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Twoller 01-06-2010 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 3378)
Phil, we are getting along and we're doing fine. Time has a way of healing old wounds as long as they don't continue to be picked at, if you get my point. Some of those you are nostalgic for actually caused the problems and are continuing to try to cause problems. We don't need to be reminded of what we could have been, because we have a goal and the drive to get there just as we are now. Just keep your eyes open and you'll see.

I have to agree. The notion that citizens of the US have always acted together in solidarity for the cause that is these United States of America is simply not true. And it is also true that some of these folks have posed the most dramatically as patriots and "true Americans". After the 9/11 terrorist attack, it was a little strange that right away, there was a mob of people running around declaring that we were all together now and America was back and it was clear who the enemy really was. Stuff like that. And if you didn't respond right away to that, the other folks popped up right away who were saying that it never happened, or it was a government conspiracy, or it really wasn't a terrorist attack. Stuff like that.

Living in the US and making it work the way it is supposed to is all about looking the other guy and asking in your own mind, "Oh yeah? Maybe, maybe not. Show me." Experience instructs best in what is really going on, but experience is sometimes hard to keep track of.

LAPhil 01-06-2010 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 3378)
Phil, we are getting along and we're doing fine. Time has a way of healing old wounds as long as they don't continue to be picked at, if you get my point.

Jean, I assume you're implying I'm picking at a wound here. You say we're getting along and doing fine, but when someone impugns your loyalty and calls you trash because she doesn't like your posts, I wouldn't call that getting along and doing fine.

Jeanfromfillmore 01-06-2010 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 3387)
Jean, I assume you're implying I'm picking at a wound here. You say we're getting along and doing fine, but when someone impugns your loyalty and calls you trash because she doesn't like your posts, I wouldn't call that getting along and doing fine.

Phil, I didn't read it as she was calling you trash, I read it as she was implying that those you say you miss are some of the trash we can surely do without. As I've written before and most people know, the written word is often misinterpreted. How you read it and how I read it were completely different. Glory and I understand each other and I know how she meant it, at least I think I do.

Phil, we're moving on and as I wrote before, we're doing rather well. We will be a stronger and better organization. That you can bet on. There are no grand standers here. We all work together. That has become very apparent with the joint effort being put forth to organize this rally. It's been amazing and I'm so proud to be a part of this group. Just wait and you'll see.

LAPhil 01-06-2010 02:11 PM

Jean, you could be right about the trash part, I'll probably never know. At any rate, I'm willing to let it drop for now. I've got to say I really respect your attitude, however. It's really upbeat and positive, and I have to admit my original comment was perhaps a little too negative for the forum, even though it's the way I really feel. I guess at times it's just better to keep certain comments to one's self.

Rim05 01-06-2010 05:29 PM

Glory, thank you for your kind words. It is so nice to see someone say that a person has done something good. Believe me every time I stood or tried to walk in the streets it was with all my heart. I am glad for all those times we had together. :)

PochoPatriot 01-06-2010 05:31 PM

I don't pine for the "old days". We did a lot of good, but we had a leader that was more interested in promoting her agenda rather than leading an organization. We had a number of "End the Fed" rallies. Why? I don't know other than they played into the Ron Paul agenda of the former leader and current gubernatorial candidate.

We saw posters and active members ridiculed and eventually banned for merely voicing a dissenting opinion in the 2008 Presidential election season. This was the beginning of the end of the "old days." Instead of being a group focused on the removal of illegal aliens it became a tool to advance a political agenda.

I am glad that the management of this group has seen fit to keep political agendas quashed. If we keep the individual politics to a minimum, and focus on the task at hand, then I believe that we can rise from the ashes. If we do this, then they will be forced to deal with us. "They" meaning the Reconquistas and those groups led by people that are loyal to personalities instead of the movement.

Jeanfromfillmore 01-06-2010 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 3390)
Jean, you could be right about the trash part, I'll probably never know. At any rate, I'm willing to let it drop for now. I've got to say I really respect your attitude, however. It's really upbeat and positive, and I have to admit my original comment was perhaps a little too negative for the forum, even though it's the way I really feel. I guess at times it's just better to keep certain comments to one's self.

