View Full Version : Larry Naritelli for Governor?

02-07-2010, 04:10 PM
If Andrew Breitbart likes him, that's a good sign. Here's his website to check him out for Governor.


02-07-2010, 04:29 PM
What these politicians fail to mention is the population growth that is fuels by this invasion and how the invaders leaders keep telling them to breed more. That in itself requires more housing and use of our natural resource 'water'. We can not make water, we can not grow water. We can only shift it from one place (which takes it from others) to another. Water is not a limitless natural resource and the greater the population, the greater the need. California geographically is mostly dessert, and the cheapest land is in the dessert, so that is where the illegals and their anchors squat. The water is being shifted and spent on those area and all of California is paying the price. Politicians need to be honest with the public and the citizens of this state. We can't afford this invasion.

Ole Glory
02-07-2010, 06:17 PM
Oh sure Jean, what about Toilet to Tap. Yummy!:eek: