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Don 02-22-2012 12:04 PM

Mexican Supremacy in the LA Times
In Sunday's LA Times, Mexican columnist Gregory Rodriguez proclaimed his belief that Arizona's opposition to anti-white hispanic ethnic studies classes is motivated by dirty rotten white racists trying to protect their reputations from being stained by talking about white racist treatment of minorities.

Ahem....if the wetbacks want to have their own racially segregated classes why can't whites have their own racially segregated schools and neigborhoods? How's that for a compromise. They hate us so much, stay the Hell away from us!

Or even better...Mexicans have had their own country for 500 years called Mexico. Since they hate white people so passionately, why don't they just stay in their own crap hole of a country instead of invading the white USA, founded and governed by people for whom they have so much hatred? How about they stay in their own country far from dirty rotten white racists and we stay in ours.

If whites are so terrible, why do these minority parasites always go to white countries for the "better life" they can never achieve in their own lands? .

For a good read, look at the comments section after this story.

Ayatollahgondola 02-22-2012 04:42 PM

The US of A is not just about whites my dear Don. And you should not let the mexican supremists select the argument against their invasion. It's about laws, rules, culture, nationalism, sovereignty, and language; but not race.

Don 02-25-2012 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 19705)
The US of A is not just about whites my dear Don. And you should not let the mexican supremists select the argument against their invasion. It's about laws, rules, culture, nationalism, sovereignty, and language; but not race.

It is about race and the whole ethnic studies fraud is evidence of this. Apart from providing a "major" for people who are manifestly too dumb to master a legitimate discipline, the purpose of ethnic studies is to teach non-white dysfunctionals to hate white people and to work their their dispossesion and extinction. That Mexican Juan Angel Gutierrez who teaches ethnic studies in the Texas public schools once said, "We have got to get rid of the Gringo and by that I mean, if worse comes to worse, we have got to kill them."
Gutierrez also wrote a book entitled "How To Handle A Gringo". This filthy stinking piece of crap can openly proclaim anti-white racism, but a white person who referred to minorities as "beaners" or "n.ig.g**s" would be crucified. This is one example of the racial supremacy operating in this country today.

These filthy stinking vermin can openly advocate extermination of white people and they keep getting their tax funded salary. What white person would be allowed to teach after openly advocated exterminating blacks or Mexicans? None! Of course there are dozens of these animals teaching in the California public schools too.

Rodriguez' article does not go so far as to advocate extermination, but it does openly advocate racial supremacy by the public schools. This supremacy is embodied in elevating a favored race to "victim" status and relegating the disfavored race to "oppressor" status. By this fraud, non-whites achieve moral authority and legitimacy by belonging to a victim race, not by achieving anything worth while, such as studying, good grades, etc. White students, by comparison. loose legitimacy and moral authority as members of the hated "oppressor race" and can be targeted for racially motivated violence and other forms of racial discrimination.

This is race war and ethnic studies curricula are a very important part of it.

Ayatollahgondola 02-25-2012 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 19711)
It is about race and the whole ethnic studies fraud is evidence of this. Apart from providing a "major" for people who are manifestly too dumb to master a legitimate discipline, the purpose of ethnic studies is to teach non-white dysfunctionals to hate white people and to work their their dispossesion and extinction. That Mexican Juan Angel Gutierrez who teaches ethnic studies in the Texas public schools once said, "We have got to get rid of the Gringo and by that I mean, if worse comes to worse, we have got to kill them."
Gutierrez also wrote a book entitled "How To Handle A Gringo". This filthy stinking piece of crap can openly proclaim anti-white racism, but a white person who referred to minorities as "beaners" or "n.ig.g**s" would be crucified. This is one example of the racial supremacy operating in this country today.

These filthy stinking vermin can openly advocate extermination of white people and they keep getting their tax funded salary. What white person would be allowed to teach after openly advocated exterminating blacks or Mexicans? None! Of course there are dozens of these animals teaching in the California public schools too.

Rodriguez' article does not go so far as to advocate extermination, but it does openly advocate racial supremacy by the public schools. This supremacy is embodied in elevating a favored race to "victim" status and relegating the disfavored race to "oppressor" status. By this fraud, non-whites achieve moral authority and legitimacy by belonging to a victim race, not by achieving anything worth while, such as studying, good grades, etc. White students, by comparison. loose legitimacy and moral authority as members of the hated "oppressor race" and can be targeted for racially motivated violence and other forms of racial discrimination.

This is race war and ethnic studies curricula are a very important part of it.

