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Ronbass 04-11-2011 01:12 PM

Back to the Border 2011
It's time for American Patriots to go back to the border.
If any one has resources that they know of post on this thread.
For example, on going volunteer border patrol operations.

Secure the Border, Enforce the Law, and no Amnesty.

stepman 04-11-2011 01:23 PM

Another Jerseyite chimes in
While I am in North Jersey I am interested in a SECURE BORDER. Let's make some REAL noise and wake up OUR Congressman.

Ayatollahgondola 04-11-2011 01:39 PM

Getting border ops together is pretty tough these days. Money being the big obstacle. People used to have a little disposable income to spend on a weekend or 4 day deployment, but not these days. Plus, a lot of practiced border op people have moved away from the border. I'd like to see it, but it will be an uphill effort.

ilbegone 04-11-2011 04:21 PM


It's time for American Patriots to go back to the border.
If any one has resources that they know of post on this thread.
For example, on going volunteer border patrol operations.

Secure the Border, Enforce the Law, and no Amnesty.
A secure border involves kicking the living shit out of the enablers of illegal immigration - politicians and employers of illegal aliens - nothing else will make it happen.

ilbegone 04-11-2011 04:29 PM


Getting border ops together is pretty tough these days. Money being the big obstacle. People used to have a little disposable income to spend on a weekend or 4 day deployment, but not these days. Plus, a lot of practiced border op people have moved away from the border. I'd like to see it, but it will be an uphill effort.
A few years ago, there was an interview of Jose Angel Gutierrez by what I believe was the Fort Worth Star Telegram. He predicted that in a few years that the US would be bankrupt, and that's when his Aztlan would be realized.

Twoller 04-11-2011 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by stepman (Post 15527)
While I am in North Jersey I am interested in a SECURE BORDER. Let's make some REAL noise and wake up OUR Congressman.

Funny, why is it that a secure border always means our southern border? We have a northern border with problems too. What do you have to report on our northern border? Anything?

stepman 04-11-2011 06:20 PM

Drones are teh answer?!?

Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 15534)
Funny, why is it that a secure border always means our southern border? We have a northern border with problems too. What do you have to report on our northern border? Anything?

Twoller 04-11-2011 08:47 PM

Thanks stepman for that exceptionally cool video. Remotely piloted aircraft are huge in border control and I suppose we are looking at automation eventually doing alot of this stuff.

wetibbe 04-12-2011 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 15534)
Funny, why is it that a secure border always means our southern border? We have a northern border with problems too. What do you have to report on our northern border? Anything?

There is plenty to be said about "border states". New York is a border state. Not only does it have a long frontier with Canada but it also has lots of coast line and airports.
Canada's border is much longer than Mexico's. But unlike Mexico Canadians enjoy a high standard of living and education as well as being ethnically similar to Americans in The USA. The whole country is the second largest, geographically, in the world after Russia. But it's population is only around 32 - 35 million as opposed to Mexico's 100 million plus. Central America, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras also contribute as does the Caribbean, Cuba, Haiti. And South America Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil. Canadians do not flock across. It is predominantly foreigners who enter Canada in transit to the the USA. However, the Campesino's certainly do cross over from the USA headed North. Whereas the Southern border crossers are predominantly seeking work, or trafficking drugs, or committing crimes or escaping from their country's law, the Canadian border crossings appear to be largely terrorists.
Back several years, in the heyday of MCDC Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, there was a Long Island, NY, headquartered outfit that was organizing Northern border weekend watches up on the Canadian border. It's a 4 hour drive up there. Many who committed to go didn't show up on the appointed day. Those that did go essentially hung around the border stations kicking a soccer ball back and forth to the Canadians. I don't think they ever actually saw an illegal border crosser. It was a publicity stunt to drum up interest in the Arizona border fence that MCDC said it would build. We hear very little about any apprehensions. Occasionally someone is caught crossing the ST. Lawrence river, or Lake Erie, in a boat, that gets spotted and caught. It's pretty remote, little populated and very forested up there in Northern New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. The Canadian side is even more so.
So far as the UAV drone aircraft are concerned, the past record of the Texas UAV,s according to reports, wasn't impressive. The actual hours flown were very low. Only a fraction of available hours. And apprehensions were rather dismal. Low numbers. Cost was high per man caught. It wasn't very cost effective. Boots on the ground were far more efficient and much lower cost with many more contacts. DHS put up 6 UAV"S recently, from Brownsville, Texas to San Diego, California but I haven't seen any reports of hours in air or apprehensions.
Sad to say it is getting increasingly more and more difficult to get a straight story out of DHS, CBP, ICE and BATF. They are so busy spinning, deceiving, covering up that there is little credibility.

wetibbe 04-12-2011 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by Ronbass (Post 15526)
It's time for American Patriots to go back to the border.
If any one has resources that they know of post on this thread.
For example, on going volunteer border patrol operations.

Secure the Border, Enforce the Law, and no Amnesty.

About the only two active operations in Arizona that I know about are Bill Davis and J.T. Ready.

Bill Davis sponsored a border event last summer but got a poor response. He was also offering volunteers to cattle ranchers to watch properties.

