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admin 09-12-2010 06:25 AM

Chelene Nightingale
Here's an opportunity to discusss the candidacy of Chelene Nightingale. What are her actual platforms? Are any of them actually achievable? Who would she appoint to her cabinet? Can she put troops on the border? Can she be trusted with the keys to the executive office? Can a person with no experience even be considered for a job like this? Can any governor really stand up to the feds?

Eagle1 09-12-2010 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by admin (Post 12038)
Here's an opportunity to discusss the candidacy of Chelene Nightingale. What are her actual platforms? Are any of them actually achievable? Who would she appoint to her cabinet? Can she put troops on the border? Can she be trusted with the keys to the executive office? Can a person with no experience even be considered for a job like this? Can any governor really stand up to the feds?

Based on her interactions with many of us it is my opinion that she cannot get along with others well enough to fill the requirements for a gubernatorial position. On the surface it appears that she has great people skills. She is able to network remarkably well. The reality of her situation is that she has such dismal people skills that she invariably offends and alienates large groups of people who constituted her base of support.

Yes a governor can stand up to the Feds. To a small degree Jan Brewer is doing so but not to the extent that I think she should. One of my friends who is very well versed in history recently shared with me that in the distant past Arizona had its military face off with the Fed's army over water rights issues.

Chelene quotes tenth amendment States Rights as law upon which she can base some actions she might take as governor.

Other than her support for SB1070 I do not know what she would actually do.
She may not even know what she would do.

Even her videos are curiously devoid of any substantive information regarding what she would do. Its all cheer leader stuff.

Some people without prior experience might make great governors but I do not believe Chelene to be in that category.

She would create in a short time, a disaster of huge proportions due to her paranoia and tyrannical ways.

Putting California troops on the border, directing police to check for immigration status and such I believe are allowed by the California Constitution ( I may be wrong), getting that done politically in California where the democratic Party is king however is probably impossible without some serious power.

What would Chelene do as Governor? The same she has done with SOS and a number of us...create a mess. 09-19-2010 09:59 AM

This is an excerpt from an L.A. Times article (today's issue) that focused on the success Carly "I heart the DREAM Act" Fiorina is having with Tea Partiers (not good news for Chelene):

Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman has backed away from the conservative rhetoric she used during the primary on immigration and climate change as she has tried to appeal moderate and independent voters. And she has not held any public campaign events with tea party groups since the primary. Fiorina, however, has hewed closely to her conservative stances and welcomed their support.

The differing approaches are one reason why a number of tea partyers in Clovis said Saturday that they were more willing to sign up to help Fiorina than Whitman. Their ambivalence was reflected even in the "Central Valley Tea Party Times," a pamphlet that was handed out at the door.

Fiorina's name was at the top of the list of "voting recommendations" that included 13 state races. There was no recommendation for the governor's race.

Betty Van Valkenburg, a retired small-business owner from Clovis who puts the newsletter together, said that although many Central Valley tea partyers are fully behind Fiorina, there has been less enthusiasm for Whitman. Ultimately, she said, the group did not recommend a candidate in the governor's race because its members were divided between Whitman and Chelene Nightingale, the American Independent Party nominee.

Ayatollahgondola 09-19-2010 01:54 PM

Any governor, after being elected, must have a cabinet at the ready to install. The republicans and democrats have a plethora of choices and nominees for the positions sitting stacked on the governor desk. Chelene would be picking from a pile of leftovers, has-beens, never was, never will be, and manny wanna-be's. in the vaccuum, the governors agneda would be idle or thwarted. The AIP or the constitution party, either one, have to few friendly faces for Chelene to be leaning on for support. Many of the constitution party people don't really like her stand on immigration or a few others, so she'd be drawing from a fairly dry well for some talent. And with Chelene's historically proven record for lopping off heads, she'd run out of talent in the first year or less.

Twoller 09-19-2010 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 12198)
Any governor, after being elected, must have a cabinet at the ready to install. The republicans and democrats have a plethora of choices and nominees for the positions sitting stacked on the governor desk. Chelene would be picking from a pile of leftovers, has-beens, never was, never will be, and manny wanna-be's. in the vaccuum, the governors agneda would be idle or thwarted. The AIP or the constitution party, either one, have to few friendly faces for Chelene to be leaning on for support. Many of the constitution party people don't really like her stand on immigration or a few others, so she'd be drawing from a fairly dry well for some talent. And with Chelene's historically proven record for lopping off heads, she'd run out of talent in the first year or less.

You are speaking of hypotheticals here and a very dramatic hypothetical as well.

If Chelene were actually elected governor, this would mean that the public supported her and also it would mean that she had access to power, real power.

