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-   -   Just in case your enthusiasm ... ( 10-20-2010 02:50 PM

Just in case your enthusiasm ...
... for the upcoming elections was beginning to wane:

ilbegone 10-20-2010 05:09 PM

The flag came into view, patriotic music began playing, then Chelene came into view and introduced herself.

I immediately punched the close button, and moseyed on.

Can't help it, that's the way it is.

Rim05 10-20-2010 07:00 PM

This is the worst year for an election I have ever seen. In the last two days the adds on TV have been terrible and the candidates are terrible, we may as not have an election. I wonder how many millions of dollars have been spent on the elections.

ohighlass 10-21-2010 11:32 AM

The candidates are spending lots of money to be able to pour slime and dish crap out about their opponents. I have not heard any of them tell us what changes or solutions they have in mind to better us. I guess it doesn't matter anyway - they would all be broken promises, I am sure. Just like Obama.

I hit the mute button on the TV control when the ads come on.

Today, some guy was in the rain alongside a major roadway waving a USA flag standing amid signs supporting Brown and a democrat locally running for Congress. I remember when the Ojai Valley used to be so conservative, like Orange County was. Alas, now it is full of a new generation of "educated" liberals, spending the inheritences received from their hard-working, dead, conservative parents..... 10-21-2010 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by ohighlass (Post 12827)
I have not heard any of them tell us what changes or solutions they have in mind to better us.

Well, Jerry Brown recently announced to a crowd at UCLA that he would have (and intends to, when given the opportunity) signed the California DREAM Act (i.e. financial aid for illegals) that Schwarzenegger vetoed a week or two ago.

Twoller 10-21-2010 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 12829)
Well, Jerry Brown recently announced to a crowd at UCLA that he would have (and intends to, when given the opportunity) signed the California DREAM Act (i.e. financial aid for illegals) that Schwarzenegger vetoed a week or two ago.

Is there any evidence that Whitman wouldn't have done the same thing? 10-21-2010 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 12830)
Is there any evidence that Whitman wouldn't have done the same thing?


"Jerry Brown and I couldn't disagree more on this issue. The state of California is in economic meltdown, and one of Jerry Brown's top priorities is to give financial aid and in-state tuition breaks to undocumented immigrants. He not only supports legislation that would enable that type of state spending, he said it would be 'one of the first bills' he'd sign. It's either reckless mismanagement of taxpayer dollars or political pandering for votes. The truth is the state can't afford either right now,” Whitman said in a statement. “Not only is Brown's position wrong, it’s unfair to California taxpayers as well as the families who are here legally.”

Twoller 10-21-2010 05:49 PM


".... It's either reckless mismanagement of taxpayer dollars or political pandering for votes. The truth is the state can't afford either right now,” Whitman said in a statement. “Not only is Brown's position wrong, it’s unfair to California taxpayers as well as the families who are here legally.”
It must be the Republican party line that the reason we should not give illegal immigrants money for higher education is because it costs too much. Ah-nold said the same thing when he vetoed the bill.

We should not be giving any government money to illegal immigrants anywhere for any reason because they are here illegally and need to be thrown out.

Money for coming from the government for purposes of higher education should be going to US citizens and nobody else. Nobody else.

ilbegone 10-22-2010 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 12814)
This is the worst year for an election I have ever seen. In the last two days the adds on TV have been terrible and the candidates are terrible, we may as not have an election. I wonder how many millions of dollars have been spent on the elections.


The candidates are spending lots of money to be able to pour slime and dish crap out about their opponents. I have not heard any of them tell us what changes or solutions they have in mind to better us. I guess it doesn't matter anyway - they would all be broken promises, I am sure. Just like Obama.
I don't pay attention to the adds, I figure they are venom from a two headed snake attacking itself.


Is there any evidence that Whitman wouldn't have done the same thing?


"Jerry Brown and I couldn't disagree more on this issue.
Whitman had a different pander mode in her Spanish pitches than she did in her English speeches.

Spanish language rag La Opinion was on Whitman like a wet blanket for being two faced over the Mexican maid and immigration. While I didn't pay much attention to Spanish language media reaction while she was previously soft peddling her immigration stance in Spanish ( I read some of her Spanish pitches), I'm sure they hammered her about being two faced in that regard as well.

I sent in my absentee ballot yesterday, so I'm ignoring the noise until the results come in.

Whatever the results, I figure that if Whitman becomes gooberner, her best results will be likened to Schwarzenegger with a belated realization that the goobernatorial office is nothing like being an autocratic CEO, she will merely be a clog in Sacramento's legislative toilet.

