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Rim05 09-11-2010 05:53 AM

I did not see a single person from old SOS. Of course we did not have very many members in No.CA. Seems to me a walk through cities would have been more productive, however, what do I know about politics?

Patriotic Army Mom 09-11-2010 11:28 AM

Out here in the Hesperia, Victorville area she has a chance. Many are backing her and she will be speaking at several functions.

Jeanfromfillmore 09-11-2010 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Patriotic Army Mom (Post 12007)
Out here in the Hesperia, Victorville area she has a chance. Many are backing her and she will be speaking at several functions.

My question is, a chance at what? There are a few out that way that know Coe's group, but that's not going to take her anywhere. Her votes will be like a grain on sand on the beach. She has basically no name recognition because she has never held office. She has no experience, period. Are we suppose to have an intern as a Gov?

If she wanted to go into politics, she should have worked her way up and gained some credibility. Politics is not like acting, you don't just get a big break and land up with an Oscar, you have to show some ability to make thing happen and make sure they're the right things. Her resume is as an actress and organizer. We have an organizer in the White House, and look how competent he is.

PochoPatriot 09-11-2010 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Patriotic Army Mom (Post 12007)
Out here in the Hesperia, Victorville area she has a chance.

So you're telling me there's a chance.

Eagle1 09-11-2010 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 12000)
I did not see a single person from old SOS.

She sacrificed so many of us for not agreeing with her dictatorial ways that
we all walked off and as far away as we could from her.

After having helped her out financially, driving her to rallies, buying her meals and such for close to a year we go to Simi Valley where a bunch of us were protesting a church harboring illegal alien Liliana. This was a crowd of anti-illegal immigration activists that included SOS, LAIR and others.

I was on my bullhorn giving the church an earful when Chelene decides that I should not and says "No"! at the same time that she physically pushes the bullhorn away from me. I was shocked! I was angered and beside myself with indignation. She was my passenger, that's how she got there. I could not believe her nerve. The same day I calmed down and purchased her meal for her after the event and drove her back to the Antelope Valley.

I was beginning to catch on that there was really something wrong with this woman.

Some time later she decides to host the NAU rally in West Los Angeles by the Federal building. She approaches me about me bringing my sound system to the event. I was hesitant because of her prior behavior but agreed to do so.

A week before the event was to take place I informed her that my old truck was not faring well and that I would not be able to make it. She wanted to borrow the equipment and I told her that I do not loan that stuff out because people wreck it and return it saying "I'm sorry" and leave me to get it fixed at my expense.

She became angry and I told her to check with Ted Hayes because I had helped him to select a system and that they would be able to help her, besides, she had been loaned a large amount of money recently and could have purchased a system. Ted Hayes helped her out.

I decided to attend the rally in my van. As soon as I arrived Jeff Schwilk came to me and said that he was just the messenger but that Chelene wanted me to leave her rally.

I stayed because I had driven a long ways. Later when she came to me I held out a fifty dollar bill (donation for porta potties that she had asked for) that she ripped out of my hand (no exaggeration) and asked me why I was there.

I said that I had come in support.

The rally ended and I encountered a gentleman who was on the other side of the issue with respect to illegal immigration and who recognized us. We started arguing and Chelene said to me, "I order you to stop talking to him" with outstretched arm and finger pointed in the direction she wanted me to go in. This is no lie on my part. It is exactly what she said and did. I had been in the service, taken orders and marched. Who in hell was this woman to speak to me as if she were a general and I her subordinate?

Later we all went to a place to eat and one of the ladies was shooting a video. She asked some of us to speak and she wanted me to be first. I got up to speak and Chelene jumped up immediately to stop me. Later I was told that she was telling the video lady that I was on the other side, a mole, a traitor. No, I did not pay for her meal.

I kept my cool but i wasn't going to be taking Chelene anywhere from that moment on. She called on numerous occasions trying to ride with me (it saved her gas money, she could bum a meal and her vehicle was safe from goon attacks) but I made lame excuses as to why I could not take her with me. I just did not want to empower someone that had, and would keep treating me like small change.

Frankly I was done with her and I understood why others were too...fully!

There had been prior outrages but I had always looked past the moment and forgiven her. There was the time that we were having an Antelope Valley Independent Minutemen BBQ at my home and Chelene was talking with many of them. They did not like her demeanor and wanted her booted out of the AVIMM. Then at the same BBQ she wanted some toys for her son to play with and my wife graciously produced some army men from a box of toys, Chelene noticing that one of these held a chinese flag threw the figure back into the box and told my wife "I am offended". My wife doesn't take lip from anyone but because of me she kept a lid on it and later said to me, "Don't ever bring that bitch here again". I agreed that my wife was and is correct.