The power that we see exercised under the current "two party system" is the power to maintain a largely invisible status quo. If Chelene were actually elected governor, then she would be able to draw on a vast array of real talent that has been waiting for a long time to put itself to work. The only real question is whether she would be able to make the right decisions in applying this talent. The only way to tell if she could do this is what she said she wanted to do when she became governor.

She can't attract this talent now because the talent largely sees that she doesn't stand a chance. But also the talent doesn't see much in the way to be excited about in what her plans for being governor are. If she had more vision, or were more willing to share what that vision was, she might be exciting enough to attract that talent now.

ilbegone 09-19-2010 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 12199)
You are speaking of hypotheticals here and a very dramatic hypothetical as well.

If Chelene were actually elected governor, this would mean that the public supported her and also it would mean that she had access to power, real power.

The power that we see exercised under the current "two party system" is the power to maintain a largely invisible status quo. If Chelene were actually elected governor, then she would be able to draw on a vast array of real talent that has been waiting for a long time to put itself to work. The only real question is whether she would be able to make the right decisions in applying this talent. The only way to tell if she could do this is what she said she wanted to do when she became governor.

She can't attract this talent now because the talent largely sees that she doesn't stand a chance. But also the talent doesn't see much in the way to be excited about in what her plans for being governor are. If she had more vision, or were more willing to share what that vision was, she might be exciting enough to attract that talent now.

If Chelene actually made it, it would only demonstrate that the California electorate is terminally nuts.

A candidate has to have an extremely thick skin.

One of the indications that she doesn't have a chance is because serious competition is thoroughly investigated by opposing campaign advisers. "They" will know more about Chelene than her mother, husband, past romantic interests, and close friends and confidants combined.

And they would set her up to say or do something exploitable. Any minor blemish in her past will be spun into a major character defect with sociopathic tendencies.

There are copies of the old SOS forums collected by obsessed people who make it their life to do such information gathering, even the stuff she deleted. Chelene's evident management style of the old SOS will be like her trying to swim over the Marianas Trench with concrete shoes and an anvil tied to her neck as far as serious political candidacy is concerned.

And serious political players will avoid her like the plague.


I don't have time to look it up now, there may be a link over at Fight Back in Sac in one of the threads bagging on Chelene. Indymedia foretold exactly what was going to happen at the old SOS before Chelene's hands fully gripped the reins and before Joe fully let go, and they specifically commented on her extreme authoritarianism and the type of damage she was going to do to SOS. 09-19-2010 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 12203)
If Chelene actually made it, it would only demonstrate that the California electorate is terminally nuts.

Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein have been California''s senators for the last 18 years. How much more of a demonstration do you require?

ilbegone 09-19-2010 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 12207)
Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein have been California''s senators for the last 18 years. How much more of a demonstration do you require?

It's not so much a difference of relative substance as it is that of style.

Chelene rejected me without so much as a kiss on the cheek, kicked me to the curb in a most rude manner at the old SOS.

Boxer and Feinstein, on the other hand, would screw me over much harder than Chelene could ever accomplish in her wildest paranoid dreams, but at least they will try to make me feel good about it by telling me what they think I should hear, jerking me off as they steal my wallet while relegating me to fourth class citizenship.

Totally different class of political HO tossing me off the island.

LAPhil 09-21-2010 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 12194)
This is an excerpt from an L.A. Times article (today's issue) that focused on the success Carly "I heart the DREAM Act" Fiorina is having with Tea Partiers (not good news for Chelene):

Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman has backed away from the conservative rhetoric she used during the primary on immigration and climate change as she has tried to appeal moderate and independent voters. And she has not held any public campaign events with tea party groups since the primary. Fiorina, however, has hewed closely to her conservative stances and welcomed their support.

The differing approaches are one reason why a number of tea partyers in Clovis said Saturday that they were more willing to sign up to help Fiorina than Whitman. Their ambivalence was reflected even in the "Central Valley Tea Party Times," a pamphlet that was handed out at the door.

Fiorina's name was at the top of the list of "voting recommendations" that included 13 state races. There was no recommendation for the governor's race.

Betty Van Valkenburg, a retired small-business owner from Clovis who puts the newsletter together, said that although many Central Valley tea partyers are fully behind Fiorina, there has been less enthusiasm for Whitman. Ultimately, she said, the group did not recommend a candidate in the governor's race because its members were divided between Whitman and Chelene Nightingale, the American Independent Party nominee.

Fiorina supported the Dream Act? That ruins my whole day! 09-26-2010 05:50 PM

I wonder if they'll touch upon the topics of chemtrails and the Bilderberg Group.

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