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wetibbe 12-04-2013 03:40 AM

The lunatic asylum ?
Is it ? One could say so.

Never in my lifetime has there been such an incredible debacle.

I'm convinced that there is definitely a psychological dysfunction in addition to serial fraud, blatant, bald faced corruption, dishonesty and scam. It is so blatant that there has to be some serious imbalance. Even the Media talk show hosts are turning hand springs and gasping with incredulity.

The latest, hard on the heels of the worst egregious prevarication in modern times: People who now sign up for affordable health care are not being recognized by their doctors because their isn't any financial procedure. In fact the web designers haven't even produced it as yet !!!!!!!

__________________________________________________ __________

And to top that off a judge has now ruled that Drunkuncle ala drunkle can stay in the USA. There isn't any prosecution for the many crimes. No effort to enforce the laws.


As bad as it is I sincerely hope that it gets worse. And it seems to be doing just that. Already the pundits are prediction a major revolt and shift in 2014.

I don't have to spell it out. You all know exactly what I am talking about.

BUT ---!!!!! Anything can happen. I've been burned before. NO predictions. Wait and see and hope for the best for our people and our Nation. God Bless America.

Jeanfromfillmore 12-04-2013 01:24 PM

As I said in the past, "Watch them start eating each other."

ilbegone 12-07-2013 12:24 PM

I'm just not getting it.

If Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger had even thought about any part of the incredibly unethical, unconstitutional, and further illegal shenanigans perpetrated in and about the Obama administration there would have been national upheaval on a dramatic scale.

However, all the lying, scandals, stalling, collective executive branch amnesia defying congressional investigations and sheer insolent chutzpa heaped on the American people by the Obama administration has resulted in...

...near silence.

I just cannot wrap my head around all this.

Jeanfromfillmore 12-08-2013 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 24257)
I'm just not getting it.

If Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger had even thought about any part of the incredibly unethical, unconstitutional, and further illegal shenanigans perpetrated in and about the Obama administration there would have been national upheaval on a dramatic scale.

However, all the lying, scandals, stalling, collective executive branch amnesia defying congressional investigations and sheer insolent chutzpa heaped on the American people by the Obama administration has resulted in...

...near silence.

I just cannot wrap my head around all this.

That was a different time, when we had an educated society and citizens that cared for and protected our republic. Today most just care about being entertained and letting others take on the responsibility.

We've had 5 years of Obama putting things in place and knocking out any opposition. He has what can only be described as a cult following that will follow him no matter what, and he uses those followers to attack any opposition. Think of Jim Jones at what lengths those people went to follow their leader there are huge parallels between the two. Look at Hitler and you can see how such a person can gain strength. Obama has and still uses the non-profits to spread his "word".

We have a society today that would rather stay home and play video games or watch Dancing With the Stars than get involved. Many of those same people don't have a clue of what a republic is, or who the Vice President is for that matter. Ask people on the street what the three forms of power are in this country and you'd be lucky to get 30% to give you the correct answer. That was something we learned in grammar school or at least by the 7th grade. But not today, today the bar is so low that teachers feel accomplished if they can get students to write one sentence properly at a fifth grade level.
Obama is so much like Hitler and Jim Jones it amazes me. We have a cult society where our idols are what Hollywood throws in our face and everyone wants to be part of the cool crowd, especially the media.
What you're seeing out there is a decline of society and our freedoms being taken away without so much as a single cry. It is so sad.

wetibbe 12-08-2013 11:57 AM

I didn't post my thoughts about Adolph Hitler, but not because I was timid, just didn't think it was time yet. But it is now time.

The parallel with Hitler's popularity has weighed on my mind, not because he wanted to dominate the world or promote a super race but more specifically by the way the German people acquiesced and apparently supported all of the malevolent activity in his rise to power prior to WWII and during.

Dysfunctional big O' isn't actually smart in my view but a stooge surrounded by cunning handlers who manipulate him. None the less he promotes the destructive line to catastrophe for all of us.

He is absolutely eligible for very egregious actions making him certainly a candidate for removal and disbarment.

Our system of Government has many flaws and misgivings but lamentably it is still the best overall in our modern world. As much a Coup de Etat would be beneficial I cannot, in good conscience, support such.

Things will work out eventually in the next election.

ilbegone 12-09-2013 05:54 PM

Hitler was a street fighter, a veteran of the western front trenches. Obama is a community organizer from Chicago with a law degree.

