View Full Version : LAUSD Test Tactics

12-19-2010, 03:15 PM
A good friend is a LAUSD teacher and told me that one teacher was caught instructing students to answer only the first half of questions on a test. This means all failed. Later in the year, students were re-tested and authorized to answer all questions.

Why? Well you go from zero pass rate to at least some passes. This is how "value added" teaching evaluation will effect education. More fraud in a system already loaded with it.

12-19-2010, 04:00 PM
Don, Thank you for passing this along.

12-19-2010, 06:02 PM

12-20-2010, 05:42 AM
I did not realize how many ways there are to cheat in every single thing in life.

12-20-2010, 10:26 AM
I did not realize how many ways there are to cheat in every single thing in life.

Yeah. I know what you mean. The teacher was caught when students were blabbing about it. Another teacher got wind and tipped off the principal who started asking questions. Basically this person was ratted out by blabber mouth students and other teachers who played by the rules and were steaming over this. The teachers are no angels, but this forces them to use similar tactics to compete if not stopped. There is cut throat competition for teaching hours, which are being cut back for fiscal reasons. Student test scores are considered in whether a teacher gets full time hours or part time hours. Hence the motive to cheat.

In Los Angeles, teachers' and cops' hours are being cut to save money, but the city has money to train and hire "gang interventionists." This is the Twilight Zone.

12-20-2010, 11:54 AM
What should also be mentioned is how low our schools and teachers have lowered the bar. As I've mentioned before, we have students in universities that can barely read and write. I was stunned when I saw the level of students I went to school with. Even the UCLA dorm where I lived had students with NO, and I really mean NO common sense. But the state universities are the worst.

What is happening to our service sector and quality of the businesses in this country and especially in California are direct results of our poor schools and this invasion. They both go hand and hand.