Uh, yes Don....I know all about the above persons, what they said, and how they feel. I also understand that the brown racists are compelled to use the underdog priviledge. No need to preach to the choir. But here's the thing I mean about it not being about race, or letting them set the rules for the argument about immigration:
There's no clear cut right or wrong where race is concerned. There's no illegal races, or unlawful presence/entry in regards to race. You cannot win a race argument at all, nor can you deport someone because of their race. So why go there if you want to win? These brown racialists can summon all the false gods they want, but we don't do it. Sure it's ok to point out there hypocrisy, double standards, and their fraudulent use of minority status. But that's where it should end. If you take their position and say the US is a white nation, or white dominated nation, or even ask why can't the white demographic make use of the race card; They have you on their terms and their turf. That argument goes on and on, and all during that the illegal entry and immigration keeps rolling on

ilbegone 02-26-2012 05:59 AM


Just last night, a nephew of a friend was telling me that, as a rule, the Mexicans he's worked with over the decades have put him down and tend to willfully screw him over in the workplace, and he's brown with a Spanish last name. He said his American born parents didn't teach him Spanish growing up in the 60's because this is America and they are Americans. The Uncle doesn't really speak Spanish either, but generally understands the language - and his story is similar to the nephew.

I hear that sort of thing all the time, people with Mexican ancestors who tell me they don't bother going to Mexico because of all the Mexican prejudice against them. It's a Mexican nationalism thing, with all the hatred of the US built into the Mexican school system by Education Minister Jose Vasconcelos in the 1920's. Vasconcelos was educated in part in Eagle pass, Texas - maybe not a good time or place to be a "wetback". The Americanized are traitors in the Mexican national consciousness and the American Jose Angel Gutierrez (born in Texas) admitted as much in a newspaper interview a few years ago, since Mexicans don't go for Chicano crap (American derived) he has to do things different with Mexicans than the American born.

American brown racists will generally be rejected by Mexican nationals as well as the other Americanized and American born except that they (American brown racists) and those who enter illegally from Latin America use each other - American brown racists help them stay in the country and point to taxpayer funded freebies, all eventually exchanged for the illegals' children to be "educated" in a subverted American school curriculum.

If it's about a white America, you exclude those who are brown and who are alienated from Mexican nationals - and that's American Jose Angel Gutierrez' Aztlan you are helping to build - a brown people and nation which is neither Mexican nor American, but derived from both which excludes you.

It's not Texas circa 1900 anymore, Don. And, if you can't get that out of you head you're just another racist loser dragging the rest of us down with you.

Ayatollahgondola 02-26-2012 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 19716)
It's not Texas circa 1900 anymore, Don. And, if you can't get that out of you head you're just another racist loser dragging the rest of us down with you.

Oooohhh noooo!,

Don isn't dragging me down the racist pathway by mere association. Not anymore than the brown racists are because I'm a half breed. I reject any notion that because I know someone on some basis that I must be like them in all ways, or the ways they want to use me in. If you want to be racist, then I believe that is your problem. The only way it becomes my problem is when you use it to harm me. Don's opinions don't harm me yet. If anything, I learn alot about Don, and I hope to change Don's mind a little. That's one of the things we do here.

ilbegone 02-26-2012 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 19719)
Oooohhh noooo!,

Don isn't dragging me down the racist pathway by mere association. Not anymore than the brown racists are because I'm a half breed. I reject any notion that because I know someone on some basis that I must be like them in all ways, or the ways they want to use me in. If you want to be racist, then I believe that is your problem. The only way it becomes my problem is when you use it to harm me. Don's opinions don't harm me yet. If anything, I learn alot about Don, and I hope to change Don's mind a little. That's one of the things we do here.

"They" use his words to paint everyone else. There's a lot of hysteria on all sides which paints the deeds of some as the deeds of the whole. Pandering media quote out of context slandering the movement, and politicians are fed the negative image some as the negative image of the whole.

A member of my household experienced the requirement of being back across the tracks before dark - up until about 1968 the unwritten rule was enforced by the local police. That stuff is still in peoples heads, even if they might not have any sympathy for the brown racist cause or for the illegals who have come within their life time.

Rim05 02-26-2012 03:14 PM


It's not Texas circa 1900 anymore, Don. And, if you can't get that out of you head you're just another racist loser dragging the rest of us down with you.
I have known right from wrong too long for the likes of Don, to pull me any place. He just gets on my nerves because he is not capable of learning.

ilbegone 03-03-2012 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 19724)
I have known right from wrong too long for the likes of Don, to pull me any place. He just gets on my nerves because he is not capable of learning.

It's not that he's pulling anyone, his words are used to paint everyone here.