Things were pretty bad in Germany after WWI and during the depression, Hitler put his people to work (and it wound up with unfinished WWI business erupting into WWII). We have a recession, but the only people truly going hungry in America tend to be mentally ill and live under the overpass or the children of substance abusers who don't feed their kids.

Hitler made nice and bidded his time while Germany was weak, then aggressively pushed his nationalistic issues with diplomacy by other means (war). Obama pussified a strong and just nation (very just compared to the unspoken international standard), making us an international laughing stock which has no credibility.

Hitler could work a crowd which was desperately seeking national pride, Obama works people who either have no idea of what an exceptional America was, or are bent on tearing America down.

Obama would destroy America in the name of "social justice", Hitler converted genocide into a state sponsored industry.

Obama and Hitler are apples and oranges, and both opposite extremes represented by those personalities are so friggin' wrong.

On the other hand, Lenin was a pacifist until the moment was right for the Bolsheviks to make their move, and then Lenin became a mass murdering tyrant. However, I believe Lenin was murdered by his successors, then cynically embalmed and put on public display as a hero to the soviet cause. On the other hand, one thing leads to another and Hitler was a mere schoolboy concerning genocide compared to Stalin.

And, we don't hear much about that last fact.

Imagine them taking Obama after death to the taxidermist to have him stuffed and putting him behind glass at a lectern with his right index finger aloft as a symbol of "hope and change".

Could happen.

Jeanfromfillmore 12-10-2013 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 24263)
Hitler was a street fighter, a veteran of the western front trenches. Obama is a community organizer from Chicago with a law degree.

Things were pretty bad in Germany after WWI and during the depression, Hitler put his people to work (and it wound up with unfinished WWI business erupting into WWII). We have a recession, but the only people truly going hungry in America tend to be mentally ill and live under the overpass or the children of substance abusers who don't feed their kids.

Hitler made nice and bidded his time while Germany was weak, then aggressively pushed his nationalistic issues with diplomacy by other means (war). Obama pussified a strong and just nation (very just compared to the unspoken international standard), making us an international laughing stock which has no credibility.

Hitler could work a crowd which was desperately seeking national pride, Obama works people who either have no idea of what an exceptional America was, or are bent on tearing America down.

Obama would destroy America in the name of "social justice", Hitler converted genocide into a state sponsored industry.

Obama and Hitler are apples and oranges, and both opposite extremes represented by those personalities are so friggin' wrong.

On the other hand, Lenin was a pacifist until the moment was right for the Bolsheviks to make their move, and then Lenin became a mass murdering tyrant. However, I believe Lenin was murdered by his successors, then cynically embalmed and put on public display as a hero to the soviet cause. On the other hand, one thing leads to another and Hitler was a mere schoolboy concerning genocide compared to Stalin.

And, we don't hear much about that last fact.

Imagine them taking Obama after death to the taxidermist to have him stuffed and putting him behind glass at a lectern with his right index finger aloft as a symbol of "hope and change".

Could happen.

You're taking the meaning to literal. The point being made is how many both have/had following them. In spite to how wrong or bad they are/were both are/were still being looked upon as though they are an honest and good person no matter what the evidence to the contraire. Obama has dead people lying in his path (there are more than just Benghazi), yet his cult followers ignore it.

There was a man with cancer who lost his medical insurance due to Obamacare and went on Fox New to expose what is happening and days later he is being audited by the IRS.

This guy needs to be not only impeached, but put in jail because anyone else would be seeing jail time.

Rim05 12-10-2013 02:07 PM

Careful there. We have many that I think should be "stuffed" and many I think worse of, but there they are on Fox wanting some one else punished. Fox and Followers are the worst.
You can forget it, Obama will not be impeached.:p

Ayatollahgondola 12-10-2013 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 24269)
Careful there. We have many that I think should be "stuffed" and many I think worse of, but there they are on Fox wanting some one else punished. Fox and Followers are the worst.
You can forget it, Obama will not be impeached.:p

Bill Clinton was impeached, and he was a democrat with an equally powerful cheering section. There's an old saying in the business world, and it applies to politics as well: "no one is indispensible". Obama could cross a line with the American people, and/or the lobby that brought him to office, and keeps him from political harm. The type of persons that make presidents like Obama, Clinton, and the Bush's for that matter, are ruthless, unconscionable, and manipulative. They'd sacrifice Obama for the right price, and it might be a lot lower than you can imagine. And it might be to protect themselves or one of their own that was slightly more valuable to them in another fashion.