Chelene was never invited back.

I have been labelled by Barbara Coe and Jeff Schwilk as being an Anti-American, a goon and a traitor and all that was involved in this were my court dealings with their darling.

Jeff Schwilk was on me like white on rice immediately as he tried to paint me as a traitor so that not a word of truth would be uttered about his leader.

Barbara Coe declared me a traitor three times over the same situation.

Non of them offered to pay a cent of what was owed on a large debt.

Losing Barbara Coe's trust hurt quite a bit and I was taken aback by it all. I had never had a cross word with Jeff or Barbara prior to that.
Finally I settled in emotionally and just said good riddance to both of them.

And all of this because of whom? Chelene!

If the people of Victorville want to be treated like shit then they can vote for Chelene and by God they deserve what they get.

Eagle1 09-11-2010 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 11997)
She sure doesn't look very happy. Wow, she looks like she's about to cry. Maybe you just caught her bad side and she needed a better camera angle.

Lets face it. It was a total bust. She made good on the walking and chair-wheeling part of the deal but the support that she counted on clearly did not manifest itself.

A very well known celebrity or politician might have pulled this off with lots of support but Chelene isn't there yet.

She should have started as a city councilman and climbed up but to jump to the gubernatorial election without having the numbers and financial support clearly was a mistake that could only have yielded the results seen in AG's video and photos.

AG gets a great big atta boy from me for excellent work.

She did get some experience in the area of politics having gone through all of this. She also worked hard at it too.

All the same if I were her I wouldn't stay up the night of the elections waiting to see if she has become our next governor. I quit that type of thinking at the same time that I figured out that it was a waste of time to leave a quarter under my pillow for the Tooth Fairy.

Chelene carries the message of the American people and in that sense she far surpasses Nutmeg and Brown Orifice, still, the messenger is too immature, too self absorbed to represent the electorate.

Ayatollahgondola 09-11-2010 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 12016)
And all of this because of whom? Chelene!

If the people of Victorville want to be treated like shit then they can vote for Chelene and by God they deserve what they get.

I don't think the people of Victorville need to be worried about getting a nightingale dictatorship anytime soon, at least as far as voting her in. They may, however, become wallet fodder for a campaign that seems pretty much a joke at this point. You mentioned Chelena running for office again after this, and if history is any guide, I still say no. During the recall of Davis, we had scores of longshot candidates pulling a nightingale, and after having reviewed them, I don't see that any of those one-hit wonders ever did anything remotely close to runnung again. The stripper mary Carey...gone. Pete Camejo and Gary Coleman both died. Pull any name from that hat and you'll be hard pressed to see a continuation of politics.

Eagle1 09-11-2010 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 11989)
Yeah, right! I'll hold my breath for that one. Though I did apologize to her and asked her forgiveness of my actions. She accepted my apology, but did not grant me forgiveness. That is something that she, a professed Christian, is obliged by Scripture to do.

My man, like myself you are not worthy of the exalted one. We are but mere worms before the Goddess that has conquered the leaders of CCIR and the SDMM. If you grovel, cringe, and kiss her unwashed blistered feet you may be allowed to clean her toilet.

Oh, I forgot that the illegal aliens took that job too! Silly me!:D:D:D

Ayatollahgondola 09-11-2010 07:27 PM

I gotta say, I thought about building a fake news camera from a cardboard box, complete with some half assed looking 8 millimeter film spools and a hand crank on the side, set the whole thing on a tripod made of walking canes and then using some chalk, stencil a spot on the ground in front of the camera that said "place Drama Queen here", and wait for Chelena to come up the sidewalk and start cranking the thing. The icing would have been to have one of those jack-in-the-box tunes playing and have him pop out too.
but alas, when I saw how bad things were going during her walk, I just let it go. She's done more to assassinate her own character with this death march than I could have accomplished in a year.

Eagle1 09-11-2010 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 12018)
I don't think the people of Victorville need to be worried about getting a nightingale dictatorship anytime soon, at least as far as voting her in. They may, however, become wallet fodder for a campaign that seems pretty much a joke at this point. You mentioned Chelena running for office again after this, and if history is any guide, I still say no. During the recall of Davis, we had scores of longshot candidates pulling a nightingale, and after having reviewed them, I don't see that any of those one-hit wonders ever did anything remotely close to runnung again. The stripper mary Carey...gone. Pete Camejo and Gary Coleman both died. Pull any name from that hat and you'll be hard pressed to see a continuation of politics.