Therefore Davi, the well reasoned, self described "half breed" who includes all Americans regardless of race more effectively becomes a sheet draped, pointy hat hater of "immigrants of color".

People like unwitting Don are the best tools available for American brown supremacists - he's race card believable and perfect for promoting minority racial hysteria.

usa today 03-17-2012 03:52 PM

Just because I rarely post here doesn't mean I don't scan the site every day.

This thread caught my eye for several reasons.

Everyone here is right , nobody is wrong

Its ok of mexicans and "hispanics" to hurl racial and other slurs at us , and yet you want to ding on Don for expressing non politically correct rhetoric , He is expressing feelings all of us DO REALLY FEEL , but have been sissyfied to the extent we are afraid to post it. He is calling a spade a spade,

I do not thin Don is a racist , I don't think anyone here is a "racist" , I see frustration , We see it every day with people getting away with breaking laws that all of us would be arrested for.

I'm sick of people also stealing us blind , they demand bennys that they are not untitled to simply because they can , the libs let them , Don is not wrong , he is simply saying what so many are afraid to say.

The majority of illegals are mexican , they make demands because the liberal mindset that is controlling this country allows them to.

If the BS was stopped how long would these idiots keep pushing ? Not long if a bunch of them got kicked to the curb.

usa today 03-17-2012 03:56 PM

On the other side , Trying to be politically correct only appeases the invaders and their advocates.
Other sites kick off good patriots for doing as much.

We think we have to be "above" their level , their mentality , we don't

This is an internet site , nobody is going to get bloodied over what is said here.

This site has a long history in real actives , real heros have been part of this site , they have fought in the streets , they have been arrested and bloodied in the real world , they have won victories and suffered defeats , Members here have gone into the belly of the beast and have fought the good fight.

I said 10 years ago that PC would kill us , Please don't let it happen


ilbegone 03-18-2012 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by usa today (Post 19869)
On the other side , Trying to be politically correct only appeases the invaders and their advocates.
Other sites kick off good patriots for doing as much.

We think we have to be "above" their level , their mentality , we don't

This is an internet site , nobody is going to get bloodied over what is said here.

This site has a long history in real actives , real heros have been part of this site , they have fought in the streets , they have been arrested and bloodied in the real world , they have won victories and suffered defeats , Members here have gone into the belly of the beast and have fought the good fight.

I said 10 years ago that PC would kill us , Please don't let it happen


It's not about being politically correct.

You can call a spade a spade, or even a fucking shovel if you want.

The problem is whether or not the issue is about race or illegal immigration, the motivation behind the words. So, if one were to express a "concern" about "minority savage" flash mobs beating whites in America yet gloat over dark skinned immigrants (legal or not) being mobbed and beaten in Greece, that's a strong indication it's about race in that person's case. The same is true if one were to make the case that "La Barbie" is the mold everyone with Latin American ancestry is made from. The words in both cases are used to paint everyone else as racists by pandering media, miscellaneous racists "of color" and their various supporters who are often clueless middle class white liberals - the "one worlders".

Perception is reality, honest and just people have had careers and lives ruined through smear campaigns and frame up prosecution due to unscrupulous agenda. WHY HELP YOUR ENEMY?

Citizenship is not defined by race, nor is race an indication of illegal presence nor does race lend itself to a predisposition towards criminality. Race is not an indication of nationality, culture, language, religion, education, ignorance or political belief.

And, this is the biggie... if illegal immigration is about or is perceived to be about race "THEY" WIN IN THE REAL WORLD. Once again, propaganda produced PERCEPTION IS REALITY - WHY HELP YOUR ENEMY with the real thing?

A recent spin on calling a spade a spade:


"Eh, he is a pissant," the man said, proceeding to spew about how an "illegal alien" killed the son of a friend down in L.A., and how it was Villaraigosa's fault. "He is a Mexican. That is what he claims. He is always defending illegal Mexicans and Mexico. … I have no qualms about saying anything to him."

The fellow's name is Davi Rodrigues. From where? "Right here in Sac," he said. "I'm an American. Period."

As Davi Rodrigues, American-Period made clear, Darwinism is a process. We haven't arrived. As for same-sex marriage, the president of the United States should follow the mayor of Los Angeles, stop the silly word games, and use the power of his position to urge that the nation move beyond its history of bigotry and discrimination to a higher realm.
How much juicier to the media would this have been if it had been a rant about Villaracista being a "filthy stinking piece of crap minority savage" while referring to everyone with a brown skin as vermin with this tossed in for good measure:


Ahem....if the wetbacks want to have their own racially segregated classes why can't whites have their own racially segregated schools and neigborhoods? How's that for a compromise. They hate us so much, stay the Hell away from us!
rather than a stating a belief that Villaracista is a "Mexican (self described)" illegal supportive piss ant? It may have made lead story nationally, and it wouldn't be good advertisement. You don't have to be politically correct, but you do have to be careful in your words - that is if you any hope at all that immigration law be enforced.