J.T. Ready is something of a controversial character that drew lots of negative publicity. His small group went out looking for illegal aliens in Cochise County 70 miles North of the border.

According to the SOS radio report here on this site, Jim Gilchrist, Minuteman Project, is trying to raise funds to field another border/Minuteman event. I did receive an E-mail from him also.

I did read a news report that an Arizona Legislator was proposing funding civilian border watchers but haven't heard any more in recent weeks.

The other border movement is law enforcement BORTAC special tactical SWAT teams and sheriffs using civilian deputies..

ilbegone 04-12-2011 08:43 AM


Sad to say it is getting increasingly more and more difficult to get a straight story out of DHS, CBP, ICE and BATF. They are so busy spinning, deceiving, covering up that there is little credibility.
No wonder. Department of Homeland Security (CBP, ICE) and the Treasury Department (BATF) are cabinet positions reporting directly to the Spinner in Chief.

As is the Department of Justice, which has sued Arizona for attempting to do a job Obama forbids the feds to do, which is also the employer of civil judges presiding over the greatly understaffed Immigration Court system, and oversees the Federal Unit charged with investigating Judicial and Prosecutorial misconduct within the DOJ.

Head of the Labor Department Hilda Solis has cooked up this deal between cabinet departments:


Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Labor Department have also come to an agreement, said Solis. ICE will suspend worksite immigration investigations for sites where the Labor Department is investigating labor disputes such as wage and hour, family and medical leave, discrimination or health and safety issues.
It's outrageous enough that such a deal was made, but undoubtedly whenever ICE would get around to doing a workplace raid and and asks Hilda if anything is going on, there will undoubtedly be a "labor investigation" being conducted at that particular site.

This is why I say that unless errant politicians and non elected government employees are tarred and feathered while permanently exiled from public office, governmental employment, and employment as lobbyists, and until employers experience serious consequences for hiring illegals nothing will change.

There's a tremendous amount of governmental ass which needs to be profoundly kicked.

If the president were serious about immigration enforcement, the UAV's would be indispensable in ferreting out and apprehending hill top look outs which are said to be as far as 200 miles north of the border.

Twoller 04-12-2011 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by wetibbe (Post 15541)

So far as the UAV drone aircraft are concerned, the past record of the Texas UAV,s according to reports, wasn't impressive. The actual hours flown were very low. Only a fraction of available hours. And apprehensions were rather dismal. Low numbers. Cost was high per man caught. It wasn't very cost effective. Boots on the ground were far more efficient and much lower cost with many more contacts. DHS put up 6 UAV"S recently, from Brownsville, Texas to San Diego, California but I haven't seen any reports of hours in air or apprehensions.


Yes, the drones are no substitute for people on the ground or real barriers, even on the border with Canada.

We have to be very careful with Canada, many there have the same problems as Mexico and see the US as an international welfare state. Social dumping from Canada is also a problem.

Ronbass 04-12-2011 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 15529)
Getting border ops together is pretty tough these days. Money being the big obstacle. People used to have a little disposable income to spend on a weekend or 4 day deployment, but not these days. Plus, a lot of practiced border op people have moved away from the border. I'd like to see it, but it will be an uphill effort.

Yes, back to the border is definately and uphill effort.

I had a UPA friend who was sending money every month to one of the Minuteman groups and I suggested he stop since no one knew where the money was going to. it was clear the Minutemen organizations were raising millions of dollars but it wasn't getting to the field Operations.

American Patriots might contribute again if they knew an honest paymaster was getting the money to the men in the field.

Because border security in the name of the Minutemen was unsucessful the first time around doesn't mean that we should not attempt to secure our borders.

A future message to Patriotic Americans.
If you can't go to the border send money so those who can go are funded"
"If you don't have money to send then pray for those in the field and call and bug the hell out of your Congressmen and tell him that you want the Citizen Volunteers on the border replaced with U.S. Military.
"Doing Nothing Is Not a Solution"
Your either part of the solution or part of the problem.

It's time more American became part of our border solution.

ilbegone 04-12-2011 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Ronbass (Post 15549)
"Doing Nothing Is Not a Solution"
Your either part of the solution or part of the problem.

It's time more American became part of our border solution.

Truly stated and firmly agreed.

However, I'm not going to the border for several reasons, nor am I discouraging any who want to go. It does make for visibility for the cause.

I believe the border is just one part of a large picture. I'm working on other parts of the picture which I believe has been unintentionally ignored. And, unless the dirt bag enablers of illegal migration in Washington are relegated to the dust bin of History never to return, there will never be border security and there will be no meaningful posting of troops on the border.


A future message to Patriotic Americans.
I have trouble with the word "patriot". Just what is a "patriotic American"?

The usage of "patriot" in much of the anti immigration movement in the last 6 - 8 years is "someone who jumps when I tell them and asks how high on the way up", and the opposite of a "patriot", ie "traitor to his country", is "anyone who doesn't 100% agree with me". Sort of has a manipulative, propagandist twist to it.

So how is someone being a "patriot" and "doing something" judged within yourself?

Ronbass 04-12-2011 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 15550)
Truly stated and firmly agreed.