Jeanfromfillmore 12-10-2013 11:14 PM

There are those that don't have a clue to what is happening. They watch MSNBC and feel so informed. Sad. By the way, there was a Congressional Hearing where the word "impeach" was mentioned in regards to Obama. Also at that same hearing a "LIBERAL" Constitutional professor from George Washington University said (not verbatum)that what Obama was doing was illegal and that this is the worst corruption coming from the federal government he's seen in his lifetime and the damage may not be mendable.

Rim05 12-11-2013 03:49 AM

They watch MSNBC and feel so informed. Sad
How about watching FOX? Can't get any worse.

Jeanfromfillmore 12-11-2013 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 24280)
They watch MSNBC and feel so informed. Sad
How about watching FOX? Can't get any worse.

You dislike conservatives to the core. But refuse to acknowledge that Obama is a liar and a con, and continue to defend him along with all his other cult followers.

Answer me one question. Why was Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi and why did Obama and his cult say it was because of a video?

You let me know what you got out of MSNBC on that, all that valuable information.

ilbegone 12-11-2013 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 24267)
You're taking the meaning too literal. The point being made is how many both have/had following them. In spite to how wrong or bad they are/were both are/were still being looked upon as though they are an honest and good person no matter what the evidence to the contraire. Obama has dead people lying in his path (there are more than just Benghazi), yet his cult followers ignore it.

There was a man with cancer who lost his medical insurance due to Obamacare and went on Fox New to expose what is happening and days later he is being audited by the IRS.

This guy needs to be not only impeached, but put in jail because anyone else would be seeing jail time.

I got you right, and my post, whether or not Chrystal clear, agrees with your post.

Hitler and Obama are two very different people, but they could both work a crowd who heard what they wanted to hear.

And the bit about Obama being preserved after death and placed in public view behind glass to be a hero to a cause...

After Lenin's death Lenin was embalmed and put on public display as a hero father to the soviet communist cause. I believe Lenin was shoved out of the way by being murdered by his successors who posthumously and cynically placed him on display as a necessary political/cultural hero (the value of propaganda). Thus the Soviet oligarchy marched in a butcher fest parade until Josef Stalin became the only figure in the parade (besides deceased speech prop / slogan fodder Vladamir Lenin).

So, we get to Obama, a man whose past is mostly a mystery (not quite believably explained with wild stories from both extreme sides) who became the most radical president to have ever held office. How did he get there, and what is his future?

Maybe Obama might serve the same fate as Lenin, to serve out his usefulness, be disposed of, then be cynically presented to the public as a hero to the "progressive" cause.

Look at Kennedy. A WII hero who wasn't really that good of a president, but was made out to be an executive branch God after his death, and boy, did the far left make hay out of his assassination.

wetibbe 12-12-2013 07:38 AM

It gets worse !
By the minute.

Todays news:

# The 7 million expected by the administration to sign up is now actually 360,000 to date.

# Of those 360,000 sign ups there is only a small fraction, about 1%, who have actually paid the fee. Others have not paid and will not be able to be treated by medical care.

# The 7 million that "O" was depending on to fund his Black Liberation Theology agenda will NOT happen.

# The overwhelming majority of young have opted to pay the fine instead of subscribing to the ruinous fees.

# Interestingly ONLY those who have refunds due will be tapped by the IRS for collecting the fine for failure to sign up to the Communist Socialised medicine. Those not due a refund, or owe taxes, or don't owe any cannot be fined.

In my opinion this is an incredible, ill advised, experiment in social justice that has no precedent and that is invented by hopelessly incompetent, inexperienced fools that have embarked on a journey without plan, forethought nor resolution.

Rim05 12-14-2013 05:15 AM

You dislike conservatives to the core. But refuse to acknowledge that Obama is a liar and a con, and continue to defend him along with all his other cult followers.

Answer me one question. Why was Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi and why did Obama and his cult say it was because of a video?

You let me know what you got out of MSNBC on that, all that valuable information.
What I got out of all that is 'you hate Obama so much, you will fight any battle for the Rep Party. I call what I see as I see it.

As far as Obama being a liar, I remember your denial that you were ever in my car. You sure were, "In my back seat.

Jeanfromfillmore 12-14-2013 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 24313)
You dislike conservatives to the core. But refuse to acknowledge that Obama is a liar and a con, and continue to defend him along with all his other cult followers.

Answer me one question. Why was Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi and why did Obama and his cult say it was because of a video?

You let me know what you got out of MSNBC on that, all that valuable information.
What I got out of all that is 'you hate Obama so much, you will fight any battle for the Rep Party. I call what I see as I see it.

As far as Obama being a liar, I remember your denial that you were ever in my car. You sure were, "In my back seat.