Yes but none of these mere mortals are anything like our beloved Chelena.
I will bet you a Krispy Kreme double glazed doughnut that Chelena runs for something within a year or two.:D:D

PochoPatriot 09-11-2010 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 12021)
Yes but none of these mere mortals are anything like our beloved Chelena.
I will bet you a Krispy Kreme double glazed doughnut that Chelena runs for something within a year or two.:D:D

Ah, Chelene can't stay out of the spotlight for long.

However, what Rimo said is interesting. Almost no one from the past is supporting her. That's really sad, because I would have walked on broken glass barefoot for her at one time. And what ruined things, her cult-like adoration of Ron Paul.

Eagle1 09-11-2010 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 12020)
I gotta say, I thought about building a fake news camera from a cardboard box, complete with some half assed looking 8 millimeter film spools and a hand crank on the side, set the whole thing on a tripod made of walking canes and then using some chalk, stencil a spot on the ground in front of the camera that said "place Drama Queen here", and wait for Chelena to come up the sidewalk and start cranking the thing. The icing would have been to have one of those jack-in-the-box tunes playing and have him pop out too.
but alas, when I saw how bad things were going during her walk, I just let it go. She's done more to assassinate her own character with this death march than I could have accomplished in a year.

You can still do it. Chelena will not give up where lesser beings will.
There will be another opportunity to see her in action, reveling in the warmth of the lights and camera as her loyalists cry out to her for deliverance from the evils of the republican and Democrat parties.

Eagle1 09-11-2010 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 12022)
Ah, Chelene can't stay out of the spotlight for long.

However, what Rimo said is interesting. Almost no one from the past is supporting her. That's really sad, because I would have walked on broken glass barefoot for her at one time. And what ruined things, her cult-like adoration of Ron Paul.

At some point we all loved her for her courage, her spirit and her commitment.

Ayatollahgondola 09-11-2010 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 12021)
Yes but none of these mere mortals are anything like our beloved Chelena.
I will bet you a Krispy Kreme double glazed doughnut that Chelena runs for something within a year or two.:D:D

Yes, she's going to be running for cover. Bills to pay; No one to borrow from; and a public image to keep out of harms way(this one is perceived)

Eagle1 09-11-2010 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 12025)
Yes, she's going to be running for cover. Bills to pay; No one to borrow from; and a public image to keep out of harms way(this one is perceived)

Hah! I can tell that you will be buying me a Krispy Kreme double glazed doughnut in a year or so. Just you wait. I'll be singing the old "I told you so" tune.:):):) 09-12-2010 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 12018)
You mentioned Chelena running for office again after this, and if history is any guide, I still say no. During the recall of Davis, we had scores of longshot candidates pulling a nightingale, and after having reviewed them, I don't see that any of those one-hit wonders ever did anything remotely close to runnung again. The stripper mary Carey...gone. Pete Camejo and Gary Coleman both died. Pull any name from that hat and you'll be hard pressed to see a continuation of politics.


Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 12022)
Ah, Chelene can't stay out of the spotlight for long.


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 12021)
Yes but none of these mere mortals are anything like our beloved Chelena.
I will bet you a Krispy Kreme double glazed doughnut that Chelena runs for something within a year or two.:D:D

Davi, I'm in agreement with Derek and Frank. I think Chelene is very likely to run again.

For the most part, for her election strategy, Chelene has forsaken the largest population concentrations in California, and has focused her efforts on the Central Valley where she "owns" (insofar as candidates seeking statewide office are concerned) this one issue about the water. She has, in very predictable Chelene fashion, made "allies" and "friends" there.

That section of our state is perfect for her little following to grow and/or fester. You have a large collection of California's population there that is more conservative than the rest of the state, and in many ways, find themselves revolted by the things they see going in San Diego, LA/OC and the Bay Area (in the same way as many of us are revolted). Further, people in these areas have less formal education (Chelene has always had more long-term success w/ folks who don't have college degrees or aren't very bright - think Janet, Mike and Jeff), on the average, than you find among voters along the coasts.

If she runs for some office in Tulare, Kings or some other county near those two, I wouldn't be stunned. The only catch is she'd have to move, and I really don't know if she's willing to do that.

But Nightingale will be back. Chelene has a voracious appetite for people to tell her how great she is and to run her mouth and have people listen. If it isn't a run for office, it'll be kicking off some new group or organization where she can best utilize these new sycophants she's systematically acquired during her campaign run. Chelene's gift/talent is organizing. She, quite admirably, can get things up and going. Further, she manifests enough charm to keep most folks around for a reasonable temporary length of time. There's no reason to suspect that she'll stop doing these things any time soon, to benefit herself.

The bad news about this is that it'll probably keep her far too busy to make efforts to earn some extra money and make good on her debt to Frank.