And, unless the dirt bag enablers of illegal migration in Washington are relegated to the dust bin of History never to return, there will never be border security and there will be no meaningful posting of troops on the border.

Agreed. Troops are needed on the border. And the enablers need to be replaced.
Maybe those who are willing to go to the border should be redirected to tracking down the enablers.
According to some information I have received since my previous post, I am retracting my suggestion that a do over of the Minuteman project be attempted.
Since the minuteman project kicked off in 2005 the border has become way to dangerous for groups of well intentioned citizen volunteeers.
The southern border needs to be militarized with U.S. troops with orders to shoot to kill all trespassers. And yes the enablers need to be dealt with first and replaced.
" Back to the Border in 2011 with US Military."

Eagle1 04-12-2011 10:18 PM

We will see real change when heads of the various government organizations are formally charged with aiding and abetting illegal aliens and for committing treason against the American people.

So far border ops are great for intel purposes but the real deal is to prosecute
politicians who are operating outside of their Constitutionally defined limits.

When we have attorneys (Where is FAIR on this?) willing to do this we will also come close to having a civil war on our hands.

Still, border ops are an invaluable means of bringing the truth to the American people.

Bear Flag Republican 04-12-2011 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 15562)
We will see real change when heads of the various government organizations are formally charged with aiding and abetting illegal aliens and for committing treason against the American people.

So far border ops are great for intel purposes but the real deal is to prosecute
politicians who are operating outside of their Constitutionally defined limits.

When we have attorneys (Where is FAIR on this?) willing to do this we will also come close to having a civil war on our hands.

Still, border ops are an invaluable means of bringing the truth to the American people.

I don't know where I'm jumping in on this. But I'd like to help with the BOG aspect of border ops. I have family in AZ and friends in OC / SD whom I could visit.

Ronbass 04-13-2011 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 15562)
We will see real change when heads of the various government organizations are formally charged with aiding and abetting illegal aliens and for committing treason against the American people.

So far border ops are great for intel purposes but the real deal is to prosecute
politicians who are operating outside of their Constitutionally defined limits.

When we have attorneys (Where is FAIR on this?) willing to do this we will also come close to having a civil war on our hands.

Still, border ops are an invaluable means of bringing the truth to the American people.

Agree with everything you have said here.

FAIR Board of Directors seem like RINOS and don't want to upset too many apple carts.

Lawyers would sue if we showed them the money.

Seems the Immigration and Border Control movement is poorly organized and poorly financed.

Ronbass 04-13-2011 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Bear Flag Republican (Post 15563)
I don't know where I'm jumping in on this. But I'd like to help with the BOG aspect of border ops. I have family in AZ and friends in OC / SD whom I could visit.

We need to find someone on the Border who is reliable and experienced in dealing with enforcement and border patrol agencies.

We can set up an organization right here on this board to move forward with setting up a small intel operation.

I have a friend who lives in AZ within ten miles of the border and I will get some suggestions if any.

Back to the Border 2011
Ron Bass
United Patriots of America.

wetibbe 04-13-2011 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Ronbass (Post 15571)
Agree with everything you have said here.

FAIR Board of Directors seem like RINOS and don't want to upset too many apple carts.

Lawyers would sue if we showed them the money.

Seems the Immigration and Border Control movement is poorly organized and poorly financed.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

I'm the New York State States Adviser to FAIR. And YOU know Susan Tully and Dan Stein very well. For my part I am very active under the covers and I shun public involvement with FAIRS actions. I rattle cages all the time. I invite you to beat up on Susan with any beefs. She's a sweetheart that likes you and will listen.

Bob Najulski is the East Coast Rep and he should contact you for discussions. Also Joyce Mucci is active and involved. Bob should show his face here.

For the matter of Minuteman actions, an Arizona legislator has said that he is interested in funding actions. Off the record I am promoting that and it is presently stewing. Needless to say we cannot entrust our donors dollars to the old regime. I have proposed that the AZ legislature reimburse patriots for certain expenses based on valid receipts. What I have said is that volunteers do not expect any salary or compensation for services on the line. However, meals, lodging and possibly airfare could be considered.

As to safety,I have two comments.

* Arizona big game hunters encounter the cartels in the out back. The hunters are armed. But there seems to be some understanding that the hunters are after game and not mules. So when they encounter each leaves the other be !

* The cartels are now becoming more aggressive providing armed escorts for the mules. Some may be coked up on their own product. If Minutemen do not try to impede them there will probably not be shootout. But it is very unpredictable. Past Minuteman rules of engagement were - no talk, no speak, not touch.

* It has to be understood that not everyone is a mule. CBP has a special team that rescues distressed illegals. Thus Minuteman border teams should recognise and distinguish the difference and evaluate the threats.

wetibbe 04-14-2011 03:49 AM

For any who didn't know, FAIR has a companion organization IRLI Immigration Reform Law Institute that deals with the legal aspects of consequences to Citizens from illegal immigration.