No harm, no foul Phil. There are some members of the old SOS that I would like to get in contact with myself, but don't know how I could do that. I understand your wanting to see some of them, but you may see plenty of them at the next rally, or the one after that. You saw the old SOS through your own eyes and experiences and may have come to different conclusions than some of us, so you're entitled. But we have some surprises in store for you. Like I said, just wait and see. The people we have getting this rally together have worked great together and have gone way beyond what one would expect of anyone. I'm telling you, it has been fantastic. We've had people in this org and other orgs just bend over backwards to get things done, and it's working. There's no stopping us now!

Rim05 01-07-2010 06:22 AM


I'm telling you, it has been fantastic. We've had people in this org and other orgs just bend over backwards to get things done, and it's working. There's no stopping us now!
Thanks for the info about how people are working. Yes, we have had some very good people and they are out there someplace. I have a few email addresses but I am not sure those people are available now. Each person had his/her reason for dropping out in late 2007 and most of all 2008. I don't think most of SOSinfo had anything to with their leaving. Most of those who left did so before mid 2008.
The success of this Rally depends on ALL those who want to STOP this AMENSTY bill.
I am behind all of you. I hope it does not rain. The weather man is talking about rain next week.

Jeanfromfillmore 01-07-2010 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 3417)
Thanks for the info about how people are working. Yes, we have had some very good people and they are out there someplace. I have a few email addresses but I am not sure those people are available now. Each person had his/her reason for dropping out in late 2007 and most of all 2008. I don't think most of SOSinfo had anything to with their leaving. Most of those who left did so before mid 2008.
The success of this Rally depends on ALL those who want to STOP this AMENSTY bill.
I am behind all of you. I hope it does not rain. The weather man is talking about rain next week.

Ya Rimo, I have the weather in the back of my mind also. I sure hope it doesn't rain, or be too windy. Let's just keep our fingers crossed.

Ole Glory 01-09-2010 11:11 AM

To all my fellow Patriots who have been out in the trenches and have been physically attacked by the enemy. This is something a keyboard warrior could/would never understand. Back in the day when "Men were Men" and not all this mushy feelly stuff. I feel waa, waa, waa. God bless us and thank God no one has been killed at any of these protests.


U.S. President and Recipient of the Medal of Honor

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

Patriotic Army Mom 01-09-2010 11:14 AM

Amen Ole Glory. It's shocking that a gun hasn't been pulled out on any of us. God Bless America and all Patriots.

Ole Glory 01-09-2010 11:25 AM

God Bless you, PAM. Wear your battle scars proudly.;)

Cole Younger 03-22-2011 10:52 AM

Jesus Christ...Has everyone in this movement gone completely nuts? including the San Diego Minuteman?

I tell you, it is embarrassing. It's a shame none of them know the meaning of Patriot.

LAPhil 03-22-2011 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Cole Younger (Post 14922)
Jesus Christ...Has everyone in this movement gone completely nuts? including the San Diego Minuteman?

I tell you, it is embarrassing. It's a shame none of them know the meaning of Patriot.

After reading their page I'd say they're clinically insane.

Ayatollahgondola 03-22-2011 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 14926)
After reading their page I'd say they're clinically insane.

I don't know if it is actually "they". It might just be "he".

LAPhil 03-22-2011 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 14928)
I don't know if it is actually "they". It might just be "he".

I actually think "he" is right about a few of those people, e.g., Shauna Ford (no-brainer), William Gheen, and possibly Gilchrist and Eichler. AG, can you clue us in as to who "he" might be?

Cole Younger 03-22-2011 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 14926)
After reading their page I'd say they're clinically insane.

Well at least I don't feel alone on this. The hate and discontent is amazing. It really helps the cause doesn't it...... it's Cannibalism in it's purest form.