If Brown gets in - even though he is vastly more qualified to be gooberner than Whitman - I believe we're all f***** -> even those who now benefit from the something for nothing trough in the California feed lot.

Ayatollahgondola 10-22-2010 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 12835)
Whatever the results, I figure that if Whitman becomes gooberner, her best results will be likened to Schwarzenegger with a belated realization that the goobernatorial office is nothing like being an autocratic CEO, she will merely be a clog in Sacramento's legislative toilet.

If Brown gets in - even though he is vastly more qualified to be gooberner than Whitman - I believe we're all f***** -> even those who now benefit from the something for nothing trough in the California feed lot.

Sums up my sentiments too

wetibbe 10-23-2010 06:09 AM

Lets make a deal !!!
Tell ya what. I'll challenge you Californians to arm wrestling to determine which state, New York or California, has the worst candidates !!

Historically Governor Eliot Spitzer was a rough cob that called himself a "fxxxxxx steam roller". He was prosecuting everyone is sight. Then the Feds caught him cavorting with prostitutes and he resigned. Then the Lieutenant Governor David A.Paterson, who is a legally blind liberal negro, took office to finish out Spitzers term.

The Democratic candidate is Andrew Cuomo, son of Marion Cuomo formed Governor of NY, a flaming liberal. The Republican is Carl Paladino, a multi-millionaire businessman from Buffalo who looks and sounds like a Mafia Godfather. He has NO background in office, never held a position in Government. We don't know anything about him except that he talks tough.

So I'll hold my nose and vote for Paladino and keep my fingers crossed.

Most of you will do the same thing and vote for Meg Whitman. If she follows true to form as soon as she takes office she will renege on campaign promises and flip flop over to the right side. *( Don't they all ? ).

David Paterson *( Holding up a sign { upside down } !!!!!!!!!!!!

Twoller 10-23-2010 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by wetibbe (Post 12852)

Most of you will do the same thing and vote for Meg Whitman. If she follows true to form as soon as she takes office she will renege on campaign promises and flip flop over to the right side. *( Don't they all ? ).


As long as people continue to vote for the lesser of two evils, then that is all they are going to get, the lesser of two evils. Until people stand up for the right to reject both candidates, then they are only going to get the product of the "two party system" which is always going to be bad or worse. And it doesn't matter where you find yourself in the bogus "liberal" versus "conservative" debate. All you have to chose from is tweedledum and tweedledee.

ilbegone 10-23-2010 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 12853)
As long as people continue to vote for the lesser of two evils, then that is all they are going to get, the lesser of two evils. Until people stand up for the right to reject both candidates, then they are only going to get the product of the "two party system" which is always going to be bad or worse. And it doesn't matter where you find yourself in the bogus "liberal" versus "conservative" debate. All you have to chose from is tweedledum and tweedledee.

This is absolutely correct.

Harry Reid of Nevada, with the "none of the above box" option on the ballot, could still be reelected Senator even if "none of the above" votes outnumber "Harry Reid" votes.

It would be much better to have a rejection box which, if receiving the majority vote, would trigger a mandate for a new election with all the previous candidates disqualified and incumbents for a particular office on the ballot immediately removed from office. No lame duck poisoning of the well.

Twoller 10-23-2010 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 12839)
Sums up my sentiments too

Nobody is geared up for the possibility that Brown may win? Why is there no worse possible scenario to confront? What is everybody going to do if Brown wins, just curl up, stick your thumb in your mouth and hope it all goes away? Plans should be in place now for what to do if Brown gets in.

This is just like the Obamination. We are coming to the end of the second year of the little rat in the whitehouse. The notion that he might pick up a second term is fading fast. If people had been more concerned about how to tackle him once he got in instead of how to compromise themselves in order to get somebody else in, his administration might be even weaker than it is now. But even now, all hopes seem to lie in getting the Republicans in as a reaction, when the Republicans haven't been any hope for the struggle against illegals at all. Certainly not in California.

This country was founded by irregulars, not by some mainstream political movement. This is where the real potential for power lies and it is the real seat of authority, even legally, in this country. Not some "two party system".

ilbegone 10-23-2010 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 12855)
Nobody is geared up for the possibility that Brown may win? Why is there no worse possible scenario to confront? What is everybody going to do if Brown wins, just curl up, stick your thumb in your mouth and hope it all goes away? Plans should be in place now for what to do if Brown gets in.

This is just like the Obamination. We are coming to the end of the second year of the little rat in the whitehouse. The notion that he might pick up a second term is fading fast. If people had been more concerned about how to tackle him once he got in instead of how to compromise themselves in order to get somebody else in, his administration might be even weaker than it is now. But even now, all hopes seem to lie in getting the Republicans in as a reaction, when the Republicans haven't been any hope for the struggle against illegals at all. Certainly not in California.