IRLI has been active for many years and involved in helping to draft legislation for Towns all over America. Hazleton, Pa. is one of many.

ilbegone 04-15-2011 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Ronbass (Post 15557)
Agreed. Troops are needed on the border. And the enablers need to be replaced.
Maybe those who are willing to go to the border should be redirected to tracking down the enablers.
According to some information I have received since my previous post, I am retracting my suggestion that a do over of the Minuteman project be attempted.

People should do what they feel best. It's not my place to judge other's activism.

I've been thinking of how to get to governmental enablers. Of course there are the election cycles in which candidates will suck the chrome off of political bumpers, so to speak, to get elected. Then they do what they want and find weasel words to justify turning their backs on their campaign rhetoric.

A lot of the problem, as I see it, boils down to numbers and areas of responsibility.

There are hundreds of congressional members who craft legislation and create the governmental budget, which is approved or vetoed by the President. A veto may be over ridden by a percentage vote in Congress.

There are perhaps hundreds of thousands of governmental employees who work in departments directly reportable to the President, including Homeland Security and the Department of Justice. Congress may propose the laws and provide the funds these departments operate under, but they are not in the direct chain of command.

How do we get to Governmental employees who refuse to enforce the law? How is it that Obama or anyone in the chain of his command can dictate just which illegals are subject to enforcement and which will not be pursued?

The president can be impeached for dereliction of duty, but I don't see inclination in congress for this sort of action.

How does a Grand Jury get set into motion, can Napolitano be held accountable for restricting border and interior enforcement?

How would the Judiciary generally view such a thing?

Eagle1 04-15-2011 10:05 AM

How does a Grand Jury get set into motion, can Napolitano be held accountable for restricting border and interior enforcement?

How would the Judiciary generally view such a thing?

Ilbegone I've thought the same. I think that we can as a response to the unwilling politicians and legal entities that are unwilling to perform on the issue of illegal immigration we can, instead of going back to the borders as we did in 2005, gather under the concept of the American Grand Jury.

The idea is to make the needed accusations against those in power who are aiding and abetting the illegal invasion of this country. In addition we can protest for the removal from office and to have the offenders tried through the court system (even though they own it). This would only have impact if we can get media coverage.

The American Grand Jury can convene and try the politicians and such presenting evidence of their bias against the American People and their favoritism to the illegal alien.

Maybe I'm just desperate but at least it is an idea.

ilbegone 04-15-2011 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 15608)
How does a Grand Jury get set into motion, can Napolitano be held accountable for restricting border and interior enforcement?

How would the Judiciary generally view such a thing?

Ilbegone I've thought the same. I think that we can as a response to the unwilling politicians and legal entities that are unwilling to perform on the issue of illegal immigration we can, instead of going back to the borders as we did in 2005, gather under the concept of the American Grand Jury.

The idea is to make the needed accusations against those in power who are aiding and abetting the illegal invasion of this country. In addition we can protest for the removal from office and to have the offenders tried through the court system (even though they own it). This would only have impact if we can get media coverage.

The American Grand Jury can convene and try the politicians and such presenting evidence of their bias against the American People and their favoritism to the illegal alien.

Maybe I'm just desperate but at least it is an idea.

There has to be something.

I'm not sure how much "they" own the courts, It may be a crap shoot depending on funds to pursue the strategy and quality of legal counsel retained.

Here in California, as I recall, judges are nominated by the governor then voted on by the population.

At the federal level, judges are nominated by the President and voted on and ratified by the senate. There are thousands of federal judges. With all the other decisions a president has to make, the president probably won't know much about the candidates he is advised to nominate - sometimes by members of his own party in the senate. As well, an attorney who accepts the position will most likely take a huge pay cut to do so, so the acceptance of the offer could boil down to this:

1) extremely dedicated to whatever the candidate perceives to be justice
...A) Is recognized for fair mindedness and fair application of law
...B) Has an agenda which is supported by the President and majority of the Senate at the time of nomination, or is willing to whore himself out for a title.

This is one reason for so many different decisions by different judges on similar issues at the same time and different rulings by appellate courts from the very bottom up to the supreme court.

2) The position is a stepping stone to market oneself as having inside knowledge and experience IE: Elrod Scheister, Att'y at Law, Former Federal Judge

3) A crony on his last gig who couldn't buy another job and lucked out getting lifetime employment on the taxpayers' nickle.

There's lot's of room for incompetence and biased rulings in all three scenarios.

Immigration court is different. An immigration judge is ultimately an employee of the president through the Department of Justice.

I'm not sure about the media. Most "coverage" is either biased opinion presented as fact or sensationalized bullshit. But, I think the story would find its way out.

Ronbass 04-15-2011 06:18 PM

Yes, the enablers need to be dragged into court
Border Security and Immigration Enforcement activists need to sue the enablers in court or indict them through peoples grand juries.
Legal action seems to be the only legal way to force these people to do their jobs and obey the constitution or remove them from their positions.

But the question was asked previously; where are the lawyers on our side.

If we don't try it we'll never know whether it will work.

The other side has been dragging us into court for many years now.

A NJ County Sheriff told me that he would not enforce immigration laws agains illegal aliens because he did not want to be sued civilly for racial profiling and then have to come up with about $60,000 to defend himself.