Ayatollahgondola 03-22-2011 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Cole Younger (Post 14930)
Well at least I don't feel alone on this. The hate and discontent is amazing. It really helps the cause doesn't it...... it's Cannibalism in it's purest form.

I say that alot about nightingale. she was very cannibalistic within the movement

Jeanfromfillmore 03-22-2011 01:16 PM

Chelene and Jeff continue to do damage, but mostly just in California.

Cole Younger 03-22-2011 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 14931)
I say that alot about nightingale. she was very cannibalistic within the movement

I left about the time nightingale came onto the seen. What was her handle patriotic dream or something like that. I have since started to look into a few names that I have found mentioned on this site. Honestly, who in there right mind ever thought she could run this state? She received 1.6% of the vote which was about 1.6K so obviously, the voters realized she was not a decent candidate. I am surprised that Tancredo endorsed her. He must of lost some grey matter after he left Congress.

Look, all politics is local...This is what this movement fails to understand. You don't go after a state wide election unless you have some experience and a known name. Grass roots need to look for weak incumbents, and capitalize on them. You take one district at a time. Governors do not write laws, legislatures do. Other than veto any new legislation, Nightingale would have been ineffective promoting any agenda. It is what it is.

LAPhil 03-22-2011 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 14934)
Chelene and Jeff continue to do damage, but mostly just in California.

I was thinking it was Jeff that writes their web page. Am I right?

LAPhil 03-22-2011 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Cole Younger (Post 14936)
Honestly, who in there right mind ever thought she could run this state? She received 1.6% of the vote which was about 1.6K so obviously, the voters realized she was not a decent candidate.

You're a little off on the total number votes she got. The percentage was 1.6, but that amounted to approximately 119,000 votes. As far as everything you said about her running for governor, I think you're exactly on the mark.

Cole Younger 03-22-2011 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 14937)
I was thinking it was Jeff that writes their web page. Am I right?

You mean this idiot?

Honestly, if this is the guy in charge of the San Diego minuteman, the organization needs to have there heads examined. This is not a leader. This is a example of a puppet. He is getting his strings pulled by the oppositions for propaganda purposes.

What the opposition does is use this to demonstrate aggression. This inflames there membership and increases the counter protester numbers.

LAPhil 03-22-2011 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Cole Younger (Post 14940)
You mean this idiot?

Honestly, if this is the guy in charge of the San Diego minuteman, the organization needs to have there heads examined. This is not a leader. This is a example of a puppet. He is getting his strings pulled by the oppositions for propaganda purposes.

What the opposition does is use this to demonstrate aggression. This inflames there membership and increases the counter protester numbers.

Yes that idiot. I've seen him but I've never actually met him, and I had no idea he was that much of an a-hole. He must have used the f-word at least 20 times there. I'm still hoping someone answers my question as to whether he's the author of their web site.

Cole Younger 03-22-2011 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 14941)
Yes that idiot. I've seen him but I've never actually met him, and I had no idea he was that much of an a-hole. He must have used the f-word at least 20 times there. I'm still hoping someone answers my question as to whether he's the author of their web site.

I couldn't tell you as I have no clue. He is a puppet though and the opposition in that video is the puppet master. Anyone that can not see it is blind or brainwashed and/or gullible.

LAPhil 03-22-2011 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Cole Younger (Post 14943)
I couldn't tell you as I have no clue. He is a puppet though and the opposition in that video is the puppet master. Anyone that can not see it is blind or brainwashed and/or gullible.

The opposition is named Naui. I guess you could say he's a puppet master of sorts. We have a long history with that dude.

Cole Younger 03-22-2011 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 14944)
The opposition is named Naui. I guess you could say he's a pupper master of sorts. We have a long history with that dude.

I know all about naui. He ate some pepper spray if I recall.

Ayatollahgondola 09-29-2011 08:33 AM

Jeff Schwilk updates his "patriot warnings" page to include another TEA Party group, and increase his disdain for me.