No I have never been in your car. Not once, not ever! You live in Orange County or close to the border of it, somewhere down south. I'm in Northern Ventura County the opposite direction. I have had no reason to ever get in your car. I always drove myself or with those that were here on the northern end of LA and those that live in Ventura County, never with you.

But you didn't answer my question. Why was Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi and why did this administration lie about it being a mob over a video? What "jewels" of truth did you learn from MSNBC? Let's hear it.

Rim05 12-14-2013 02:38 PM

No I have never been in your car. Not once, not ever! You live in Orange County or close to the border of it, somewhere down south. I'm in Northern Ventura County the opposite direction. I have had no reason to ever get in your car. I always drove myself or with those that were here on the northern end of LA and those that live in Ventura County, never with you.

But you didn't answer my question. Why was Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi and why did this administration lie about it being a mob over a video? What "jewels" of truth did you learn from MSNBC? Let's hear it.

I don't report to you now and never will.
Yor are so smart you don't remember those things that you do not want to remember, that is part of your problem.
I don't run any part of the government and neither do you. All you do is listen to Fox and drink at the pool of lies.
If you want a war about the President, go for it but don't expect me to sit here quite any longer. That bat brain who got us into the never ending war is who you should be looking at.

Rim05 12-14-2013 03:43 PM

No I have never been in your car. Not once, not ever! You live in Orange County or close to the border of it, somewhere down south. I'm in Northern Ventura County the opposite direction. I have had no reason to ever get in your car. I always drove myself or with those that were here on the northern end of LA and those that live in Ventura County, never with you.

I have driven as many as 100 miles to an event,one way. My many trips to the Simi Church was 150 mile round trip and I made many of them alone. I saw you there, maybe 3 times. YES YOU DID RIDE IN MY CAR AND I WAS THE DRIVER.

Jeanfromfillmore 12-14-2013 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 24319)
No I have never been in your car. Not once, not ever! You live in Orange County or close to the border of it, somewhere down south. I'm in Northern Ventura County the opposite direction. I have had no reason to ever get in your car. I always drove myself or with those that were here on the northern end of LA and those that live in Ventura County, never with you.

I have driven as many as 100 miles to an event,one way. My many trips to the Simi Church was 150 mile round trip and I made many of them alone. I saw you there, maybe 3 times. YES YOU DID RIDE IN MY CAR AND I WAS THE DRIVER.

I live 20 miles north of Simi Valley, you are south, no I was never in your car. You just can't get that through your head!

But still you don't answer the question I asked. What have you learned from MSNBC about Chris Stevens and why were we told it was about a video? Answer that. You criticize Fox News yet you have no idea what Stevens was doing in Benghazi. MSNBC was quite quiet on the issue, so tell us what you learned and how informed you are on the issue.

wetibbe 12-16-2013 09:28 AM

Degrading constantly
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse - it did !

The latest is that applicants that signed on are now finding that their bank accounts are being raided and emptied. Examples include a total with drawl and an $800 deficit in one case reported, certainly among many more. The applicants funds are GONE and she can't pay her bills !!!!!!

Absolutely incredible. The most dysfunctional and incompetent administration ever.

wetibbe 12-17-2013 03:39 AM

And then even turned worse.
Last night Greta Van Susteren was very vociferous asking if Jay Carney thinks we are all stupid. This refers to Carneys spouting about how affordable Obamacare is for the people.

Fox then posted the statistics. 69% of American's health care has gone up. In some cases doubled.

It's just incredible that this administration continues to deceive, hoodwink and bamboozle the American people in the face of overwhelming information to the contrary.

There are absolutely some screws loose and some lug nuts missing.

wetibbe 12-18-2013 04:15 AM

Berzerk - gone mad !
And now the veterans.

Seems that wrong way Corrigan is bent on self imploding.

The news media isn't very forthcoming with details. At least I can't get enough details to draw a conclusion. Seems that the administration is stiffing the veterans, tampering with pensions and taking away !! What ????

Gleaning bits, pieces and shards the veterans are very unhappy about the admin cutting 6 billion from the Military and reducing pensions, breaking a promise. It sounds as though what I happening is that the "rate of increase" is being cut, not actually taking existing pensions or reducing current payments - that's over a long period of time apparently. I'm still waiting to hear what the actual number are. Only thing I heard was that over an enlisted mans life time he will "lose" $50,000". I heard also $124,000.

Let me say this. As a senior citizen I went two years with NO cost of living adjustment. Then got 1-1/2% . Congress VOTED THEMSELVES 4-1/2%!!!!