Illegal immigration harms American citizens of all races, including people with Mexican ancestry.

Rim05 03-18-2012 10:13 AM

USA, Don calls all non whites the most horrible racists names I know of.
Think how these names sound.....Trash,, scum, savages. There are others but I don't think of them at the moment.
If you agree with calling everyone 'not white' these names, then I am glad I never met you on the many times I was on the street.
I could laugh in your face for calling me any name, why? BECAUSE I KNOW WHO I AM AND WHAT I AM, AND NO BIG MOUTH CAN CHANGE THAT. It just shows the level of intelligence of the person using the name calling.

Jeanfromfillmore 03-18-2012 01:27 PM

The problem is that “race” has been used to attack. It is both a shield and bullet used by the “minority” groups and any deviation from their use is considered “hate” speech. The public at large has become immune to the racial bias/double standard used by the “minority” groups and actually consider their racial bias as acceptable, yet anyone who exposes it is “intolerant”.

It’s hard to not get angry at the double standard, yet we’re expected to look beyond it as though there isn’t an elephant in the room.

Most of us are not a Mother Teresa or Gandhi, but to the left, that is exactly what they think of themselves; truth rarely factors in. The truth is not pure black and white; those gray areas are a real sticky area to be in especially with the country’s extreme media bias. Just as it is the unspoken word for anyone to have a bias on either side of these issues, setting up oneself for attacks that can leave you standing alone. Everyone tries to distance themselves from the perceived “opinion”.

Remember when Bill Cosby spoke out about the Blacks dropout rates and unmarried pregnancy rates? He was sent to the woodshed for a beating by most of the black community. But as time went on (years later) society had to acknowledge the elephant in the room and the statistics on those issues became public.

Don is an extreme and yes he doesn’t mince his words. Is he correct? To many no, to some yes. He does paint with a wide brush and there is the problem. He insults those of us that view these issues as being much more complex, which they are. Don’s views are through his own experience with his own group of colleagues and friends, which most do not share. I have not walked in his shoes, so I can not say.

But, I will share a small snippet of why I don’t completely discredit what Don has written. The first month I moved into my home here in Fillmore my neighbor’s kids told me, “My mother was hoping a Mexican would buy this house so she could have someone to talk to and be friends with.” The thought of being friends with an Anglo white was not something she wanted to do. Now, the mother was an illegal alien woman from Mexico who had married another legal Mexican immigrant to get her citizenship. They have since divorce, but she is now a citizen. She didn’t come here to embrace the U.S. culture, she wanted to be around 'her other Mexicans' and I was a persona non-grata in my own country. Was this racism/prejudice? Yes, to some, but to others it would be disguised as national pride. I am subjected to this form of racism/prejudice daily and as a result I don’t do much in this town.

But I grew up with plenty of Hispanics who never had a thought of Mexico as their homeland; before the late 60’s they were called “Americans” and proud to be here. That was before the “divide and conquer” for political and monetary gain and our education system that turned us against each other. For anyone who knows the difference, it is very sad because some of my very best friends growing up were Consuelo Gomez, Linda Chavez, Albert Martinez, and I could go on and on. There was never a mention of the differences in our background. We were friends and enjoyed the same parties, dances and activities. They didn’t say, “Oh I was hoping you were Mexican so I’d have someone to talk to and be friends with.”
That was a different day. So I can see both sides of the issue and I try to hold onto those memories of what it was like to have Hispanics who wanted an Anglo as a friend, before the double standard became acceptable.

Rim05 03-18-2012 03:30 PM

Jean, this is not about wanting a certain person to have as a neighbor or friend. It is the habit Don has of calling any and all non whites the names that he calls ALL who are not white. This is what MLK was talking about when he longed for the day that people would be judged by their charcater and not the color of their skin.

I am totally against all Illegal people in the US. I am not totally against any race.

Jeanfromfillmore 03-19-2012 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 19874)
Jean, this is not about wanting a certain person to have as a neighbor or friend.

