View Full Version : 70% AZ Voters Support Crackdown on Illegal Aliens

04-24-2010, 11:55 AM
WOW! Acccording to this poll, 70% (!) of AZ voters support the new law cracking down on illegal aliens.

It makes you wonder...just who are the 30% who oppose it? Do these people have locks on their doors? Do they lock their cars when they park them at the mall? Of course they do! America haters are covetous of their own personal property but are willing to surrender our country to foreign invasion. Too bad we can't deport these America haters along with their third world soulmates.

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/elections2/election_2010/election_2010_senate_elections/arizona/70_of_arizona_voters_favor_new_state_measure_crack ing_down_on_illegal_immigration

usa today
04-24-2010, 03:44 PM
Doesn't matter if its 99% against illegals

It only takes one whimpering symp lib judge to put on the brakes

I'm predicting its put on hold by noon Monday

Lots of good news hype and sound bytes but I see a repeat of
prop 187

It will be in the courts for the next 100 years , or less , depending on when the raza take over and start eliminating everyone that doesn't bow down to them.

04-24-2010, 04:17 PM
Doesn't matter if its 99% against illegals

It only takes one whimpering symp lib judge to put on the brakes

I'm predicting its put on hold by noon Monday

Lots of good news hype and sound bytes but I see a repeat of
prop 187

It will be in the courts for the next 100 years , or less , depending on when the raza take over and start eliminating everyone that doesn't bow down to them.

I get your point and I understand why you feel that way. I just think public sentiment will make a difference this time. Increasingly people are understanding that we're in a war for survival of our civilization. Anti-immigration sentiment is coming together with frustration with the the Wall Street rip-off, high unemployment, and a collapsing dollar. When Prop. 187 was going strong, the economy was going strong. I'm no admirer of the GOP, but if growing public support can get some strong Americans in there, Congress can limit the jurisdiction of federal courts and take this issue away from them, among other things.

Again, I get your point but I am hoping against hope that this time it will be different. Resistance to Obama has stiffened even after the passage of Obama care. I only see more anger, more resistance and more resolve to bring this conflict to a head. Don't lose hope.

usa today
04-24-2010, 05:11 PM
I just got word that Roy Warden is going back into action

That will be interesting

In case your not familiar with Roy , he is famous for going into the belly of the barrio and burning mexican flags in thier faces
Roy wears a side arm and has no problem telling they he will blow their F in heads of if they mess with him.

Commander Bunny
04-24-2010, 10:14 PM
Just for the sake of interest, yesterday after hearing of the bills signing, I went to most of Az.'s Cities Craigslist "Rants&raves", and well over 95+% of the postings were about this topic.
Maybe 1-or 2 were against it, but those were flagged and removed, but what suprised me most was the fact that a very high number of Posters were from different States, praising, and congratulating the bills passage.

I have'nt checked today, I've been busy bucking oak trees..but I'm sure it is the #1 topic.

04-25-2010, 04:06 AM
WOW! According to this poll, 70% (!) of AZ voters support the new law cracking down on illegal aliens.

It makes you wonder...just who are the 30% who oppose it? Do these people have locks on their doors? Do they lock their cars when they park them at the mall? Of course they do! America haters are covetous of their own personal property but are willing to surrender our country to foreign invasion. Too bad we can't deport these America haters along with their third world soul mates.

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/elections2/election_2010/election_2010_senate_elections/arizona/70_of_arizona_voters_favor_new_state_measure_crack ing_down_on_illegal_immigration

Hey - that's a no brain-er.

Do you watch those mules packing the bundles across the border every day ? That gets consumed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A portion of those 30% opposed are the crackheads waiting for re-supply !

A portion are the employers and landlords !

A portion are the churches !

A portion are the the open borders, Marxist, liberal, progressive socialists !

A portion are the anchor babies !

And a portion are the reconquistas, MEChA MALDEF, La Raza, Brown Berets, ACLU.

The rest are just rapists, pedophiles, shop lifters, identity thieves, counterfeiters and sundry felons ! - and Democrats.

04-25-2010, 07:19 AM

The rest are just rapists, pedophiles, shop lifters, identity thieves, counterfeiters and sundry felons ! - and Democrats.

And it all works based on an infrastructure created by legal immigrants.

And they are Republicans.

04-25-2010, 07:52 AM
And it all works based on an infrastructure created by legal immigrants.

And they are Republicans.

How so?