As a matter of fact Arizona got dragged into court and lost the first round.

Sued by the two biggest race hustlers in the country at this time. Obama and Holder.

The civil rights movement has got this country in a strangled hold.

They sue us and we sue nobody.

Instead of going for the big fish like Napolitano, Holder or Obama we should practice on lesser enablers so we can get the hang of it, then as we get better at it go for the big ones.

I'm in: What organization do I send my first donation to.

ilbegone 04-16-2011 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Ronbass (Post 15614)
Border Security and Immigration Enforcement activists need to sue the enablers in court or indict them through peoples grand juries.
Legal action seems to be the only legal way to force these people to do their jobs and obey the constitution or remove them from their positions.

But the question was asked previously; where are the lawyers on our side.

If we don't try it we'll never know whether it will work.

The other side has been dragging us into court for many years now.

A NJ County Sheriff told me that he would not enforce immigration laws agains illegal aliens because he did not want to be sued civilly for racial profiling and then have to come up with about $60,000 to defend himself.

As a matter of fact Arizona got dragged into court and lost the first round.

Sued by the two biggest race hustlers in the country at this time. Obama and Holder.

The civil rights movement has got this country in a strangled hold.

They sue us and we sue nobody.

Instead of going for the big fish like Napolitano, Holder or Obama we should practice on lesser enablers so we can get the hang of it, then as we get better at it go for the big ones.

I'm in: What organization do I send my first donation to.

There is nothing organized for bringing legal action against governmental immigration scofflaws that I know of. I bring it up because it may be possible and because we don't seem to have all the tools we need.

Years ago, in the old SOS, I brought up what I believe to be the necessity of having a legal defense fund. I think it was drowned in all the shouting by some about "blood in the streets" and other stuff I view as unnecessary and exploitable.

Look at how "they" are doing it - and toss aside anger and perhaps even hatred - look at it dispassionately; anger gets in the way of judgment and can be used against you.

As racist and far out there as many of "they" are in the pro illegal movement (and get away with it), they have one thing going for their movement. "They" are dedicated and they don't give up - they believe in what they do. They have a goal, they chip here and there, and they hang on to whatever they have gained. it adds up, and even though a number of them make their living off of racial discord and skimming undoubtedly occurs accumulating wealth doesn't seem to be a large factor in what most of them personally do for their cause.

There is a lot of pro bono and low cost on the pro illegal side.

And they put their egos aside and work together. Mostly, it is not about "I". The far left American political spectrum in general is not about "I", and they get much assistance from it.

Because of the backlash in the 60's against about much of what was before and worming their way into government, as minority organizations they have access to grants and funding just not accessible to us. There will be a lot of effort into continually campaigning for funds from the public. And, the donars will need to see results.

An organization to which members and others entrust with donations has to be accountable for the funds. One side of the house takes the money in and accounts for income, the other side pays the bills and accounts for expenditure. The middle accounts for the the flow between the two. And there are audits by at least two who are not a party to either side or the middle. Embezzlement will kill any effort - if not immediately, it will once suspicion and accusations go public.

And it has to be about illegal immigration and those who aid and abet it. Once cannonades of "Hispanics doing this", "Mexicans doing that", "blood in the streets" and "armed revolution" rhetoric along with conspiracy theory a la "you know who" are unleashed credibility is damaged and it will be used to chip out the organization.

Personal differences and disagreements need to be taken care of out of public sight, and everything has to be squeaky clean or the ship goes down.

Illegal Mexican and other foreign nationals are tools of pro illegal "activists", they are not the organizers nor are they the attorneys who chip away at immigration law and immigration enforcement. Nor are they the "educators" who tell children that race requires loyalty to a foreign nation, sell ethnic nationalism to kids, and spin brown racism as "cultural pride". The distinction needs to be understood that while illegals need to be prevented from entering and need to be deported, it is American citizens of all races who create the draw and aid and abet illegal migration. Nor, as hard as some work to make it so on both sides, illegal immigration is not about race. Although primarily from families with generations of American citizenship and few or no immediate ties to current illegal migrants, there are plenty of Brown skinned people with Spanish last names who don't really sympathize with illegal aliens. That is, until some white yokels get loud with them with the "go back to Mexico" treatment when many of them might never have been to Mexico even as a tourist - and many who did were ripped off and screwed with even more than Mexicans will sometimes do to white Americans in Mexico: because Ortega or Gonzalez born In America somehow turned his back to Mother Mexico, even if he might eat beans with tortillas.

We don't need racial alienation.

Just my two cents.

wetibbe 04-18-2011 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Ronbass (Post 15614)
Border Security and Immigration Enforcement activists need to sue the enablers in court or indict them through peoples grand juries.
Legal action seems to be the only legal way to force these people to do their jobs and obey the constitution or remove them from their positions.

But the question was asked previously; where are the lawyers on our side.

If we don't try it we'll never know whether it will work.

The other side has been dragging us into court for many years now.

A NJ County Sheriff told me that he would not enforce immigration laws against illegal aliens because he did not want to be sued civilly for racial profiling and then have to come up with about $60,000 to defend himself.

As a matter of fact Arizona got dragged into court and lost the first round.

