Russia where one faction gained control of part of its nuclear arsenal and is threatening to attack the USA.

Will Russia dispatch a nuclear sub to launch on us if some faction seizes part of our nuclear arsenal and threatens "world peace"? Kind of like Crimson Tide in reverse. Anything is possible. This election reveals significant fissures in the country that cannot be healed by feel-good rhetoric and slogans.

Obama is going to India with a fleet of jets and 34 warships at a cost of $200 million per day. Our country is disintegrating, people are massively unemployed and we're on the brink of economic collapse, and our meglomanical leader is going off on another vacation to live like royalty in the land of maharajas. This lunatic is totally disconnected from reality. He is like the emperor Nero fiddling while Rome burned.

Eagle1 11-04-2010 09:55 AM

I am planning to leave California as well. The problem is that I may be caught in a trap. I have two homes here (neither of which is worth anything now)
and just how do you sell a home these days particularly in California.

About a week ago I visited my spare home and found that vandals had stripped
it of its main entrance wiring. This is expensive copper wiring that goes from the electrical meter to the breaker box on the side of the house.

The thieves left everything undisturbed but cut through metal conduit and
ripped out wood skirting to get at this item. It would cost close to $2k to fix this but luckily I know how to do the work.

I believe it was done by some of the localillegals in the construction trade
but I cannot prove this.

I am enraged by what California has become....a state full of thieves, welfare recipients and deadbeats coddled by politicians and untouched by local police.

Hearing that Brown, who has promised the illegals in state tuition has become our Governor, is certainly the last straw for me.

California has tremendous potential for a come back but it appears that the majority of the population is too stupid to free itself of the politicians that have ruined this state.

I have met scores of Californians who abandoned this sinking ship years ago and now live in at least a less desirable climate weather wise, but who are quite happy due to less crime and such.

I'm done with it folks. I do not want to fund this bs anymore.

We will see if I can get out or if like a hapless mouse I am caught in a trap and cannot get out without chewing my foot off.:mad::mad::mad:

Twoller 11-04-2010 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by wetibbe (Post 13013)
Just remember, illegal alien college students normally can't legally and legitimately get a job after graduation !! There are cases of them moaning and groaning because no-one would hire them. Some crying two years after graduation and still unemployed.

I still think the place to confront illegals in the college system is long before they get to college.

Again, how do we get college age illegal immigrants? How long have they been in the country illegally before they want to go to college? What about their parents? 11-04-2010 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 13022)
I still think the place to confront illegals in the college system is long before they get to college.

Yes, you're right. You said that. You've got this repetition thing down. You also said this: There is also the other issue of how an illegal qualifies for college tuition. They must have sufficient educational background to get it. Where are they getting that? And why can't we boot them out of whatever educational system they are using to prepare for college?

Here's your answer: Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982)

Twoller 11-04-2010 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 13024)
Yes, you're right. You said that. You've got this repetition thing down. You also said this: There is also the other issue of how an illegal qualifies for college tuition. They must have sufficient educational background to get it. Where are they getting that? And why can't we boot them out of whatever educational system they are using to prepare for college?

Here's your answer: Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982)

Here is Wikipedia's entry on the subject:

And here is Wikipedia's entry on the Fourteenth amendment which is what Plyler v. Doe is based on:

Plyler v Doe is pretty weak stuff, the SC's ruling is pretty weak and does not specifically guarantee an education for people not in the country legally.

But at the risk of repeating myself again, we still need to know how we get illegal alien students in the first place. Since we can assume that they are not born here because that process is already corrupted in another way, they must be crossing the border young. It seems to me that it should be easier to catch illegals crossing with children or young adults. Or they maybe crossing as young adults. Why not demand additional enforcement or penalties for people who expose children to illegal immigrant trafficking? Finding children classifiable as illegal immigrants in the education system would be evidence of the despicable practice of illegally trafficking in children and juveniles. Organized crime is bound to be involved and certainly it would be an early recruitment point for herding children into criminal activity and exploitation.

I remember long ago when the arguments about providing schooling illegals was first made. A plausible argument made then was that such a service would be a stop gap measure to identify and relocate families who were in the country illegally. While being processed out, their children could be exposed to educational opportunities and could not be denied such opportunities. But public education for illegals was never intended to be institutionalized this way.

I don't see anything about insisting on schooling be available for illegals that suggest such opportunity be a refuge from policing illegal immigration.

Rim05 11-04-2010 06:38 PM

I will never uproot and go some other place. I do think things are going to get worse because no one wants to help the other side try to improve our lives. It takes cooperation from all.
In the thirties our government at least worked together for the citizens, not so this time.

ilbegone 11-04-2010 07:12 PM


Plyler v Doe is pretty weak stuff,
No, it's not.

Imagine all you want, dream all the fantasies you care to believe.

The Supreme Court ruling is set in stone, and any notion to the contrary is as meaningless as your commitment to to check up on the immigration status and English speaking capability of the Valdez family in Texas and the Pollard family in Florida.