Tri-City Tea Party (Sept. 2011). Tri-City refers to Oceanside, Carlsbad, and Vista, CA. This supposed "tea party" group appears to be a GOP front group run by Gary Cass, Steve Guffanti, and Maureen Guffanti. They work with the proven fraud and crook Howard Kaloogian. They are all well aware of Kaloogian's theft of the $100,000 Caltrans settlement money that was legally designated for The San Diego Minutemen. Steer clear of this fake tea party group run by people with no integrity and ethics.
Don't really know anything about this group, or the people he mentions, but I am considering professional jealousy on Schwilk's part because the Tri Cities Tea Party set up shop in Vista, the same town as Schwilk. He could be right about them, but who can believe him when he makes continually unfounded, and false statements about so many others like this:


Davi A. Rodrigues (Aug 2011), Sacramento (aka Ayatollah Gondolla online) - Leader of the tiny, fake Save Our internet group. The original group founded by Joe Turner and Chelene Nightingale disbanded in 2009. Rodrigues is an infiltrator and lone-nut activist who stirs up trouble in other anti-illegal immigration groups and spreads malicious lies on the internet. Unstable, delusional, destructive behavior. Supports and defends Jim Gilchrist. Stole the "Save Our State" name in late 2009 for his new internet group. He also STOLE the real SOS database in early 2009 and spams people his emails using that stolen list of email addresses. Conducted an online daily jihad of personal, vindictive attacks on Patriot candidate Chelene Nightingale for CA Governor in 2009-2010.
I will say that the last sentence he wrote is the only one that has some air of truth to it, although I'm not sure it goes far enough.:)

Jeanfromfillmore 09-29-2011 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 17962)
Jeff Schwilk updates his "patriot warnings" page to include another TEA Party group, and increase his disdain for me.

Don't really know anything about this group, or the people he mentions, but I am considering professional jealousy on Schwilk's part because the Tri Cities Tea Party set up shop in Vista, the same town as Schwilk. He could be right about them, but who can believe him when he makes continually unfounded, and false statements about so many others like this:

I will say that the last sentence he wrote is the only one that has some air of truth to it, although I'm not sure it goes far enough.:)

Chelene wasn't even around when SOS was restarted by Turner. Schwilk is standing in his of droppings and the smell is all around him. Hard to shake that I guess.

Rim05 09-29-2011 09:25 PM


The original group founded by Joe Turner and Chelene Nightingale disbanded in 2009.
Jeff just proved how crazy he is. There is no way Chelene Nightingale had any part in founding the old Save Our State. He is desperate to give Nightingale credit for ANYTHING possible.

Beverly Caterers 10-15-2011 11:22 AM

Dang all this infighting is hurting us all! :confused:
I wish we could come together and fight this mess together.

LAPhil 10-15-2011 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Beverly Caterers (Post 18284)
Dang all this infighting is hurting us all! :confused:
I wish we could come together and fight this mess together.

A lot of us have been wishing that for years, but at this point I really don't think it's going to happen. On the positive side, however, there seems to be more awareness of the illegal immigration issue around the country in general, as witness the decline of Rick Perry after his "You have no heart" comment in the debate.

Jeanfromfillmore 10-15-2011 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 18291)
A lot of us have been wishing that for years, but at this point I really don't think it's going to happen. On the positive side, however, there seems to be more awareness of the illegal immigration issue around the country in general, as witness the decline of Rick Perry after his "You have no heart" comment in the debate.

Phil you're so right. Just compare where we are today with just 5 years ago. Five years ago practically no one cared about illegal immigration, or they were convinces that the invaders were benign and "were only here to feed their families." Now that the public is having to pay attention to where their tax dollars are going and how much is being spent on the invaders, well it's now a different story.

I'm not seeing the Mexican flags flying as much as 5 yrs ago, and we now have whole states standing up and taking action. It's a far cry from when we did "one a day" and were excited if just one town took actions. Yes, we've worked hard and have accomplished a great deal. But we still have quite a ways to go.

Ayatollahgondola 10-15-2011 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Beverly Caterers (Post 18284)
Dang all this infighting is hurting us all! :confused:
I wish we could come together and fight this mess together.