Sued by the two biggest race hustlers in the country at this time. Obama and Holder.

The civil rights movement has got this country in a strangled hold.

They sue us and we sue nobody.

Instead of going for the big fish like Napolitano, Holder or Obama we should practice on lesser enablers so we can get the hang of it, then as we get better at it go for the big ones.

I'm in: What organization do I send my first donation to.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>


First thanks for participating.

Judicial Watch is probably the most aggressive law firm that sues the government,

IRLI is also very active.

The NRA-ILA also sues but for gun issues.

I have a couple of others who E-mail me regularly asking for donations.

On the mater of volunteers for the border we note your position. You believe that it has become too dangerous for volunteers.

Lets examine.

* The regular military will not go due to Posse Comitatus.

* The National Guard are all volunteers. These are working stiffs who are called up from their civilian jobs.

* The difference in volunteers is that the Militias/Minutemen are civilian volunteers who are unpaid by the government while the National Guard are civilians paid by the government.

* The border is too dangerous for volunteers but these volunteer's come from the same well spring, our red blooded Americans.

* For my part if the border is too dangerous for one it is also too dangerous for the other.

Ronbass 04-22-2011 04:59 AM

The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.

US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress

ilbegone 04-22-2011 08:20 AM

They were on the border in a limited fashion for anti drug smuggler duties before, but it seems it was withdrawn after the kid was killed. I would like to see them there, but I see this to be the main publicly verbalized objection to deploying military along the border. The argument against would be formulated around posse comitatus about Using the military against US citizens. As I recall, Posse Comitatus came about because of the Union occupation using the Military for policing the south after the Civil War with the connotation of the Army being used against against American citizens. The kid was a US citizen.

It's like a war zone from what I understand, we could use them there.

One link to the incident of the kid who died:, I haven't researched enough to draw an opinion of whether it's slanted or not, I just remembered the incident a few minutes ago. I think the article dates it in 1997.

Edit in: I posted this before I read Ron's link to the posse comitatus - the link is a great read, adressed the argument against posting troops on the border.

wetibbe 04-23-2011 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Ronbass (Post 15702)
The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.

US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress

Great article. I agree completely. But we will need a totally new Government before anything like that happens.

Interestingly a Pentagon spokesman testified before Congress last week and offered DOD assistance with the border invasion !!

Now the shocker. Here-to-fore 230 cities in the USA were said to be have the Cartels operating within. The newest just out is - 1,238 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ilbegone 04-23-2011 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by wetibbe (Post 15729)
Great article. I agree completely. But we will need a totally new Government before anything like that happens.

Interestingly a Pentagon spokesman testified before Congress last week and offered DOD assistance with the border invasion !!

Now the shocker. Here-to-fore 230 cities in the USA were said to be have the Cartels operating within. The newest just out is - 1,238 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I agree, and it's the key to meaningful immigration enforcement:


But we will need a totally new Government before anything like that happens.
The bums need to be ejected from public office.

Bill, can you cite your sources for the pentagon spokesman and the cartel expansions? I really like the first - it's good news, the second needs to be confirmed and disseminated.

Ayatollahgondola 04-23-2011 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by wetibbe (Post 15585)
For any who didn't know, FAIR has a companion organization IRLI Immigration Reform Law Institute that deals with the legal aspects of consequences to Citizens from illegal immigration.

IRLI has been active for many years and involved in helping to draft legislation for Towns all over America. Hazleton, Pa. is one of many.

Yes. they supposedly helped Joe Turner draft the initiative that earned him some fame. The one that failed.

wetibbe 04-24-2011 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 15743)
Yes, I agree, and it's the key to meaningful immigration enforcement:

The bums need to be ejected from public office.

Bill, can you cite your sources for the pentagon spokesman and the cartel expansions? I really like the first - it's good news, the second needs to be confirmed and disseminated.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

Pentagon spokesperson William Wachsler:
The threat is so great that the assistant Defense Secretary offered federal legislators military assistance in the name of protecting national security.

Mexican Drug Cartels Operating in at Least 1,286 U.S. Cities

Written by Kelly Holt

Tuesday, 19 April 2011 11:03

On April 13, All Headline News reported that the influence of Mexican drug cartels operating in U.S. cities is growing because cartel members are becoming residents. Roberta Jacobson, Deputy Secretary of State for Mexico and Canada, brought this information to a political forum in Washington, D.C., quoting a March 27 report from the Justice Department. The findings are also being widely disseminated in the Mexican media

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Jim Gilchrist said:

Deployment of U.S. Army into northern Mexico
The time to deploy U.S. Army Airborne Rangers into Mexico to eliminate the criminal cartels headquartered there is long overdue.

We do not need permission from the Mexican government, much of which is as corrupt as the criminal cartels harbored there,to launch a military incursion into that country. All that is apparently necessary for a unilateral decision to insert U.S. troops into a foreign country is that such country is deemed a clear and present danger to the United States.

Mexico, the hub of both the lethal drug distribution throughout North America and the importation of millions of illegal aliens into our communities, has been a "clear and present danger" to the domestic tranquility of the United States for several decades.

