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The Mediator 11-16-2009 05:48 PM

For all new registrants:

Please review the rules posted here. We've had some passionate exchanges in this thread, and that's to be expected, however there are also some violations of posting rules and some disregard for general agenda. There's been some notifications sent out for voluntary corrections to be made. Please be patient, and a little more relaxed in your responses in the interim

Eagle1 11-16-2009 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 1153)
For those of you who really despise the little racist, think about this ...

He's uncomfortable every day of his life in this country (his home), and that's sad. Based upon what has been put in front of us, it is obvious he has little formal education and only enjoys the company of people well outside the mainstream of American thought and opinion. The bitterness and resentment he manifests with this Indigenous Uber Alles mantra he spews betokens what haunts most aggressive racists who make their beliefs about racial separatism the focus of their lives - a considerable sense of inferiority or lack of success in contemporary life.

A Question: What is less likely to happen during our lifetimes than 12 million plus illegal aliens being forcibly removed from the U.S. by the government? Answer: All the white folks going back to Europe.

Guys, try to keep it in perspective with him. He's practically nothing and hardly worth the fury he seems to generate.

I agree with what you have said here yet when a fly continuously pesters you what happens to the fly? At the very least it gets cursed at usually followed by an attempt to swat the thing. Never mind that they only live about three days...they create hell on earth for all three of those days.

Just one look and a couple of interactions with "Mr Pepper Spray" and one wonders who feeds him and helps him with his daily toilet rituals. Really, he is a prime example of pathetic and for that very reason the enemies of America have hired him....... because they consider him to be a complete throw away.

I hear that he is one of five quintuplets. Upon delivering each one the doctor in order to keep count said, "here's A, here's B, here's C, here's D,
and NOW E".:D:D:D 11-16-2009 06:37 PM

Where did you guys get this idea that Naui's being paid? By whom?

Eagle1 11-16-2009 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 1166)
Where did you guys get this idea that Naui's being paid? By whom?

I have heard it from others and I do not mean to present it as a fact. I must say that it really does appear that way due to his association with LULAC, the Brown Berets and other orgs.

Once he attended a CCIR meeting in the company of a LULAC President or Vice president. This I was very careful to check out by speaking with the man who thought that I was on his side.

It was at that moment, (almost three years or more ago) that the idea that "THE FLY" is some how being paid and is a hired pest developed.;)

Ole Glory 11-16-2009 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by jinx (Post 1154)
I think the guys handled things very well when we were attacked after Maywood 2.

What is that sizzling sound I hear? What is that smell. Is something burning?

Ahhh, the memories of Maywood ll:cool:

ilbegone 11-16-2009 07:12 PM

Just my humble two cents...

Who here has heard the term divide and conquer?

Has anyone heard of the Musashi precept that if one faces multiple opponents that one should drive one against the others, with no room for counter attack?

Or, that a tactic to defeat your enemy is to provoke him into unreasoning anger and hatred, regardless if it is a street fight, warfare of any sort, corporate battle, court room moves, conflict of any kind.

To fight over Naui means that Naui and his brown racist buddies win.

So, it is my thought that if one derives pleasure from Naui's physical discomfiture, perhaps it would be better to savor the everlasting moment in privacy.

From the other side, perhaps there might be some respect for allowing privacy for the practice of "don't ask, and for sure don't ever tell". Besides, it is a lop sided war where appearances count, where a brown racist can spout all kinds of hate, but words from their opponents are twisted out of all context.

And then, move on.

There is a reason that the first incarnation of Save Our State went down the toilet, and it had, in my belief, just as much to do with judgementalism and infighting than you know who running off the help.

Just my thoughts, for whatever they are worth. 11-16-2009 07:19 PM

I think the quickest way to settle this squabble is to invite Mike and Janet in as guest moderators and have them ban the whole lot of us for stirring the pot and infighting.

Even though we'll be gone, at least we can rest secure with the knowledge that our fake patriot antics won't interfere with the upcoming activities of the massive SOS Rally Squad Mike is putting together.

Ayatollahgondola 11-16-2009 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 1172)
I think the quickest way to settle this squabble is to invite Mike and Janet in as guest moderators and have them ban the whole lot of us for stirring the pot and infighting.

That would certainly give everyone a new target, and Now E (thanks Eagle1) would die of emotional starvation

Eagle1 11-16-2009 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 1172)
I think the quickest way to settle this squabble is to invite Mike and Janet in as guest moderators and have them ban the whole lot of us for stirring the pot and infighting.

Even though we'll be gone, at least we can rest secure with the knowledge that our fake patriot antics won't interfere with the upcoming activities of the massive SOS Rally Squad Mike is putting together.

I love Sadomasochism! Is it free or do we have to pay? 11-16-2009 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 1177)
I love Sadomasochism! Is it free or do we have to pay?

What do you think? Mike and Janet don't come cheap, you know.

Compensation for their services may be made by completing any of the following tasks:

1. 4 figure donation, via PayPal, to The Committee to Elect Chelene Nightingale.

2. Become a mole in this organization who secures a position as Board Moderator, and then ensure that any posts, submitted prior to the November 2010 election, describing Chelene Nightingale in terms that make her look like something other than the embodiment of the hopes and dreams of decent, God fearing Americans everywhere, are promptly deleted.

3. Kick Jim Gilchrist in the nuts, with a steel toed boot, as he is being escorted by a campus security detail off the campus of the University of Nevada at Reno.

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