Not wanting a person as a neighbor or a friend because of their race/ancestry is the exact definition of racism!!! I've experienced it quite a bit since I've moved to Fillmore and I doubt I'm the only one. So let's not pretend there isn't a double standard. Rimo you and others may not like Dons message or exactly how he words it, but I do understand why someone would feel that way. Does that make it right? No! But I don't discount their feelings because some of it is justified. Do I feel as Don does? No! But I have not walked in his shoes and either have you. What we've done together on the streets just means we've admitted there's a problem. I handle it differently than Don because of what I've experienced in my life. It is just sad that so many others never had a chance to have the great friends I had growing up.

ilbegone 03-20-2012 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 19876)
Not wanting a person as a neighbor or a friend because of their race/ancestry is the exact definition of racism!!! I've experienced it quite a bit since I've moved to Fillmore and I doubt I'm the only one. So let's not pretend there isn't a double standard. Rimo you and others may not like Dons message or exactly how he words it, but I do understand why someone would feel that way. Does that make it right? No! But I don't discount their feelings because some of it is justified. Do I feel as Don does? No! But I have not walked in his shoes and either have you. What we've done together on the streets just means we've admitted there's a problem. I handle it differently than Don because of what I've experienced in my life. It is just sad that so many others never had a chance to have the great friends I had growing up.

Yes, there is a double standard, and there's lots of shoes to walk in. There are brown race baiters who get away with the most outrageous racial crap which is explained away as "cultural pride". There are brown race hucksters who make a living fomenting racial enmity and who are never brought to heel by the equal protection under the law provision. Much of the school system is co-opted. No argument from me in that regard.

My experience growing up decades ago around the brown kids I knew was much like yours. I've also experienced prejudice from Mexican nationals.

On the other hand, there is another set of shoes in my house which experienced the last of the "whites only" establishments, being across the tracks before dark and a "public" pool and a whole street off limits to "Mexicans" any time of day. There's more, but you get the point - that stuff happened.

Her long deceased parents were born Mexican, she was born American. There are no longer any family ties to Mexico (no illegal primos renting any garages from any of the extended family to live in), several relatives participated in America's conflicts from WWII to the present. Everyone is different, but much of her experience with Mexican nationals mirrors yours.

This is a person with one foot in each of two worlds, and to varying degrees rejected by both.

Don wants to run her back over the tracks and far beyond to the south as piece of crap vermin, Twoller wants to hunt her down and throw her out to a country she doesn't belong to and which doesn't want her.

Illegal immigration since 1986 has harmed Americans of all races - including those with Mexican ancestors - except for American politicians and American employers who benefit in any of several manners by aiding and abetting illegal entry.

Regardless of how the problem of illegal immigration is resolved, there is not going to be one person among the millions in America who are going to be happy about it. However, the longer it drags on, the less likely there will be an outcome you may believe is in the right direction, and until race is taken out of the anti illegal side of the issue the less chance it will be semi - satisfactorily resolved.

Whether or not Don has a point behind his racially charged rants.

Patriotic Army Mom 03-21-2012 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 19716)

Just last night, a nephew of a friend was telling me that, as a rule, the Mexicans he's worked with over the decades have put him down and tend to willfully screw him over in the workplace, and he's brown with a Spanish last name. He said his American born parents didn't teach him Spanish growing up in the 60's because this is America and they are Americans. The Uncle doesn't really speak Spanish either, but generally understands the language - and his story is similar to the nephew.

I hear that sort of thing all the time, people with Mexican ancestors who tell me they don't bother going to Mexico because of all the Mexican prejudice against them. It's a Mexican nationalism thing, with all the hatred of the US built into the Mexican school system by Education Minister Jose Vasconcelos in the 1920's. Vasconcelos was educated in part in Eagle pass, Texas - maybe not a good time or place to be a "wetback". The Americanized are traitors in the Mexican national consciousness and the American Jose Angel Gutierrez (born in Texas) admitted as much in a newspaper interview a few years ago, since Mexicans don't go for Chicano crap (American derived) he has to do things different with Mexicans than the American born.

American brown racists will generally be rejected by Mexican nationals as well as the other Americanized and American born except that they (American brown racists) and those who enter illegally from Latin America use each other - American brown racists help them stay in the country and point to taxpayer funded freebies, all eventually exchanged for the illegals' children to be "educated" in a subverted American school curriculum.

If it's about a white America, you exclude those who are brown and who are alienated from Mexican nationals - and that's American Jose Angel Gutierrez' Aztlan you are helping to build - a brown people and nation which is neither Mexican nor American, but derived from both which excludes you.

It's not Texas circa 1900 anymore, Don. And, if you can't get that out of you head you're just another racist loser dragging the rest of us down with you.

So true, some of my family have had this happen. Back in those days, becoming an American was what they wanted and guess what! They worked very hard and sent their own children to college, paid their own way and didn't expect anyone else to do it. My children have much to be proud of. But it has come with a price.

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