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 18291)
A lot of us have been wishing that for years, but at this point I really don't think it's going to happen. On the positive side, however, there seems to be more awareness of the illegal immigration issue around the country in general, as witness the decline of Rick Perry after his "You have no heart" comment in the debate.

You kiddin' me? The infighting has slowed to a crawl now that some of the worst instigators have been exposed and reduced to mere mortals like the rest of us. Many former rivals are working together, or at least are not trying to cross one another as much. I think things are a far cry better in that regard than they have ever been before

LAPhil 10-16-2011 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 18297)
You kiddin' me? The infighting has slowed to a crawl now that some of the worst instigators have been exposed and reduced to mere mortals like the rest of us. Many former rivals are working together, or at least are not trying to cross one another as much. I think things are a far cry better in that regard than they have ever been before

I'm sure you're in a much better position to know about this than I am, but could you give some examples?

Ayatollahgondola 10-16-2011 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 18306)
I'm sure you're in a much better position to know about this than I am, but could you give some examples?

SOS is once again on speaking and exchanging terms with Robin, a major player in our field. She had previously been ostracized by our former seer-less leader Nightingale. Jim Gilchrist is no longer hammering SOS as unworthy; Some of the Central Vally Tea Party people have ceased censoring or removing my posts about SOS's events and efforts now that Nightingale is done using them for her campaign.
Admittedly there are some hold-outs, such as gheen and schwilk, but they haven't been very active in our circles lately anyway. Much less of the "drive-these-people-out mentality now.

LAPhil 10-16-2011 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 18307)
SOS is once again on speaking and exchanging terms with Robin, a major player in our field. She had previously been ostracized by our former seer-less leader Nightingale. Jim Gilchrist is no longer hammering SOS as unworthy; Some of the Central Vally Tea Party people have ceased censoring or removing my posts about SOS's events and efforts now that Nightingale is done using them for her campaign.
Admittedly there are some hold-outs, such as gheen and schwilk, but they haven't been very active in our circles lately anyway. Much less of the "drive-these-people-out mentality now.

Well this is certainly good news.

The Waco Kid 10-18-2011 08:42 PM

It was the rallies done back in 2004-2005 that had the greatest impact. In 2006 SOS attracted too many people who just wanted to belong to something out of some sort of personal neediness and I am sad to say that but it is true. When I left SOS in late 2006 it was really going to hell in a hand basket.

The main problem experienced by SOS is too much talk and not enough action, people just want to post on a forum and never truly do anything to help.

Sad but true.

Ayatollahgondola 10-19-2011 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by The Waco Kid (Post 18396)
It was the rallies done back in 2004-2005 that had the greatest impact. In 2006 SOS attracted too many people who just wanted to belong to something out of some sort of personal neediness and I am sad to say that but it is true. When I left SOS in late 2006 it was really going to hell in a hand basket.

The main problem experienced by SOS is too much talk and not enough action, people just want to post on a forum and never truly do anything to help.

Sad but true.

I'd like to say it was that simple, but I doubt it is. I believe SOS fell noticably at that time for several reasons. Some of which were beyond our control. But I think we definately could have better managed the descent to a softer landing, and not lost as much momentum and stature. All water under the bridge at this point, so all we can do now is to grow carefully and stick to our main agenda. Those with the same mindset will find us, and those who left can watch and see if we're worthy of joining again

The Waco Kid 10-19-2011 10:14 AM

Well we all know Chelene damn near ruined the group's last shred of credibility and in order to do all the damage she did she had to have an abundance of "useful idiots" to do her bidding. Anyone who truly was a thinking person and didn't blindly follow was black balled and smeared, but you know that as well as anyone. An unfortunate fact but of course there are still people who care deeply about this issue ( I am one of those ) and I will continue to support SOS in any way I can.

I've noticed some people who are the most active in this movement seem to somewhat shy away from SOS when I attempted to secure them as guests on SOS radio but I am working on that and trying to restore good will with certain heavy weights in the anti illegal scene. My name is still respected by many and I intend to use that.

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