Ayatollahgondola 09-12-2010 06:10 PM

well tell me then; what would she run for? A step backwards would be assembly or senate, and those offices, being closer to the working man, would require Chelena to run against someone else that didn't consider her campaign a joke. Real questions and answers; real history research; I know that she realizes she cannot pass herself off in the real world of politics. That is why she doesn't field questions now. City council or something.....uh...maybe, but like you say that's not going to be in So Cal, and if she moves she'd be an outsider with only this phony gov campaign to try and steamroll with. Plus, her husband has been managing the household without her for quite some time, and her kid is supposedly homeschooled, and let's face it; schooling takes up several hours a day to do it right, He might be behind a grade or two now, but taking another campaign up right after would set the poor kid back quite a bit.
No...I don't see it. I see her covering up. She's got to do something with Franks debt, and she cannot BK it out for another 7 years. this run for gov has had to set them back at home, unless she's pocketing campaign funds. I say she's done with public office 09-12-2010 07:49 PM

There are no "steps backwards" for her. She hasn't won anything. She's never held elected office ... or even appointed office. And insofar as "joke" status, she'll remain one so long as she's part of the Constitution Party. And that's not a reflection on Chelene. With the exception of Ross Perot, no one in modern American politics, other than an incumbent going independent, is taken seriously unless he's a Democrat or Republican. And unlike even the Greens or Libertarians, no one's ever heard of the Constitution Party.

Besides, I think it is fair to expect the AIP folks to ask her to run again. If no one else likes her, they should. She's run admirably. From their perspective, they have to be terribly happy with her. She got practically no real financial assistance. Nonetheless, she has shown up at these Mickey Mouse functions and small gatherings for months on end. Chelene has shaken a lot of hands, doled out a goodly number of hugs, built up a carefully crafted internet presence, and really done the best she could. I'm sure they've had a lot of folks they've offered up to California voters in the past who put forth a fraction of the effort Nightingale did.

If you're a small independent party, you can't ask any more of someone you can't finance to the extent that she has even an outside shot. Whatever her other failings (many of which have been enumerated in this thread), you can't accuse her of mailing it in. They'll ask her to run again.

Hiding and teaching kids at home without the roar of the crowd and people seeking her wise counsel? You must be talking about some other Chelene Nightingale.

Ayatollahgondola 09-12-2010 09:25 PM

Most people, and politicians for that matter would see running for state assembly a step backwards after running for gov, but that's hardly worth arguing over anyway. You may have forgotten Chelena's normal turnaround time for wearing out her welcome somewhere. Eventually even a hard core devotee gets on her bad side, and with all the fiercely independent types withing the AIP/Constitution party being prone to lash out at the slightest infraction by government, it follows they do so within their own group, as evidenced by the already present splits you can read about between individuals who were previous party favorites.


Hiding and teaching kids at home without the roar of the crowd and people seeking her wise counsel? You must be talking about some other Chelene Nightingale.
First off, she hid out from Frank's attempts to serve her with a summons, so I know she's quite willing and able. Second, kids cannot be shelved indefinately, Especially so when a know-it-all parent like Chelena is unable to hold that facade any longer in the kids eyes. when he discovers that mom is full of it, there's going to be lots of trouble. So she either has to prove herself in that arena or her life with him is going to be a daily battle that could dwarf the one she's had with those of us who discovered that she was full of it.

Eagle1 09-13-2010 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 12053)

Besides, I think it is fair to expect the AIP folks to ask her to run again. If no one else likes her, they should. She's run admirably. From their perspective, they have to be terribly happy with her. She got practically no real financial assistance. Nonetheless, she has shown up at these Mickey Mouse functions and small gatherings for months on end. Chelene has shaken a lot of hands, doled out a goodly number of hugs, built up a carefully crafted internet presence, and really done the best she could. I'm sure they've had a lot of folks they've offered up to California voters in the past who put forth a fraction of the effort Nightingale did.

I agree with SZ. Chelene has worked her butt off and has built some name recognition for herself. There is a second chance waiting for her and I do believe that she has outgrown the "ordinary" street activism that she came from. It is conceivable that she may switch to Republican again in order to get in with the big boys now that she understands that the AIP/Constitution parties keep their candidates in penury as a norm.

She may want to step up to the front of the buffet line by reinventing herself as a Repub in order to "save California".

PochoPatriot 09-13-2010 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 12067)


Defined by Merriam-Webster as "a cramping and oppressive lack of resources."