I'm a Veteran, Korea. I was in college and was drafted and yanked out to serve. My pay was $75 per month. No pension. I got a $10,000 life insurance policy which I still have, just enough to bury me without relying on relatives to pay. My GI bill wouldn't pay for college. I got a paltry sum and could only afford to pay for a pilots license.

Now there is no more draft. It's all voluntary.

Side board: Here in my county we are running a $128 million deficit. The Town of Clarkstown was paying the Chief of police $325,000 salary annually. One disabled officer was working one day a week and collecting $326,000 annually in disability. There were 50 police officers each paid $250,000 annually!!! *( The Union ).

Further the news said the "Pres" is at the second lowest approval rating in history.!!!!!

Bottom line: Apparently the Veterans were made a promise and the administration is reneging on it, so far as I can understand at present. I need more.

But I'm OK with all. Just keep it up. Charles Krauthammer says in January things will get really bad. We'll see. I'll wait for November 2014.

Rim05 12-18-2013 04:38 AM

Charles Krauthammer says in January things will get really bad.

Everyone with a pulse should realize that.
Lets make it clear, ordinary citizens are doing the same. I am at this moment watching a beating of a homless man with a folding chair. It occured at Venice Beach,CA. No one is civil any more.

wetibbe 12-21-2013 09:49 AM

Yee Haw - it gets better.
Here's a scoop friends - hot off the presses. From the ONLY remaining reliable news source. :)

Here's how I got it - the intel !!!:

I was in the super market here in Nanuet called Stop N Shop. I went to the self check out and there were two customer ahead of me so I had some dwell time. So I noticed the supermarket tabloid National Enquirer - FRONT page mind you, quote: Michelle furious, so I cadged a copy and perused.

So here's the scoop. At Nelson Mandela's funeral in South Africa the Mutt got aroused at the leggy blonde female Prime Minister of Denmark, Helle Thorning Schmidt, and began flirting with her. Michelle flipped out. The photo is of him putting the make on the blonde while Michelle is standing behind scowling with an ugly puss while the Mutt is kissing the blonde *( On the cheek ) :D

Now the extended scoop: Michelle has had it. She has moved to a separate bedroom in the White House. And contacted a divorce lawyer. Kicked him out of the Chicago house.

Check the link:

Even his own wife can't stand him !!!!!

I'm still asking myself - how on Gods green earth did this worm ever get elected ?

The answer seems to be that we would be better off if 50% of the population suddenly disappeared.

This pathetic excuse for America certainly is NOT the country I grew up in.

Rim05 12-21-2013 10:44 AM

Got elected by getting enough votes.

Jeanfromfillmore 12-22-2013 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by wetibbe (Post 24356)
Here's a scoop friends - hot off the presses. From the ONLY remaining reliable news source. :)

Here's how I got it - the intel !!!:

I was in the super market here in Nanuet called Stop N Shop. I went to the self check out and there were two customer ahead of me so I had some dwell time. So I noticed the supermarket tabloid National Enquirer - FRONT page mind you, quote: Michelle furious, so I cadged a copy and perused.

So here's the scoop. At Nelson Mandela's funeral in South Africa the Mutt got aroused at the leggy blonde female Prime Minister of Denmark, Helle Thorning Schmidt, and began flirting with her. Michelle flipped out. The photo is of him putting the make on the blonde while Michelle is standing behind scowling with an ugly puss while the Mutt is kissing the blonde *( On the cheek ) :D

Now the extended scoop: Michelle has had it. She has moved to a separate bedroom in the White House. And contacted a divorce lawyer. Kicked him out of the Chicago house.

Check the link:

Even his own wife can't stand him !!!!!

I'm still asking myself - how on Gods green earth did this worm ever get elected ?

The answer seems to be that we would be better off if 50% of the population suddenly disappeared.

This pathetic excuse for America certainly is NOT the country I grew up in.

He got elected by cheating, lying and stealing. By using the IRS to prevent the TeaParty orgs from their 501c4 status and against anyone that went against him, hiding and lying about what was really happening in the Middle East and what happened in Benghazi, using the Clinton connected zombies, lying about Obamacare, giving $$$ to organizations like ACORN to pack the ballot boxes and pandering to those with the right skin color, and promising free stuff. Obama has dead bodies in his path, a lot of dead bodies.

wetibbe 12-23-2013 03:20 AM

Spot on.
Both Jean and RIM05 are correct however Jean goes into depth and revelations.