Because Mexico has been unable or unwilling to stop the exodus of illegal aliens and criminal drug cartels from its country into the United States, our nation's domestic tranquility, its coveted governance by rules of law, and economic well-being are at serious risk of becoming fading principles of a fading civilized society.

Any sincere political office holder would defend our homeland and its heralded way of life and not succumb to "mob rule"...that "mob" being about 30 million illegal aliens (mostly from Mexico and Central America)who currently occupy U.S. territory.

This blatant invasion and defiance of our laws has proliferated rapidly over the past two decades against the will of the electorate and with the cooperation of incompetent, cowardly, collaborating politicians who have no leadership skills and no business holding public office.

It is time to deploy the Army Rangers into Mexico if we want to preserve ourselves as a sovereign nation with justice for all.

Jim Gilchrist, Founder and President, The Minuteman Project

ilbegone 04-25-2011 08:32 AM

Thank you for the info, Bill.


I looked into the grand jury thought I presented - it won't work under the circumstances - they would have to be sued civilly.

As I understand it:

A grand jury is selected from a jury pool and convened by a prosecutor to determine if there is probable cause to file charges.

OK... Federal prosecutors work for Obama... not a snowball's chance in hell for an indictment for obstruction of immigration law.

I'm going to check into judicial watch and see if federal employees can be successfully sued for obstructing immigration law.

Ronbass 04-26-2011 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by wetibbe (Post 15573)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

I'm the New York State States Adviser to FAIR. And YOU know Susan Tully and Dan Stein very well. For my part I am very active under the covers and I shun public involvement with FAIRS actions. I rattle cages all the time. I invite you to beat up on Susan with any beefs. She's a sweetheart that likes you and will listen.

Bob Najulski is the East Coast Rep and he should contact you for discussions. Also Joyce Mucci is active and involved. Bob should show his face here.

For the matter of Minuteman actions, an Arizona legislator has said that he is interested in funding actions. Off the record I am promoting that and it is presently stewing. Needless to say we cannot entrust our donors dollars to the old regime. I have proposed that the AZ legislature reimburse patriots for certain expenses based on valid receipts. What I have said is that volunteers do not expect any salary or compensation for services on the line. However, meals, lodging and possibly airfare could be considered.

As to safety,I have two comments.

* Arizona big game hunters encounter the cartels in the out back. The hunters are armed. But there seems to be some understanding that the hunters are after game and not mules. So when they encounter each leaves the other be !

* The cartels are now becoming more aggressive providing armed escorts for the mules. Some may be coked up on their own product. If Minutemen do not try to impede them there will probably not be shootout. But it is very unpredictable. Past Minuteman rules of engagement were - no talk, no speak, not touch.

* It has to be understood that not everyone is a mule. CBP has a special team that rescues distressed illegals. Thus Minuteman border teams should recognise and distinguish the difference and evaluate the threats.

I spoke to Gayle at NJCIC today and she told me that Bob from Fair had sent her an e-mail suggesting they have an event of some kind.
He hasn't contacted me and that's ok.

As far as citizens going back to the border, the only purpose they serve is to embarrass the Feds into doing something. When the MM Project fell apart the Feds were of the hook.
U.S. Military is the correct solution for stopping this narco-terorrist invasion.
A government funded MM op sounds nice but it should be supervised by local sheriffs. A friend on the border told me the MM volunteers would piss off the cartels, then they go home and leave the locals to deal with the pissed off cartels.
Why don't you consider instead supporting a 'Send the U.S. Military to the Mexican Border Immediately" instead of a MM op that won't get the job done.
I personally am tired of accepted no win solutions to everything for the sake of political compromise and political correctness as in Unbalanced budgets, unsecured borders, unconstitutional Federal laws. lt is time to balance our budgets, follow the Constitution and send the Marines to our border and shoot the narco-cartel bastards who are invading our country like we are some kind helpless third world country.
This is a war. it should be fought with our military and not border police aka Border Patrol.
All the best
See my new blog,

wetibbe 04-27-2011 03:55 AM

Thanks Ron:

Actually I do support the regular military on the border and have for years. You didn't see some of my old posts. I went a little bit further suggesting a 10 mile demilitarized zone in Mexico if conditions warranted. *( But we don't want to own Mexico ).

I don't believe that there is only one cause or one solution to anything. I thing that BOTH the military on the border and volunteers should, and could, be considered. Recently Congress heard a Pentagon terrorism expert offer DOD assistance. I don' think it is any secret that I am a member of Infragard. So I wrote to the DOD agent, William Wachsler, thanking him and asking him to implement the offer. I included a "wish list" and copied several Congressmen, Senators and top Pentagon officials. I also wrote to Governor Jan Brewer and copied Russell Pearce, Senate leader, telling them about Jim Gilchrist's Minuteman Project aspirations to put 200 hard core veterans on the mountain tops at Cartel lay up areas. He will never raise the funds from donations to implement it. Only some Arizona Government backing will cause it to happen and they are strapped for funds.

Ronbass 04-27-2011 11:40 AM

house Cleaning
Maybe Gilchrist needs to take his 200 future border defenders and go to DC and do some "house" cleaning up there.