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 12067)
I agree with SZ. Chelene has worked her butt off and has built some name recognition for herself. There is a second chance waiting for her and I do believe that she has outgrown the "ordinary" street activism that she came from. It is conceivable that she may switch to Republican again in order to get in with the big boys now that she understands that the AIP/Constitution parties keep their candidates in penury as a norm.

She may want to step up to the front of the buffet line by reinventing herself as a Repub in order to "save California".

Good God, Frank, imagine if she runs to the Republicans after badmouthing them so viciously in this campaign?

She needs to humble herself and run for something local. Isn't she based in the Santa Clarita Valley? Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't that area lean to the conservative end of the political spectrum?

I think she would have done better running for a House seat or a California Senate/Assembly seat. However, ego drives her more than common sense.

Jeanfromfillmore 09-13-2010 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 12068)

Defined by Merriam-Webster as "a cramping and oppressive lack of resources."

Good God, Frank, imagine if she runs to the Republicans after badmouthing them so viciously in this campaign?

She needs to humble herself and run for something local. Isn't she based in the Santa Clarita Valley? Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't that area lean to the conservative end of the political spectrum?

I think she would have done better running for a House seat or a California Senate/Assembly seat. However, ego drives her more than common sense.

Chelene doesn't live in Santa Clarita Valley, she lives in the Palmdale/Lancaster area. Palmdale/Lancaster is basically flat desert. Big difference.

I live in the Santa Clarita River Valley, which is the long valley that starts in Santa Clarita's mountainous hills and ends at the ocean in Ventura. 09-13-2010 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 12067)
It is conceivable that she may switch to Republican again in order to get in with the big boys now that she understands that the AIP/Constitution parties keep their candidates in penury as a norm.

Interesting idea but I don't think landing in the GOP for Team Nightingale will be happening anytime soon.

Why, you ask ...

A. The Republican Party vets its candidates. If the bankruptcy didn't sink her, the chemtrails and detention-centers-for-political-dissidents-in-the-Antelope-Valley stuff would.

B. Even if she somehow enjoyed some popular uprising during a primary (a la Tea Party), the GOP wouldn't give her a plug nickel. She's a stone's throw away from being a conservative Lyndon LaRouche with her Alex Jones website conspiracy nonsense.

Chelene sort of has that Groucho Marx problem goin' on: I wouldn't join any club that would have me.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

By the way Davi, we seem to have a disagreement as to this issue but I sincerely hope that you are right and I am wrong.

Your scenario is much better than mine. In a perfect universe (well, a better one anyway), Chelene will just disappear from public view. Her conduct and the substance of what runs out of her mouth (specifically, conspiracy nonsense and defamation of decent activists) is an ongoing embarrassment to this organization. It's almost hard to believe we ever had anything to do with her.

PochoPatriot 09-14-2010 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 12069)
Chelene doesn't live in Santa Clarita Valley, she lives in the Palmdale/Lancaster area. Palmdale/Lancaster is basically flat desert. Big difference.

I live in the Santa Clarita River Valley, which is the long valley that starts in Santa Clarita's mountainous hills and ends at the ocean in Ventura.

Thanks for the correction Jean.:)

PochoPatriot 09-14-2010 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 12071)
It's almost hard to believe we ever had anything to do with her.

Not really. Chelene reveals one side her and just enough information to dazzle prospective followers. This ensures that people know only what she wants them to know about her. Then when people discover the rest of the story (thank you Paul Harvey), they become disillusioned and voice their anger. Once they do that, then Chelene calls them traitors, moles, yaddah, blah, etc. To which those that owe her allegiance happily parrot without any thought as to what might or might not be the truth.

One of the best things I ever did was join NMI which exposed my to the other side of Chelene, and to read about her from other people's perspectives. After that I had a more cautious view of Chelene. Not to mention what happened at American Apparel 2. However that is another topic.

Eagle1 09-14-2010 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 12081)
Thanks for the correction Jean.:)

Yes Pocho the future Queen of the universe lives in Palmdale and it was mostly conservative until a few years back. The area has changed as we received a tremendous influx of illegal aliens otherwise known by the local politicians as "immigrants". The Antelope Valley (Palmdale, Lancaster, Rosamond) is no longer a conservative Republican stronghold.

You're lucky that you don't live here. It was once a great place to live.

PochoPatriot 09-14-2010 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 12088)
Yes Pocho the future Queen of the universe lives in Palmdale and it was mostly conservative until a few years back. The area has changed as we received a tremendous influx of illegal aliens otherwise known by the local politicians as "immigrants". The Antelope Valley (Palmdale, Lancaster, Rosamond) is no longer a conservative Republican stronghold.

You're lucky that you don't live here. It was once a great place to live.

No, I'm in Glendale now, and this place might as well be called Little Yerevan.

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