I'm proactive. I just don't sit around and moan and groan. I take a very active role and I am VERY outspoken. This has resulted in County and Sheriff's detectives visiting my home and telling me to tone it down. In reality, although I resent any censoring of my freedom of expression, I have to admit that these friends are right. I do go overboard at times.

Rim05 12-23-2013 06:59 AM

He got elected by cheating, lying and stealing. By using the IRS to prevent the TeaParty orgs from their 501c4 status and against anyone that went against him, hiding and lying about what was really happening in the Middle East and what happened in Benghazi, using the Clinton connected zombies, lying about Obamacare, giving $$$ to organizations like ACORN to pack the ballot boxes and pandering to those with the right skin color, and promising free stuff. Obama has dead bodies in his path, a lot of dead bodies.

You are a mean spirited, Fox latrine drinking want to be Bully. Seems he is not the right skin color for you. Too bad, what is , is. Get over it.
I am not a party person. I will vote for any one I think will serve the US as it should be. That decision is MINE.
Have a Merry Christmas.

Rim05 12-23-2013 07:03 AM

I'm proactive. I just don't sit around and moan and groan. I take a very active role and I am VERY outspoken. This has resulted in County and Sheriff's detectives visiting my home and telling me to tone it down. In reality, although I resent any censoring of my freedom of expression, I have to admit that these friends are right. I do go overboard at times.

You are right, you do go over board however, it take some courage to admit it. There are some who would rather go to hell than admit a mistake. Keep it it tibbe, there is hope.
Merry Christmas.

Jeanfromfillmore 12-23-2013 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 24361)
He got elected by cheating, lying and stealing. By using the IRS to prevent the TeaParty orgs from their 501c4 status and against anyone that went against him, hiding and lying about what was really happening in the Middle East and what happened in Benghazi, using the Clinton connected zombies, lying about Obamacare, giving $$$ to organizations like ACORN to pack the ballot boxes and pandering to those with the right skin color, and promising free stuff. Obama has dead bodies in his path, a lot of dead bodies.

You are a mean spirited, Fox latrine drinking want to be Bully. Seems he is not the right skin color for you. Too bad, what is , is. Get over it.
I am not a party person. I will vote for any one I think will serve the US as it should be. That decision is MINE.
Have a Merry Christmas.

Boy I got under your skin with those bits of truth. Then to throw the race card, how typical of you leftist cult followers. Please inform us of what I stated that wasn't true. Those pieces of truth just keep adding to the pile that is burying your god. Oh, and the "Fox" bit, that's precious. You still haven't answered the question I asked about Benghazi. Oh the hypocrisy of the liberals; lies seem to be just fine with them. It's not "mean spirited" to lie, to the left it's just creative speaking. But for anyone to question and not put up with lying, well that's "mean spirited". Oh the hypocrisy, it's overflowing.

Rim05 12-23-2013 01:17 PM

Boy I got under your skin with those bits of truth. Then to throw the race card, how typical of you leftist cult followers. Please inform us of what I stated that wasn't true. Those pieces of truth just keep adding to the pile that is burying your god. Oh, and the "Fox" bit, that's precious. You still haven't answered the question I asked about Benghazi. Oh the hypocrisy of the liberals; lies seem to be just fine with them. It's not "mean spirited" to lie, to the left it's just creative speaking. But for anyone to question and not put up with lying, well that's "mean spirited". Oh the hypocrisy, it's overflowing.

Your entire post was bs as usual.

Jeanfromfillmore 12-23-2013 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 24368)
Boy I got under your skin with those bits of truth. Then to throw the race card, how typical of you leftist cult followers. Please inform us of what I stated that wasn't true. Those pieces of truth just keep adding to the pile that is burying your god. Oh, and the "Fox" bit, that's precious. You still haven't answered the question I asked about Benghazi. Oh the hypocrisy of the liberals; lies seem to be just fine with them. It's not "mean spirited" to lie, to the left it's just creative speaking. But for anyone to question and not put up with lying, well that's "mean spirited". Oh the hypocrisy, it's overflowing.

Your entire post was bs as usual.

Now this is fun. What, no retort? Getting harder to defend the overwhelming pile of lies out of Obama's mouth, is it? Please tell us where the "bs" is. Let's break it down and let's hear what defense there can be of such things. I know MSNBC has a stockpile of talking points. But wait, even that great speaker of wisdom Chris Mathews has turned on his god Obama. Oh what to do now. Yes, it probably would be easier to just IGNORE me. You could land up on the "pants on fire list, or the Pinocchio list like Obama. Better to just let it rest.

wetibbe 12-24-2013 04:52 AM

Overboard ?
In reality "almost" anything I write is actually taken largely from the media reports and politicians. So essentially I'm actually agreeing with some of them. Naturally my being a conservative Republican I tend to agree with Conservative Republicans. A very significant amount of what they say is actually a lot worse than most of what I produce. And it may come as a shock but there are some elements of Liberal's agenda that I can see and which may have some merit albeit limited.