Ronbass 04-27-2011 02:41 PM

The Quislings
Narco-terorrist are invading our southern border.
Silence implies consent. Do not be silent.
Send the following link to your congressmen and Senators.

Send U.S. Military to Mexican Border Immediately

Border police (Border Patrol) have not been able to stop this narco-terorrist cartel invasion and the situation is only getting worse. The training that Border Patrol receives, their lack of numbers along with their rules of engagement, are not designed to stop the well armed and extremely dangerous cartels.

How can our government, per the Department of Homeland Security, tell us that things are going well on the border, when foreign drug cartels now occupy and control many locations on the border and well into the interior of AZ.

In addition it has been reported that these mexican drug cartels are operating in 230 American citizens.

America has the ability to defend our borders. We not doing so?
Our failure to defend our nation and our people makes it aparent that we are no longer "the land of the free and the home of the brave" but we are now
"the land of the politically correct and the home of the craven"

If you choose freedom over servitude and bravery over cowardice then if nothing else, let your voice be heard, and stand up to the quislings in our government.

quis·ling - noun - a person who betrays his or her own country by aiding an invading enemy, often serving later in a puppet government; fifth columnist.

Let our government officials know that they are in violation of the U.S. Constitution and in turn in violation of their oath of office for not executing:

Article IV, Section 4 instructing the President and Comander-in-Chief to defend the states from invasion

."The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion

And Article !, Section 8 wich authorizes Congress to: "To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions";

We the people have a covenant with our government.
If our government officials are in violation of their constitutional duties it then becomes our responsibility to hold them accountable. If we, the last bastion of our own freedom, do not stand up and speak out in our own behalf and in behalf of our country, then As Ronald Reagan emphasized, America will no longer be a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere." ...we will become another chapter in the history books of nations and peoples tha have been consigned to the trash bin of history.
May the patriots of America find the strength and the courage to speak up and speak out now.

A nation's security begins at its borders not in Libya.

Send this to your Congressmen and Senators
Send U.S. Military to Mexican Border Immediately

Ronbass 05-17-2011 05:08 AM

Stop the Invasion 2011
Stop the invasion 2011A coalition of Border Security Groups, Immigration Control Groups and individuals need to regroup to lobby and promote Border Security in response to the ever growing cartel presence on the Mexican border.

Jim Gilchrist said:
Deployment of U.S. Army into northern Mexico
The time to deploy U.S. Army Airborne Rangers into Mexico to eliminate the criminal cartels headquartered there is long overdue.

Jim, in my opinion is definitely on the mark with this kind of thinking. I think the first step and the one that I have been calling for in this thread is for the border to be militarized with regular U.S. forces in order to stop all illegal entry into our country as prescribed by law.

This is prescribed and mandated in the Constitution as we all know in Article IV, Section 4 and is the primary responsibility of our Federal Government and our U.S. Military to protect the states from invasion. In fact it says in the Constitution that a state needs no permission from congress to go to war to defend itself from invasion.

To invade Mexico to eliminate the drug cartels is not a strategy that I would be in favor of.

As was previously stated; But we will need a totally new Government before anything like that happens.

It is a basic responsibility, that we the people, defend our nation from foreign invaders at our border in order to protect our families from all of the negative consequences resulting from the invaders.

The concept of defending from an invading army in uniform is a simple one.

The concept of defending against an unarmed migration is more difficult for a politically correct country like we are today, to deal with. Yet in the long run it is more insidious (Proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects)

Unless we can persuade our current government officials that we are being invaded and U.S. Military need to be employed to stop the invasion and enforce all our border laws (which are the laws of our country the same as kidnapping or bank robbery laws) then we are obligated as American citizens to remove these government officials and replace them with those who will act accordingly.

This process needs to start immediately.

The 2012 POTUS election is just around the corner. I believe that regardless of which party winds up in the White House, the border invasion will not be adequately addressed.

Therefore “We the people” should begin a serious attempt to defend ourselves from this invasion.

All strategies should be applied.

Sue government officials.
Citizen activism on or near the border similar to MM project.
Boycotts of government officials who refuse to take action to defend us.

Do I think the American people will rally to defend themselves against this invasion as the Minutemen did to rid themselves of King George in 1776.

No I don’t think so.

But it will not stop me and my fellow citizens across the country and on this board
from protesting this invasion and calling for action.

Whoever will join me send me your name or code name, City, State and e-mail address. Telephone # optional.

I will maintain a contact list only. You are not joining any organization.

Send to

wetibbe 05-17-2011 07:35 AM

There is quite a bit of backroom activity presently which I will hold in abeyance until there is more clear definition.

In the meantime here's Governor Jan Brewers website:

I'm posting also the Arizona Cattlemen's border protection plan.

The Arizona Border Trash cleanup website.

McCain Kyl Border Protection plan introduced:

So there is quite a bit going on now.

There is also a listing of State Militias at the disposal of State Governments. So far as I can ascertain there are about 60,000 Militia available. These are not National Guard. They are SDF's State Defense Forces authorized by law and available to the Governors.

I think you already have my contact data.

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