View Full Version : Contacting legislators - immigration reform

05-10-2013, 02:31 PM
I contact the usual California suspects which "represent" me in Washington as well as others concerning the following points:

For a number of years-

No deal until employers of illegal aliens are meaningfully prosecuted concerning present immigration law, which has lots of unused teeth. This is much more important than trying to build an impenetrable wall on the southern border

The California unemployment rate and the national average is 4% or less

The welfare burden in California as well as the welfare burden of Los Angeles county is in line with the national average

An end to chain migration

A significant reduction in legal migration

Legal migrants to have the means to support themselves

Deportation of those above who fail to support themselves, as well as visa overstayers and those immigrants of any sort who apply for public services including but not limited to welfare.

After so many years of enforcement the discussion of those who were brought as children can begin.