As to the Mutt's pigmentation and race/ ancestry, I have addressed this numerous times. Obama is not a Negro, he is not African American. He is Bi-Racial, a mulatto, black father, white mother. Almost all of the media with almost no exceptions refer to him as Americas first black president.

I have sent a couple of E-mails to media pundits on that issue without response. It is dishonest, and racist, to ignore his mother. Why is he not referred to as Americas first WHITE President? Or Americas first bi-racial?

I also frequently referred to Kat Williams, the black comedian, with the filthiest mouth cursing out Mexicans in the audience and referring to his people as NXXXXXX and Mxxxxx Fxxxxxx. And they roar with laughter.

Rim05 12-24-2013 08:13 AM

As to the Mutt's pigmentation and race/ ancestry, I have addressed this numerous times. Obama is not a Negro, he is not African American. He is Bi-Racial, a mulatto, black father, white mother. Almost all of the media with almost no exceptions refer to him as Americas first black president.

You are stating some of the puzzle for me. As far as I can tell any one with any Black, Negro,or any other fact is the problem most white Americans abhor. That is what I have taken from many of your post about race. In my opinion he is called Americas 'first Black President because he is half Black.

Rim05 12-24-2013 08:19 AM

I also frequently referred to Kat Williams, the black comedian, with the filthiest mouth cursing out Mexicans in the audience and referring to his people as NXXXXXX and Mxxxxx Fxxxxxx. And they roar with laughter.

I do not watch comedians, most of what they are is filth. I can do with it. Every one is on this kick about "Free Speach". That is great but one jerk found out that there are limits with me. I don't use filthy langague and I will not allow any one to insult me.

Jeanfromfillmore 12-24-2013 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 24374)
I also frequently referred to Kat Williams, the black comedian, with the filthiest mouth cursing out Mexicans in the audience and referring to his people as NXXXXXX and Mxxxxx Fxxxxxx. And they roar with laughter.

I do not watch comedians, most of what they are is filth. I can do with it. Every one is on this kick about "Free Speach". That is great but one jerk found out that there are limits with me. I don't use filthy langague and I will not allow any one to insult me.

Now that's funny, defending our Constitutional right of free speech is going on a "kick". Haven't been on a university campus lately. Try saying anything that isn't straight out of the politically correct handbook and you'll be thrown off the campus. It's not a "kick"; it is fighting to get back and retain the protections our founding fathers documented for us. To the left, everything is just hunky-dory and conservatives just need to get with the program.

ilbegone 12-24-2013 05:31 PM

So, here we are...

A discussion about the so called "affordable care act" turned into a flame war and further degenerated into a race issue...


Seems he (Obama) is not the right skin color for you.

As to the Mutt's pigmentation and race/ ancestry, I have addressed this numerous times. Obama is not a Negro, he is not African American. He is Bi-Racial, a mulatto, black father, white mother. Almost all of the media with almost no exceptions refer to him as Americas first black president.
I propose that we get back to what the thread is about, Obamacare.

I spoke with a woman yesterday who's within the insurance industry.

Her take, and she was careful to state that she wasn't representing her employer with her conversation, was that the health insurance landscape has been irreparably devastated and there will be no going back to what was. As I understand her statement, it doesn't much matter whether the law is repealed, patched, or what. Reminds me of the California deregulation of the electrical industry, which is still haunting us in Ca. Nearly broke our state, and the smug bastards in Sacramento didn't realize the consequences of their actions until the utilities spun the screwing back to them, AND THEN THE IGNORANT POLITICAL ASSHOLES PANICKED IN A VIRTUALLY FUTILE EFFORT TO SAVE THEMSELVES AND THEIR THREADBARE AGENDAS.

The middle and small insurers have been or will be forced out of business, and many of those policy holders forced out of their plans ultimately won't be picked up by other insurers, or the insurers who are left in business will go broke covering those left who don't go into medicare, and the lady said "you know who pays for that - it's you and me"...

And there's always the specter of yet another bailout covering what the new law screwed up... And just who pays for that?

Which reinforces my early gut feeling that the whole thing is designed to crash and force everyone into taxpayer funded, substandard, European Union / Canadian style government single payer healthcare.

