View Full Version : Many celebrities speak out about political causes ...

11-06-2010, 09:22 PM
... and filmmaker, Michael Moore, is one of them. Here are some things he's recently said when asked about illegal immigration.

BTW, keep this in mind while watching: Advanced technology doesn't automatically make something better.

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYreEI2jWgg&feature=email&email=comment_received

11-06-2010, 09:30 PM
I've got to import more of those smilies so we can have that one that regurgitates for things like this

11-06-2010, 09:41 PM
I've got to import more of those smilies so we can have that one that regurgitates for things like this

Yeah, it's remarkable the things people can say into a microphone with a straight face.


That's a fun little website/animation program to play around with, but it has limited utility. At least it was cheap (something I always find appealing).

11-07-2010, 12:54 PM
... and filmmaker, Michael Moore, is one of them. Here are some things he's recently said when asked about illegal immigration.

BTW, keep this in mind while watching: Advanced technology doesn't automatically make something better.

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYreEI2jWgg&feature=email&email=comment_received

I'd have liked to seen the original setting(s) of his comment making.

Having said that, I like some of Moore's earlier work, like the one about Detroit (Roger and me?).

On the other hand, I see Moore in this offering as just one more ignorant celebrity in a long, long line of ignorant celebrities who should just shut the f*** up.