This country was founded by irregulars, not by some mainstream political movement. This is where the real potential for power lies and it is the real seat of authority, even legally, in this country. Not some "two party system".

What happened with Obama is that he was oblivious to the fact that if a person is unemployed the unemployment rate is 100% to that person.

Instead, Obama pushed far left party goals instead, taking rejection of Bush to be a mandate for his party's extreme far left agenda.

So, with things looking very bad for his party precisely due to his lack of appropriate focus, he is just now getting around to scrutinizing tax breaks to large corporations which encourage off shoring American jobs.

He's two years too late.

What sort of plans do you suggest for a Brown Goobernancy?

Unfortunately, things will have to get so bad driving off business and raising taxes that even those feeding at the public trough are fed up and rebel because the cash cow has been forcibly dried up, and Brown has nothing more to offer.

In the meantime, you will have all the other intolerable crap coming out of the California legislature which was only delayed by Schwartzenegger clogging up the works.

Will California recover in my lifetime? I'm not so sure of that.

It's my belief that this country was founded by a segment of Colonial elite, many of whom jockeyed for position and did some backstabbing as well after the revolution, not a rabble of wild eyed anarchists.

Twoller 10-23-2010 08:09 AM

Those hoping that their vote for Whitman might have some meaning might consider another possibility. Democrats might very well cross party lines to vote for Whitman over Brown. There are plenty of Democrats who remember Brown when he governor before. Is everyone clear on the fact that Brown has already been governor of California once before? Not everyone who voted for him the last time are going to vote for him again. Notice that Brown is not campaigning on what he did the last time he was in office.

Let them put Whitman into office. Don't go on the record supporting somebody who doesn't support you.

ilbegone 10-23-2010 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 12857)
Those hoping that their vote for Whitman might have some meaning might consider another possibility. Democrats might very well cross party lines to vote for Whitman over Brown. There are plenty of Democrats who remember Brown when he governor before. Is everyone clear on the fact that Brown has already been governor of California once before? Not everyone who voted for him the last time are going to vote for him again. Notice that Brown is not campaigning on what he did the last time he was in office.

Let them put Whitman into office. Don't go on the record supporting somebody who doesn't support you.

Some might very well cross party lines both ways. And just how old are those who voted for Brown last time around? Who amongst all the registered voters actually remember Brown's previous Goobernatorial antics first hand?

It doesn't matter what a candidate campaigns on, it's what they do after the election.

Whitman will be a clog in the works, I believe Brown will be another Obama with a definite and solid legislative majority behind him.

Rim05 10-23-2010 08:21 AM


Tell ya what. I'll challenge you Californians to arm wrestling to determine which state, New York or California, has the worst candidates !!

Historically Governor Eliot Spitzer was a rough cob that called himself a "fxxxxxx steam roller". He was prosecuting everyone is sight. Then the Feds caught him cavorting with prostitutes and he resigned. Then the Lieutenant Governor David A.Paterson, who is a legally blind liberal negro, took office to finish out Spitzers term.

The Democratic candidate is Andrew Cuomo, son of Marion Cuomo formed Governor of NY, a flaming liberal. The Republican is Carl Paladino, a multi-millionaire businessman from Buffalo who looks and sounds like a Mafia Godfather. He has NO background in office, never held a position in Government. We don't know anything about him except that he talks tough.

So I'll hold my nose and vote for Paladino and keep my fingers crossed.

Most of you will do the same thing and vote for Meg Whitman. If she follows true to form as soon as she takes office she will renege on campaign promises and flip flop over to the right side. *( Don't they all ? ).
Why do you think you need to tell us that David Patterson is a liberal NEGRO ? Do you think we are stupid?

You will vote for Paladino, even though he sounds like a Mifia God Father and has no experience. Great choice there fellow, you just keep it up and see where it gets you. I have heard Paladino speak and he is a real piece of work.
Good Luck to you.

With your attitude, I don't think CA needs any advice.

Rim05 10-23-2010 08:27 AM


Nobody is geared up for the possibility that Brown may win? Why is there no worse possible scenario to confront? What is everybody going to do if Brown wins, just curl up, stick your thumb in your mouth and hope it all goes away? Plans should be in place now for what to do if Brown gets in.

I continue to wonder why we have such poor candidates? Seems there should be some qualified people out there.
I will do the best I can with my vote and that is all I can say. At this point I don't really see anyone better than what we have. I had such hope before the primary.

wetibbe 10-23-2010 11:51 AM


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