The Supreme court ruling specifically mentioned the wrong of unenforced immigration law, but also considered the wrong of punishing children for the illegal parent's wrongdoing.

Here's another mission for you:

Convince the Supreme Court of the land of the error of its decision concerning Plyler v. Doe.

Stow the aggressive mode, they all speak English and they are all citizens.

And they can put you away for a while - maybe indefinately - for merely being borderline disrespectful.


we still need to know how we get illegal alien students in the first place.
Perhaps you are Missing the obvious.

Ask your Congressman. He might not inform you as to the obvious, but the answer is no further than his office and the solution no further away than his ejection from that office.

rs232c 11-05-2010 03:08 AM

The real loss was the Senate Majority Leader winning the race, how I can't understand.

Cuomo was elected because his father was a well respected politician.

I expect that since the lines are drawn there will be entertaining grandstanding on both sides but little headway. The only hope are the Democrats who won on a platform that distanced themselves from Obama to vote with the Republicans.

wetibbe 11-05-2010 04:49 AM

Election results California.
Did you know that Nancy Pelosi was re-elected by 80% ?

And Pete Stark by 72% ?

According to the Fox news map the bulk of California is Red/Republican land area !!! Only those coastal enclaves are blue !

Map: 11-05-2010 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by wetibbe (Post 13040)
According to the Fox news map the bulk of California is Red/Republican land area !!! Only those coastal enclaves are blue !


That shouldn't surprise you. That's true for much of the country. The coasts and metropolitan population centers are where Democrats excel. The smaller city areas, rural locations and inland is generally red. Look at Nevada. Harry Reid essentially won the Las Vegas area and Reno. The rest of the state went for Angle. Chicago, Detroit, Miami, San Diego, Houston, Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, Boston ... You subtract 4 of these cities and their residents from the country (pick the quartet you like the most), and the Democrats couldn't win another national election as things currently stand.

Don 11-05-2010 06:15 AM

Well you guys are not the only ones planning to leave California.

Hugh Hewitt, that great conservative talk radio bulwark, has announced that he's thinking about leaving California because it's "broken." This is the same Piece of S.H.*.T. who ceaslessly mocked, ridiculed and defamed American patriots like us as "pot and pan bangers", "bigots", and "nativists" because we supported Prop. 187 and tried to stop the foreign invasion while there might have been time. Hewitt together with other great Republicans like Ronald Reagan (Amnesty 1986), Jack Kemp ("Big tent"), William Bennett (called Pat Buchanan a "fascist"), Dan Lungren, and other RINOS have doomed us and now they're hitting the road for greener pastures.

I used to call Larry Elder's show and try to ask "When your station goes Spanish speaking after English speaking whites who make up most of your audience have been driven out of California, where will you broadcast then?", but of course I never got past the screener and he refused to respond to my many emails asking this question.

Well Larry isn't talking about leaving California yet, but Hugh Hewitt is. He is running away from the state he helped destroy.

Thanks to the treachery of Ronald Reagan, Hugh Hewitt and other "Republicans", the state that was called "Reagan Country" is now a political subdivision of Mexico.

REWHBLCAIN 11-05-2010 10:39 AM

Don't fret, the Government will bale you guys out. I mean the rest of us will. 11-05-2010 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by REWHBLCAIN (Post 13044)
Don't fret, the Government will bale you guys out. I mean the rest of us will.

I sincerely hope you won't, because financial disaster and dealing with the consequences (Californians dealing with it, not the rest of the nation's taxpaying citizens) is what will ultimately save this beautiful state.

When lots of businesses and April 15 taxpayers exit, stage East, from the Golden State, is when the takers will head elsewhere, as well. The mass exodus of the illegal alien and anchor baby populations, from my neck of the woods, will occur when the benefits (given by the states that can afford them) and jobs are elsewhere.

LAPhil 11-05-2010 12:04 PM

This last election just confirmed that most people in California have become too stupid to live. It's too bad the state doesn't just fall off the continent and sink into the ocean like a lot of people said was going to happen about 40 years ago. (Oh that's right, I live here too. For that matter, so do a lot of you sensible people. Forget the whole thing).

PochoPatriot 11-05-2010 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 13042)
Thanks to the treachery of Ronald Reagan, Hugh Hewitt and other "Republicans", the state that was called "Reagan Country" is now a political subdivision of Mexico.

Oh you are so full of crap you might as well be a Mexican! What killed California as a right leaning state was the death of the defense industry. When those jobs left California so did the right. Stop blaming Ronald Reagan for the problems that others caused.

Eagle1 11-06-2010 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 13030)
I will never uproot and go some other place. I do think things are going to get worse because no one wants to help the other side try to improve our lives. It takes cooperation from all.
In the thirties our government at least worked together for the citizens, not so this time.

RIMO5 you are a valuable asset in that you experienced what many of us have not. You can remember how things were while those in my age group were experiencing a change we were not aware of.

Eagle1 11-06-2010 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 13042)
Well you guys are not the only ones planning to leave California.