Rim05 12-25-2013 06:31 AM

I also hope the thread can get back to topic. I will question who started the 'right skin color bit'.
There are some who can not type unless it is to degrade 'President Obama'. Good luck with getting the thread back on topic. Some can change a thread for no reason.
Have a Merry Christmas.

ilbegone 12-25-2013 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 24384)
I also hope the thread can get back to topic.

I will question who started the 'right skin color bit'.

There are some who can not type unless it is to degrade 'President Obama'. Good luck with getting the thread back on topic. Some can change a thread for no reason.
Have a Merry Christmas.

I will go on record that Obama is the most destructive president we ever had. It's not denigration, it's the bone truth.

This is how the race stuff got started in this thread, the reply to post #26 as part of the flame war which included throwing down the race trump card - whether it was intentional or not:


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 24361)
He (Obama - edited in for clarity) got elected by cheating, lying and stealing. By using the IRS to prevent the TeaParty orgs from their 501c4 status and against anyone that went against him, hiding and lying about what was really happening in the Middle East and what happened in Benghazi, using the Clinton connected zombies, lying about Obamacare, giving $$$ to organizations like ACORN to pack the ballot boxes and pandering to those with the right skin color, and promising free stuff. Obama has dead bodies in his path, a lot of dead bodies.

You are a mean spirited, Fox latrine drinking want to be Bully. Seems he (Obama - edited in for clarity) is not the right skin color for you. Too bad, what is , is. Get over it.
I am not a party person. I will vote for any one I think will serve the US as it should be. That decision is MINE.
Have a Merry Christmas.

Your voting choices as well as your opinion are indeed your own, as other's voting choices and opinions belong to others. These are freedoms which are being chipped away by the present administration, think about it.

Merry Christmas, let's quit fighting amongst ourselves. It just gives our opposition ammunition.

Jeanfromfillmore 12-25-2013 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 24381)
So, here we are...

A discussion about the so called "affordable care act" turned into a flame war and further degenerated into a race issue...

I propose that we get back to what the thread is about, Obamacare.

I spoke with a woman yesterday who's within the insurance industry.

Her take, and she was careful to state that she wasn't representing her employer with her conversation, was that the health insurance landscape has been irreparably devastated and there will be no going back to what was. As I understand her statement, it doesn't much matter whether the law is repealed, patched, or what. Reminds me of the California deregulation of the electrical industry, which is still haunting us in Ca. Nearly broke our state, and the smug bastards in Sacramento didn't realize the consequences of their actions until the utilities spun the screwing back to them, AND THEN THE IGNORANT POLITICAL ASSHOLES PANICKED IN A VIRTUALLY FUTILE EFFORT TO SAVE THEMSELVES AND THEIR THREADBARE AGENDAS.

The middle and small insurers have been or will be forced out of business, and many of those policy holders forced out of their plans ultimately won't be picked up by other insurers, or the insurers who are left in business will go broke covering those left who don't go into medicare, and the lady said "you know who pays for that - it's you and me"...

And there's always the specter of yet another bailout covering what the new law screwed up... And just who pays for that?

Which reinforces my early gut feeling that the whole thing is designed to crash and force everyone into taxpayer funded, substandard, European Union / Canadian style government single payer healthcare.

Well, I'm still smiling. It's Christmas Day, hope everyone enjoys the fact we can feel somewhat safe, thanks to our men and women who serve us everywhere.

You're absolutely correct, the goal all along was a one payer system, aka socialized medicine. I heard that right out of the mouth of my leftist friend over a year ago. That's exactly what she wanted. Mind you this is a person who could easily pay for her own medical, even without insurance; one of those limousine liberals that lives along the California coast and hasn't a clue about the problems of the middle class, or the poor for that matter.

It seems our social infrastructure is what the left are all about changing. But our actual hard tangible infrastructure is too susceptible to climate change and needs to be put into the recycle bin.

We now have so many that qualify for free medical and too many doctors that won't accept it, so many that in the next few years we are going to see a crisis. Another item that no one has mentioned is that with the "new" free medical comes the ability by the Government to grab onto a citizens estate; those receiving free medical and once the person dies (under the age of 65 or receiving any gov. free subsidy along with medicade) the cost paid by the government will be taken out of the persons estate; this includes land, cars and anything of value. The only way out of such a situation is to either sell everything or give it to someone in advance of getting ill.

What would happen in the past is there was a financial test given beforeany free gov paid medical was given. The person could then either use there assets to pay for their medical or give it to someone. The difference is that the person knew their assets were in jeopardy But now. no one is being told that Obamacare could take your estate.

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