I used to call Larry Elder's show and try to ask "When your station goes Spanish speaking after English speaking whites who make up most of your audience have been driven out of California, where will you broadcast then?".

Thanks to the treachery of Ronald Reagan, Hugh Hewitt and other "Republicans", the state that was called "Reagan Country" is now a political subdivision of Mexico.

In Palmdale California there were at least two radio hosts that lost their jobs
when the station went Spanish due to the changed demographics brought about by the illegal alien invasion. That was almost three years ago.
Today the sight of illegal alien mamas pushing a stroller down the street with three kids in tow and one or more in the womb is common.

The local hospital that delivers babies is overwhelmed as a huge number of anchor babies are delivered at taxpayers expense. The nurses working there hate it!

On the issue of Ronald Reagan I agree that his decision to grant amnesty was a huge blunder. I spoke with his son, Michael Reagan, and he told me that his dad was sorry that he had signed the amnesty bill into law. Too late, we're screwed.

Last night we stopped at an Arco to fill the tank in the general area of Palmdale and a Mexican looking man in his mid to late twenties pulled up to the pump a row away and the Spanish language music coming from his car was at a tremendous decibel level. It was thunderous. It was offensive and intrusive to people far away from someone who I assume is hiding "in the shadows" as our President would say.

I entertained the thought of going over and shutting his music off but I don't like going to jail or getting into trouble so I passed it up. Yes, he was probably a reminder of Reagan's mistake.

LAPhil 11-07-2010 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 13074)
Last night we stopped at an Arco to fill the tank in the general area of Palmdale and a Mexican looking man in his mid to late twenties pulled up to the pump a row away and the Spanish language music coming from his car was at a tremendous decibel level. It was thunderous. It was offensive and intrusive to people far away from someone who I assume is hiding "in the shadows" as our President would say.

Yeah, Eagle1, that "hiding in the shadows" bit always gets me too. It seems like at least in this part of the country "in your face" is more like it.

Don 11-07-2010 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 13052)
Oh you are so full of crap you might as well be a Mexican! What killed California as a right leaning state was the death of the defense industry. When those jobs left California so did the right. Stop blaming Ronald Reagan for the problems that others caused.

"full of crap"? Wow. That's really original. No doubt an example of your culture's great tradition of thoughtful discourse and diplomacy.

The death of the defense industry killed California?

Really? And just what was California like before the defense industry came here in WW2? It was great, that's what it was like.

ilbegone 11-07-2010 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 13082)
"full of crap"? Wow. That's really original. No doubt an example of your culture's great tradition of thoughtful discourse and diplomacy.

The death of the defense industry killed California?

Really? And just what was California like before the defense industry came here in WW2? It was great, that's what it was like.

Do you personally remember what California was like before December 7th, 1941? I'm not so sure you do.

If I remember the books right, there was a depression with a whole lot of hungry Americans.

There is a quote by writer Stella Hughes,


Time can improve any memory
Just what were "the good old days"?

Don 11-07-2010 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 13086)
Do you personally remember what California was like before December 7th, 1941? I'm not so sure you do.

If I remember the books right, there was a depression with a whole lot of hungry Americans.

There is a quote by writer Stella Hughes,

Just what were "the good old days"?

The good old days were when California was recognizably American, when American flags outnumbered Mexican flags and English speakers outnumbered babbling, squalling 3d world primitives.

No, I was not born until after WW2. I don't have personal knowledge of pre-war California, but neither do I have personal knowledge of the Roman Empire, the American Revolution, or anything else in history prior to my birth. Human beings rely on the historical record rather than on personal recollections because the span of history far exceeds the life of any single person. That's what distinguishes us as humans. We invent languages, writing, books, tools, and we create an historical record. Lower animals like cattle, sheep (and apparently you) don't rely on a written historical record and their knowledge is limited to what they've personally experienced in their own short life times.

Yes, there was a depression in the 1930's. Yes people were poor. But, California had a viable economy with oil, agriculture, motion pictures, aviation (Chas. Lindburgh's airplane was built at Ryan Aviation in San Diego and Hughes Aviation was in Culver City), in 1908, the first of several huge telescopes were installed at the Palomar Observatory on Mt. Wilson and there were huge fishing fleets operating out of San Diego, San Pedro and Monterrey. California was recognizably American and not a third world sewer like it is now.

In the good old days, before the onslaught of millions of third world primitives, schools were good even if students were poor, kids weren't shot by "minority" gang bangers on their way to and from them, and the quality of life was vastly superior in so many ways, even if people were not as well off as they'd like to be. My parents and others talked about the depression and whatever problems Americans might have had, they were never forced to flee their homes by an invasion of third world scum. When Pearl Harbor was attacked and we were threatened with invasion, the American government of that time at least defended the American people unlike the government today that has abandoned them.

As bad as things were during the depression, Americans migrated to California instead of out of it during that difficult time.

What is the title of this thread? THIS IS IT. GOING TO LEAVE CALIFORNIA ASAP.

If you think millions of third world cockroaches are so wonderful, why does your website have a thread with a string of people saying Screw it...I've had enough! [?]

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